Dare2Compete is now Unstop! Celebrate Unstop Week with us!

Dare2Compete is now Unstop!
Rishta wahi, Identity nayi!
While my eyes are moist as I say goodbye to Dare2Compete, a brand I nurtured for the last few years, I am happy to start a new and refreshed beginning with Unstop.
Unstop is derived from our belief #BeUnstoppable as we move forward to connect the unstoppable talent (our users) to the world.
Why did we rebrand? With this rebrand, we wanted;
- A name that is shorter and can be remembered easily at first connect
- A name that could be spelled, written, and spoken by anyone across the world
- A name that provokes stronger action
- A name that signifies our belief #BeUnstoppable
- A name that truly depicts our users, who are indeed the unstoppable talent
- A name that makes us go beyond what we do today and pushes us to greater heights with larger scope and scale
What can you expect from Unstop?
- The same energy and passion that the team has always portrayed and you swear by
- A platform that empowers the unstoppable talent with better opportunities
- A more ambitious charter to catalyze the growth of the entire ecosystem, of which you are a key player
- New horizons that we explore together
Today is akin to when a parent sends their kid to college/playschool/abroad to study. A proud moment laden with excitement, a promise of possibilities, and yet the moist eyes. I am honored and glad to be sharing this very important day with you.
Shower us with love as we prepare for the next 300 million users worldwide.
How are we celebrating this big change?
Through Unstop Week, we aim to celebrate our new identity with you through various fun contests and giveaways:
- Guess What’s The Big Reveal?
- Instagram Filter Giveaway!
- Thanksgiving Giveaway!
I along with my complete team #TheUnstoppables look forward to serving you as Unstop.
Want to be a member of our family? What’s stopping you? Email at careers@unstop.com and we promise to encourage you to be you while learning new things & sharing precious moments.