Discidium 2021: Experience the masterpiece crafted for you

“Swear by innovation, creativity, growth, and find the best way to do the same things because you never know how great the outcome could be!”
Discidium, the most awaited festival of H.R. College of Commerce & Economics, along with rightly maintaining its legacy has widened its horizon to new aspects by going Pan India.
This multifaceted festival offers silver star events like Ad-O-Meter and Ring the Bell for the marketing and finance enthusiasts respectively that will surely be challenging yet fun; along with a brand new event called Spare the Change added to the list. Maintaining the legacy of Discidium, the gold star event Bizolympics will surely evoke the quiz wizard in you. Our events Ecoshastra and What An Idea will be a feather in the cap for all the budding economists and entrepreneurs out there.
The event heads, with their yearning to make everything they do creative and original, have put in great efforts and wit into planning them in a way to make it perfect from all aspects right from the concept of the event to the intricately designed scoring systems and rounds. For all the business tycoons, economic aficionados, finance, and marketing enthusiasts, Discidium covers it all.
Over this roller coaster ride of five years, Discidium has only been soaring high in the sky. From being an inter-collegiate festival in the previous year to be an inter as well as intra-collegiate festival, it has taken the high road with participating colleges and contingents increasing year by year.
Dream. Develop. Disrupt.
The 3D’s have been our motto ever since the inception of Discidium. Nothing stops us from dreaming, developing, and disrupting all the prejudices, not even the change of medium from offline to online.
With a committee of 18 members and 7 departments, led by the chairperson Mr. Somesh Goplani and vice-chairperson Priyanshi Chandel, Discidium is all set to put forward a series of enthralling events, on the 13th, 14th & 15th of February which will surely prove to be an overwhelming unexpected journey of learning, evolving and growing for both the participants and the committee!
The department heads as well as the event heads have been working tirelessly to make sure everything runs smoothly on the day. Innovating, creating, planning, and executing has become a part and parcel of their lives. The marketing department was successful in getting 17 sponsors on board this year. The PRM department has been working constantly in taking Discidium to new heights by widening its reach on various social media platforms along with the new department, Network & Outreach that takes care of the LinkedIn profile as well as other platforms requiring technical skills like AirMeet. The Technicals department is responsible for maintaining the aesthetics of the Instagram feed working with the PRM department. Taking special care of the needs of every event, our Admin. and Logistics Department is adept at it’s job. By putting their mediator skills to use, the College Coordination department works in giving the events the participation it needs. The only department that is handled by a single person is the Treasury that takes care of the financial needs and makes sure every penny counts.
All the departments work with each other for each other and it is that makes Discidium what it is.
Get ready to dream high, develop your skills, and disrupt all the prejudices as Discidium 2021 is back in its 5th consecutive year!
To know more details about the events of Discidium 2021 and to register for the same, kindly tap on the following link or scan the QR Code in the flyer.
Festival link- https://unstop.com/college-fests/DMOEenv
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