Home Newsroom How To Fail UPSC Civil Services Exam? IAS Officer Shares Tips In A Witty Video

How To Fail UPSC Civil Services Exam? IAS Officer Shares Tips In A Witty Video

How To Fail UPSC Civil Services Exam? IAS Officer Shares Tips In A Witty Video

The prestigious Civil Services exam is considered as the toughest exam to crack in India. With a success rate of merely 25%, students often look for tips and tricks to crack the exam. The internet is filled with several videos of former IAS officers boosting the confidence of aspirants. However, in spite of being a highly valued program, Civil service exams have also been the center of jokes (memes), thanks to their difficult nature. One such recent incident came into light when IAS officer Awanish Sharan shared a video on twitter, educating the aspirants in a witty manner.

How To Fail UPSC Civil Services Exam?

On November 8, 2021, Awanish Sharan shared a twitter video explaining the ways one can fail UPSC Civil service exams. Yes, you heard it right! 

The video shares a long list of qualities, one should possess, or one shouldn’t possess.

Being an IAS Officer, Mr. Sharan has undergone a similar experience when he had appeared for his Civil service examinations. Having first-hand experience of the entire process, surely there is a lot to learn from the IAS officer. Playing the game of perspectives, Mr. Sharan has mentioned ways one can crack the exam. 

What did Awanish Sharan had to share?

Awanish Sharan, while explaining the strategy, has switched perspectives and explained how to fail a UPSC Civil service examination. Making things easy for you, we have handpicked the important characteristics required to clear a UPSC exam and excel with flying colours. 

  1. Start with a proper strategy 
  2. Do not change your strategy often
  3. Don’t follow multiple strategies at once
  4. Make your own custom plan (which suits you)
  5. Focus on every mock test, not only prelims 
  6. Focus on everything: Ethics, essays and optionals
  7. Prepare for optionals since the start
  8. Read newspaper daily
  9. Read the editorial section of the newspaper
  10. Focus on quality, not quantity
  11. Read the books which you find interesting
  12. Do not read books just for the sake of it 
  13. Be exam-oriented 
  14. Revise the subjects. It is the key to crack the exams
  15. Read NCERT books thoroughly 
  16. Progress with small steps
  17. Reward yourself after small achievements 
  18. Completely understand UPSC Mains syllabus
  19. Analyze past year’s question papers
  20. Practice mocks for prelims as well as mains
  21. Socialize, but judiciously
  22. Be consistent 
  23. Do not lose momentum 
  24. Practice maximum number of MCQs
  25. Start answer writing during your preparation 
  26. Believe in yourself 
  27. Never procrastinate 
  28. काल करे सो आज कर, आज करे सो अब 

The New Sensation

Ever since the upload, the video has gone viral with over 70,000 views and has gained around 6000 likes. The video has been retweeted 1400 times.

Although intentionally portrayed in a funny way, the video has a lot to offer. Coming from an IAS officer himself, UPSC aspirants can learn a lot through this video, which will help them excel in the mains.


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Updated On: 16 Nov'21, 06:23 PM IST