IIM Calcutta in 2nd Position as per Financial Times MIM Global Ranking

IIM Calcutta has been ranked 2nd best business school in the country as per Financial Times (FT) ranking of masters in management (MIM) 2018, globally.
Every year FT conducts MIM survey and this year around 104 schools around the world took part in it. IIM Calcutta has improved its ranking from 28th position last year to 23rd position in 2018. IIM Calcutta also has been ranked as the 3rd best in Asia Region.
In the words of Dr.Prashant Mishra, the Dean of New Initiatives & External Relations, "We are happy that our efforts towards continuous improvement in our overall efforts are being acknowledged by international agencies."
The announcement also expressed that based on the ratings given by 2015 graduates of their own programme (Subject-wise), IIM Calcutta had been ranked the best in Economics and claims the seventh spot in Finance as being taught at the business schools.”
According to another survey, Global MBA Ranking 2018, IIM Calcutta is at the 78th spot out of top 100 best business schools around the world.
(Source: Business Standard)
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