10 Years, 10 Learnings, And The Great Empire of Experience: My Journey With TATA - Sridevi Chavali, TAS Batch 2009

You know what they say, no matter who you are or where you’re from - don’t be afraid to reach for the stars. That line in itself pretty much sums up my story.
I’ve been working for the Tata Group for over a decade now. I come from a small town in Andhra Pradesh. I left home when I was around 14 years old to pursue my education and interests in mechanical and aerospace engineering - and I haven’t looked back since. Today, I work as the Head of Operations, Tata Advanced Systems Ltd, Jigani, Bangalore.
I’ve always firmly believed that one shouldn’t count the days in their life, but the life in their days. My 10 years in Tata have given me quite an empire of experience - and I’m super pumped to outline them for you! So, without further ado, let’s dive right into it.
Nothing in life is set in stone
I tried to stick with an idea of what my career graph should look like, but that graph didn’t last for long. Ask yourself, no matter how much you plan - won’t there always be variables you will miss out on? Be flexible and take it as it comes (that’s how I am here at Tata today!)
It's not what’s on paper, but what’s in-person that counts
In my group discussion round for the TAS selection, there were 5 of us. Out of which 2 were super smart on paper.The funnyy thing is thatint the end, it wasn’t those two, but the other 3 who got selected for TAS. Including me!
Honesty gets you places
I remember in the final round for TAS the CFO asked me, ‘Sridevi, what is the purpose of your life?’. I had honestly never given it a thought - and that’s exactly what I told the panel. I drank a glass of water and then only answered what came to my heart (they were impressed)!
Believe in the impossible
Fun fact - when I was on the Bharat Darshan after being selected for TAS, I visited a factory that Ratan Tata had inaugurated. I was totally enamoured by it. Little did I know that 10 years down the line, I would be one of the core people managing that factory!
Small experiences make up the larger picture
In the 4 projects I did as a TAS manager, I did everything from being on the shopfloor to interacting with international customers, to aiding women in a rural area. What was my takeaway? When you’re open to discovering and experiencing something new, you learn things you didn’t even know you needed to learn!
Foster relationships that will last a lifetime
I can never forget the women I met in a small village, during my CSR stint for TAS. I saw and helped them with their struggles first hand. Even the NGO workers there didn’t have something as basic as an Email ID - until I helped them with it. The best part is that even after the project, the women kept in touch with me and sent me images of themselves. Looking at those images not only made me feel special but also satisfied to have contributed to making a difference.
You will always have to make space for yourself
Many of the roles that I have been a part of here at Tata have been largely popularised by males rather than females. It can get a bit intimidating, but I learnt that there is no mould in this world that exists for you - you have to go out there and make your own mould. (With that confidence, I achieved a lot more than I thought I could)
You’re only as strong as your team
When the pandemic struck, we were all obviously dealing with unchartered territories. Without physically meeting people and without the energy to work together under one roof - it can get tough. But it is only team work, that makes the dream work (just as applicable even in a pandemic).
Mentorship can help you sail right
If it wasn’t for my regular interactions with the CEO, CFO and high-level leadership, who constantly gave me feedback, shared bite-sized advice and provided guidance, I wouldn’t be aware of half of the things I know today. Access to leadership is important. There’s no better wisdom than that which comes from experience.
Do what makes you feel alive
What really pumps me, is knowing that I am part of something big, it is knowing that I am doing something that is making a large-scale difference. That is what helps me get out of bed and give it my all. And if that’s not happening for you, something needs to change.
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