Schbang X Marksoc SBSC National Case Competition

- Low-cost structure
- The entry of many global giants into the Indian market
- Relaxation of FDI restrictions
- Strong capabilities in certain areas such as IT, management, engineering, etc.
Categories of Consulting Firms
- Industry Elite – They are the council for the top management of large corporations; they include Arthur D Little, AT Kearney, BCG, Bain & Co, McKinsey & Co, etc.
- The Big Four – They also help in strategy but their primary focus is on implementation. This group consists of Deloitte Consulting, Ernst & Young, KPMG and Pricewaterhouse Cooper
- Boutique Firms – These firms specialize in a particular field; they include Oliver Wyman ( financial services), Gartner (research), etc.
- IT specialists – They aid in the planning and implementation phase of companies that are involved in Computer systems, telecommunications, and internet. They include IBM, Accenture, etc.
- Human resource Advisers – they provide solutions in the domains of employee management, compensation, and pension programs. Hewitt Associates, Mercer, etc. belong to this category
- Independents – These are experienced business veterans who have expertise in a particular domain and are hired for their domain knowledge in a specific field
Types of Consulting Services
- Management/Strategy
- Human Resources
- Technology
- Marketing
- Legal/accounting
- Media/public relations
- Financial/investment
Challenges for Indian Consultancies
- Firstly, competition & differentiation – There is a need for Indian consultancies is to differentiate from the other global firms and specialize in specific fields
- Secondly, adoption of new Org. Structure – As firms are becoming more and more global and as more global companies are outsourcing their work to India, Indian firms need to adopt a style that is more suitable to their style
- Moreover, managing the knowledge flow – Firms find it difficult to leverage the organizational structure and the knowledge so that there exists a balance between using the current knowledge base and creating new knowledge
Trends in Consulting Industries
- Multi-Sourcing – Most companies nowadays do not stick to just one consultancy, instead they hire multiple consultancies and give multiple projects to them in order to optimize the results
- Fast Growth – With the consulting companies in India getting more and more demand from various global organizations in different domains, they are expanding at a fast pace and the big firms are hiring at a very fast pace and also they are acquiring smaller firms as well
- Offshoring – The consulting firms take large projects to form a client and further outsource the work to smaller firms in order to produce good quality work at a fast pace
- Premium Hiring
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