Home Newsroom JRF Recruitment At DRDO, CIAB & NABI For BE/B.Tech/M.Sc/ME/M.Tech Students

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JRF Recruitment At DRDO, CIAB & NABI For BE/B.Tech/M.Sc/ME/M.Tech Students

JRF Recruitment At DRDO, CIAB & NABI For BE/B.Tech/M.Sc/ME/M.Tech Students

The long-awaited Junior Research Fellowship 2023 at the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB), and National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI) has finally been released for application. Graduate and postgraduate students from engineering and science backgrounds who have completed or are waiting for their final degree certificate are eligible for the JRF position.

You are highly advised to read the details for the official notifications of each of the JRF 2023 recruiting bodies. A detailed overview of each official JRF notification with links is provided below. Read on and apply for the same before the deadline. 

DRDO JRF Recruitment 2023

Students looking to apply for the prestigious JRF at DRDO are advised to go through the detailed overview of the official notification for JRF recruitment before proceeding to fill out the application. 

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is the premier agency under the Department of Defence Research and Development in the Ministry of Defence of the Government of India, charged with the military's research and development, headquartered in Delhi, India. It was constituted in 1979 as a service of Group 'A' Officers / Scientists directly under the administrative control of the Ministry of Defence.

JRF recruiting body





INR 31,000 per month


02 years

Age limit


Eligible stream

BE/B.Tech or M.Sc/ME/M.Tech

Detailed application format in PDF  

Click here-DRDO JRF application 2023 format

Last date to apply

August 02, 2023

CIAB JRF Recruitment 2023

Students looking to apply for JRF positions at CIAB are advised to go through the detailed overview of the official notification for JRF recruitment before proceeding to fill out the application. 

Center of Innovative and Applied Bioprocessing (CIAB), an autonomous institute of the Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, is the only institute in the country that works mainly on Secondary Agriculture and the development of value-added products from different types of bioresources. Its mandate fits well with the Govt. of India`s program on “Doubling the Farmer's Income” with the same inputs. It also becomes more relevant in the present context when Indian Agriculture is going on a complete transformation with limited land resources and increasing input costs.

JRF recruiting body


Age limit

28 years

Eligible stream


Application format in PDF

Click here- CIAB JRF application 2023 format

Detailed PDF official CIAB JRF recruitment notification 2023

Click here- Official CIAB JRF Notification, 2023

NABI JRF Recruitment 2023

Students looking to apply for  JRF positions at NABI are advised to go through the detailed overview of the official notification for JRF recruitment before proceeding to fill out the application.

National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI) is the first Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute, established in India on 18th February 2010. The institute aims at catalyzing the transformation of the Agri-food sector in India. The main research focus of NABI is to harness biotechnological tools in the area of Agriculture Biotechnology, Food, and Nutritional Biotechnology so as to provide sustainable and novel solutions towards quality food and nutrition. 

JRF recruiting body



INR 31,000 per month


2 years


28 years

Eligible stream 

Graduate/Post Graduate with NET/CSIR UGC NET/GATE.  

Detailed PDF application notification JRF NABI, 2023

Click here- Detailed application notification JRF NABI 2023

Do not miss these amazing JRF opportunities. Grab and make the best use of them before it is too late. 

Best of Luck!

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Kaihrii Thomas
Associate Content Writer

Instinctively, I fall for nature, music, humour, reading, writing, listening, travelling, observing, learning, unlearning, friendship, exercise, etc., all these from the cradle to the grave- that's ME! It's my irrefutable belief in the uniqueness of all. I'll vehemently defend your right to be your best while I expect the same from you!

Updated On: 18 Jul'24, 02:08 PM IST