Home Icon Home Internship & Job Experiences All the work that went into bagging an internship at CRISIL -By Nehal Lodha from Institute of Management, Nirma University

All the work that went into bagging an internship at CRISIL -By Nehal Lodha from Institute of Management, Nirma University

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All the work that went into bagging an internship at CRISIL -By Nehal Lodha from Institute of Management, Nirma University

CRISIL is like a dream company for the students who pursue finance as their majors. Being the first one to be placed in the batch and that too in CRISIL filled me with joy. I never had a second thought of choosing this company over others. My internship at CRISIL shall always remain memorable throughout my career. Here is a brief of my internship journey at CRISIL.

I moved to Mumbai for my internship at CRISIL for 2 months. The opportunity of moving to a new city was exciting. This was the first time ever I lived so long in Mumbai and was one of the best stays. The experience from traveling alone, to searching for your own flat, cooking food, managing offices, and every other thing on your own was so good! And the best part I felt about Mumbai was the kind of weekend life I had there. 

The selection process of internship at CRISIL

The selection process was simple and clear. We received an invite from the placement committee for the finance major students, we filled the forms, and then our CV was shortlisted. From the actual invite, 40 students were selected for the aptitude test, out of which 21 were shortlisted for group discussion and then 10 for a personal interview. Finally, 3 students were selected for the summer internship at CRISIL that was held from April to June 2019.

A project that taught the CRISIL-way of doing things

My project was initiating coverage of a telecom company under the Global Research & Analyst Department, Mumbai. Based on core research and analysis, my work included web and market research, creating and running financial models, simulations, scenario analysis, etc.

Some of my major roles were to,

  • Track economic developments - global and domestic, trends in government policy, etc.
  • Conduct research on industry/sectors like key themes, trends, etc.
  • Conduct company research - analysis of financial statements, research on the business model, etc.
  • Contribute to my team’s effort by articulating their work in clear thought and laying out presentation or report

I got trained in the CRISIL way of doing things – with independence and analytical rigor. I developed a habit of tracking the financial environment such as economic developments and company performance, trends in government policy, and corporate governance among others. The feedbacks given were very descriptive and helpful. It was not just the mentor who helped but also the seniors who were equally supportive.

Moreover, the culture of being always together at CRISIL was what I loved the most. The seniors used to tell different aspects of their part of work and were always ready to help. This was balanced with partying together and having fun. I would always love to continue to be a part of this company because it is and it will forever be my dream company!

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