Home Placement Prep Beyond Salary: What Else To Negotiate When Accepting A New Job!

Beyond Salary: What Else To Negotiate When Accepting A New Job!

Beyond Salary: What Else To Negotiate When Accepting A New Job!

“Opportunities don’t happen, you create them.” – Chris Grosser. Realizing your worth is a crucial part of your existence. Once you do, you’ll realize that the world you live in, gives you the least possible credits and still expects you to bring out the best in you. In the midst of finding your way out, you often fail to acknowledge the consequences of letting yourself get accustomed to the ways of the employer. What else should you do then? Don’t worry! Your silver lining isn’t very far away. To help you feel better about yourself, we have listed a few extras, beyond your salary, which you can negotiate while accepting a new job. 

Flexible Timings

While people do talk about the adequate balance between work and life, they fail to mention the importance of having flexible work hours. Depending on the hours that you’re most productive in, you can negotiate with the timings. If you’re required to give 9 hours a day and you aren’t a morning person, you can look for a solution where you’d deliver a better quality of work in lesser hours, being the most productive in those few hours. Another way out can be to work 9 hours a day, starting at 10, where the work hours begin at 9, and ending your day at 7, where the day ends at 6. This will ensure that you spend quality time in the office, in addition to balancing your work and life according to your habits and requirements. 

You can also negotiate for Fridays or Saturdays off and compensate for the same during weekdays. Try experimenting with the routine for a week or more and see if it works well with your employer. 

A better job-title

More often than not, we’re looking for non-monetary benefits. Making efforts for a better job title, that of a senior position is what can add greater value at times. This counts more than a simple raise and helps in establishing your value in the company. Apart from this, your abilities in innovation and your creativity might impress your prospective employer, which will count as an added benefit. It will also boost your confidence, making you feel that you’re a vital part of the organization. 

A severance package

In a world of uncertainties, you must make sure that you do not add one more in your account while accepting a job offer. If you aren’t already aware of what this term levies, a severance package ensures that you get due benefits in case you’re made to leave the company in cases of calamities or when the company merges with some other, leading to your job termination. This will also come in handy if in case your job fails to exist a year from now and you’re blatantly asked to step out. You’ll have a prepared backup in case things at your workplace go awry, helping you deal with tough scenarios. 

The option to work from home

Getting increasingly popular in recent times, the demand to work from home isn’t unreasonable. There might be days when you’d feel that working from home will produce better results than otherwise. All you need is to ensure that you negotiate for it well, taking care of the fact that you fulfill the employer’s needs. You can take leverage of this once you are confident enough to tie a bow to your idea and tell your employer that this would benefit the company. Make sure that you don’t drop this message up abruptly or begin with this idea in the first place. 

Bonuses and long-term incentives

An essential question that you must ask during your interview is about the bonuses and incentives that you should be looking forward to, in the organization. When joining a firm, you often are anticipating a long stay, giving at least two to three years of your time in the company. And when you’re willing to devote your efforts and time to the organisation, you expect certain returns which you should be sure of, beforehand. 

Salary shouldn’t be the only thing on your mind during your interview. You need a comfortable environment to work in, to call it your own, a workplace that values you and encourages you to give your best shot. Thus, negotiating well while accepting a job offer is vital to ensure your comfortable stay in the company. The above-mentioned points are a few relevant details that you must keep in mind before breaking the deal in front of your prospective employer. After all, making an effort is what matters in the end. Doesn’t it?   

MBA Engineering B-School Arts and Science
Updated On Updated On: 19 Oct'22, 01:01 PM IST