From Rancho To Chatur, 40 Hilarious Tweets That Every Engineer Will Relate To

Engineer’s Day, a day marking the birth anniversary of the Father of Engineer Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya, is fast approaching. And to commemorate the spirit of engineers across the nation, we thought, why not show some love to these poor souls (read engineers)?
So we went on a hunting expedition to scour the internet for 40 Engineer jokes and memes. While we can’t be 100% sure about how they will make you feel- maybe they will lead you back to your hostel days, the mess with half cooked yet best maggie ever, endless nights of cramming that culminate into making farras, or something else. But we are sure about one thing! By the end of this, we will definitely have pulled some teary-eyed laughs out of you.
So, dear engineers, brace yourselves because we are dusting out the best china in the house. (And it’s not like you have places to be anyway. Burn! Too much?)
On the bright side, it's already the weekend!
Happy Friday from Apex Waves! #NI #Nationalinstruments #technology #engineers #engineering #memes #friyay #apexwaves #jokes
— Apex Waves LLC (@ApexWaves) September 2, 2022
Can feel you bro😂🤝#engineers #MEMES
— Umang Agarwal (@umang_age) August 10, 2022
This one is so true-
"Woh engineer hi kya jisne backlog nahi khaya ho." #HostelLines #EngineerJokes
— Pritam Sharma (@VanDiablo) September 15, 2010
Dad: So what do you want to do when you grow up?
— World of Engineering (@engineers_feed) September 4, 2023
Kid: Engineering.
Dad: Great, so you want to become an engineer?
Kid: No, I want additional 4 years to decide what I want to do.
The ‘F’ in Engineering stands for fun.
— World of Engineering (@engineers_feed) September 1, 2023
Nothing is impossible!
How do you get an engineer to do something you want them to do?
— Dave Rix (@Hasgaroth) July 13, 2012
Tell them it's "impossible"...#engineerJokes
An oldie but a goldie-
Engineering jokes😂😂😂
— VATS 24 (@24_vats) June 6, 2022
Join us @vats24_valueadditiontostudies/ #memez #meme #funny #funnymemes #engineering #engineers #engineermemes #mechanicalengineering #civilengineering #boys #boysbelike #girls #dreams #dream #engineermemes #student
When another high priority ticket is assigned to me!#SoftwareDeveloper #Itsupport #developer #Engineering #programming #Coding #engineer #technology #Memes #WorkFromHome #Java #work #javaprogramming #engineers
— Ayesha Siddiqua (@Ayeshahanaan_) March 14, 2023
🚦 Engineers making traffic lights 30 feet apart that are never in sync:
— World of Engineering (@engineers_feed) August 20, 2023
Has this ever happened to you?
If an Engineer asks for ur number, it doesn't mean that he wants to date you, he may just want you to register for his home delivery startup
— EngiNerd. (@mainbhiengineer) September 15, 2016
🤓 Tag a friend who always messes up their code
— The Engineering Buzzcast (@EBuzzcast) August 28, 2023
-#Engineering #software #coding #memes #funny #stemeducation
One from the "Master Blaster"-
Happy Engineer's Day to all the future MBA students.
— Trendulkar (@Trendulkar) September 15, 2015
Why doesn't the #EngineersDay hashtag start with Happy? 😂
— Radhika Mundra (@radhikamundra99) September 15, 2016
For all the Electrical Engineers in the building!
What did the electrical engineer say when he got shocked?⚡
— khushhiiiii2462🇮🇳 (@khushhiiiii2462) July 30, 2020
"That Hertz!"#engineerslanguage #engineerjokes
Q: What does an electrician have for breakfast? (Reddit—Dadjokes, July 23)
— Barry Popik (@barrypopik) August 4, 2022
Q: What does an electrical engineer have for breakfast? (@abdokattab, 2013)
A: An ohmelette.#riddles #jokes #puns #omelette #ohm
The Reality!
Great job for Automation Testing Engineer 🤣🤣#automation #IT #Engineer #DevOpsMemes #DevOpsSchool #scmGalaxy #Memes #Jokes #Funny #humour
— DevOpsSchool (@DevOpsSchools) October 22, 2020
"Beta tere liye rishta aaya hai, ladki Bhi Engineer hai"
— InGenious (@Bees_Kut) October 31, 2014
"Lekin Maa dono berozgaar honge to ghar kaise chalega!!!"
Why did you want to become an engineer? (Or did you, at all?)
"Reasons to become an engineer! #stem #stemjoke #engineering #steam #stemeducation #fun"
— TeachEngineering (@TeachNgineering) August 15, 2023
Basic Rule of programming:
— Ashu (@slothful999) March 17, 2023
If your code is working properly
Don't touch it #Memes #codinglife #engineers
Mechanical Vs. Civil-
Q: What's the difference between a mechanical engineer and a civil engineer?
— Engineer Jokes (@engineerjokes) September 3, 2013
A: One builds bombs, the other builds targets.
How can you tell when an engineer is an extrovert. He stares at YOUR shoes while he talks to you.#jokes
— Toots N Such (@Tootsnsuch) August 27, 2023
A Joke- Why Was Everyone Surprised When The Engineer Had A Bad Temper?
— MyMelodyOfTheHeart (@MyMelodyOfTheH1) August 28, 2023
He Was Supposed To Be Civil. #joke #jokes #humor #comedy
What's a transportation engineer's favorite flavor of ice cream?
— Andrew (Andy) Maynard (@thenerdofmay) May 14, 2020
Rocky Road! #jokes
If we had a dime for every time someone said this to us!

As if there aren't already enough bugs to go around!
Happy Friday everyone! #TGIF #FridayFun #EngineerJokes #ProgrammerJokes
— Xpert Direct (@XpertDirect) May 6, 2022
Who cares for logic? Psst, you chose engineering, so you certainly don't!
The code be like: I ain't got time for logical reasoning, let's just throw some bugs in there and watch you suffer.#coding #programming #bugs #engineers #memes #weekend #codingmemes #python #programminglanguages #codinglife #theoffice #theofficememes
— SkilloVilla (@SkilloVilla) May 26, 2023
Question : What is an array? Ans : An array is a word used to call a friend. eg: array idhar aa, array kya kar rha hai etc. #engineerjokes
— pat springleaf (@dozingdodo) November 4, 2011
Been there, done that!
Friend: Bhai 30 minute se call laga rha hu kaha hai?
— Sarcastic Cowboy (@SarcasticCowboy) September 25, 2022
IT Engineer on Friday night : Nashe me#jokes #pjs
Q: What does a software engineer worry most about?
— Shubham Shrivastava (@Shubham29o3) September 15, 2021
A: LOG kya kahenge?#engineerjokes #Engineering #EngineersDay #just_engineering_things
When did the engineer find the missing colon?
— Sarah Leon (@snicoleon) November 15, 2020
In testin'.@RobertGonzalez @1995Ethereal #programming #jokes #SoftwareEngineer
Does it get any truer?
Emojis for Engineers 😑#Engineering #Engineers #memes
— Engineering Passion (@EnginePassion) May 9, 2021
Ready to take on the world!
When you are fresh out of college and you think you know everything. #EngineeringMeme
— Engineering Memes (@EngrMemes) September 28, 2017
One for the proud engineer parents!
A special msg to those parents who told us agar engineer nahi bane to tumhara kuch nahi hoga.Banke bhi kuch nahi ho raha hai. #EngineersDay
— SwatKat💃 (@swatic12) September 15, 2017
Who are we? Indians!
— 🇮🇳 (@Ojasism) August 16, 2016
What do we want? Olympic medals!
How about excelling your own kid in a sport? "Pehle usse engineer toh banne do!"
Have a nice week!#networks #cybersecurity #covid19 #infosec #engineers #Telecommunications #malware #udp #tcp #Hacking #humorViral #humor #Memes
— High Tech Magazine (@Hi_TechTrends) June 23, 2020
Here’s hoping that since you've already survived 4 years of engineering, a little sharp humor won’t do any damage.
My #engineer friend getting married #EngineeringJobs #engineers #MEMES
— Grumpy_doctor (@Grumpy__doctor) May 28, 2020
Aww man.
— Engineering Memes (@EngrMemes) January 3, 2014
This #EngineersDay is dedicated to all those who were in CS/IT/EC (Not You Mechanical) & yet remained SINGLE throughout their engineering.😥😂
— Humour Thoughts (@HumourThoughts) September 15, 2017
Well, jokes apart, engineers are really important to the progress of the nation. And you all matter!
— World of Engineering (@engineers_feed) August 19, 2023
unless you multiply yourself by the speed of light² , then you energy.
No seriously! Countless engineers have played monumental roles in the development of our country. What are you waiting for? Head on to the comments sections and let us know which of these Engineer jokes you relate to the most. Better yet, share some new ones with us!
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