The secret to staying focused during virtual classes

The Internet has been a saviour during these unexpected tough times. The lockdown has led to the days where the need of the internet is more than ever. Not only our jobs but our education too depends on the internet. Since the commencement of the lockdown, we all have been hooked to the internet for our learning. The Internet has made it possible for us to continue our education irrespective of the ongoing crises. Attaining online learning seems to require much more attention than regular classes. E-learning is the new normal and is helping turn into an intellectual opportunity. Usually, these virtual classes turn out to be monotonous as the perks of physically attending college is lacking. Here are a few tips and tricks that will help you stay focused during virtual classes.
The lockdown has disrupted our normal routines. We tend to sleep late and get up late, which does not help with learning. Having a good sleep can make us feel refreshed and active which makes it easy for us to pay attention during the online classes.
Pick an attentive spot
During online classes, it is necessary to find a place that can help us keep our focus. Prefer a comfortable place and create a study atmosphere so that you can stay focused during virtual classes. Don’t go to places like a bed or sofa that are too comfortable, and at the same time affect our posture. Try to emulate the table and chair set up that you would normally have in an actual classroom.
Go offline
The definition of being online has changed, especially when talking about e-learning. Ensure that you are online but not on social media and other things that can distract you. Students should go for an offline mode which will help you concentrate on the classes. Make sure to turn your mobile off and log out of all social media applications.
Take a Break
For any student, taking a break between classes is essential. During virtual classes taking a break is important. A student should not push oneself to exceed the limit and not sit for long hours for virtual classes. During these breaks ensure that you stretch your legs and back. Make sure that the break does not involve screen time of any sort.
There is a plan
Make a list of course tasks you need to accomplish every day - reading, doing homework, quizzes, taking exams, answering discussion boards, and so on. Setting a reasonable timeframe for each of your tasks can help you avoid postponing and will make you attentive towards the course.
Organized background
While attending classes physically, we have everything we need, but during the virtual classes, we get casual. We need to keep all the necessary stationery and notes within a hands' reach so that we don’t have to go looking for them mid-class. Not doing so will eventually break the flow of concentration. An organized desk can help us in being more attentive during the lecture.
A virtual study buddy
Having a study buddy means that you recreate the same comradery and companionship you would otherwise have while attending regular classes. Find a responsible study buddy with whom you can meet online, once every week and catch up on the progress. This is a kind of symbiotic relationship that will help either parties stay the course.
Dress code
While attending online lectures, we must make sure to be comfortably dressed but not too comfortable. Wearing sweatpants or PJ's will make it hard to pay attention during the class. One should prefer wearing something that is both comfortable and helps in maintaining the focus. One tends to focus more when they are dressed beautiful and smart.
Amid the lockdown and being in quarantine, e-learning has been a huge support and has created an intellectual way to cope with the ongoing pandemic. Being attentive will help us in making the most out of these online classes. The above-mentioned tips will come in handy and help us remain focused during the virtual classes.