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Are you stuck creating a perfect Employer Branding Video?

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Are you stuck creating a perfect Employer Branding Video?

Did you ever realize that why Youtube became so famous and why only videos get viral? We human beings have five sense organs and it is a video which keeps at least three of our five senses engaged. 

According to various researches, viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading it in a text. Video has been till date used as a tool for marketing to reach out to consumers, however, slowly it has been inculcated into the field of Employer Branding as well.

Did you ever ponder about the different elements when joined together can form a great employer branding video?

Here are certain aspects that you might include in your employer branding video to make it stand out.

Set an Objective and Define your Audience

Why would you want to create this video and what do you want to showcase? These are two vital questions to be raised even before venturing further. As clarity brings forth better ideas it can streamline the effort without getting scattered.

Figuring out the audience you want to reach out should be a priority as a flashy and lively video would be appealing to viewers in their 20s but might be too high in energy for someone past that age.

Great Emotional Connexion

What makes us watch certain videos on Youtube without skipping them, even though they pop up in between our favourite song or video. It is the instant emotional connect it is successful in establishing with us. It hits the right chord of our heart.

Most of the time the content of the video revolves around our daily life, something which we are very close to yet we somehow skip from eulogising it. These videos do that very efficiently, it is a psychological gimmick. Your video should have that, keep it simple yet touching.

Do not focus on showing how big you are as a company and brag about your hefty infrastructure, a potential employee would be more interested in the life of employees and the workplace. Brief info about the infrastructure can be included strictly in relation to the employees, like how their contribution has made the institution to grow in size which in turn has benefited the employees with more comfort and facilities.

A public eye can easily sift through Authenticity

It will be more rewarding to be real rather than focusing more on hiding the flaws. Every institution has its own advantages and disadvantages which is understood by every individual and the majority of them would not even judge it. Try to incorporate as many real elements as possible as everyone is more interested in people over a machine.

Highlight real employees across all levels as your organization does not run only with the help of the CxOs. The video should showcase the unique things of your organization- be it a modern architecture, flexible working hours, team collaboration, mutual appreciation and respect that pervades the entire workspace.

Exemplify your core message in a creative way

Very few would like bland and direct Corporate message, so try to bring out the creative spirit to show beautiful things that convey the message clearly. There is an old proverb which states that seeing is believing. So instead of explaining more about your work culture, show your audience what it is like to work for your company. Are your employees dressed in an uptight business suit with pin drop silence everywhere and all are focused on the screen of their laptops? Or do you have a startup-like environment with your employees in shorts and denim? What products do you build? How is the office space? 

Show more genuinely smiling faces and some teamwork, show that working can be fun. Even though these clips might seem pretty normal things which are not displaying statistics or core business that the company is doing but these simple clips can have a huge impact on potential hires. Most of the new generation employees are smart workers and they prefer to have a proper workplace with sound ethics over a chaotic corporate office.

It is the healthy work environment that drives employees to work better and brings huge returns for the brand as well.

Be concise and incorporate an appropriate musical track

Time is precious these days and it will be hard to keep anyone focused on a long video. Try to make a concise video incorporating all the important things and try to convey the message in its entirety.

A perfect musical track can be a real attention grabber. Music drives you to focus better and studies have shown that music is the only tool that activates the creative right and the logical left brain simultaneous.

When it comes to Employer Branding there cannot be a definite path to be followed, however, one can easily play with their creative skills to bring out something which conveys the core central element which the employer wants to exhibit. 

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