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This IIM-A graduate deferred McKinsey’s job offer to work with J&K government & launched a flagship scheme

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This IIM-A graduate deferred McKinsey’s job offer to work with J&K government & launched a flagship scheme

Bhartendu Verma, a recent graduate from IIM Ahmedabad has set an example of following one’s passion to bring a change in society. The young man has hit the news for deferring a Consultant job offer from McKinsey & Company and joining Jammu & Kashmir to work with Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha.

Bharatendu was supposed to join McKinsey & Company in May 2021. However, his interest in governance made him travel to J&K amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and intern with the government for multiple key projects. According to recent reports, IIM A will be teaching an academic case on how he worked on conceptualizing and launching the flagship scheme - HAUSLA, in less than 10 weeks.

What is HAUSLA?

Giving a shining ray of hope amidst the challenging Corona times, Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, Manoj Sinah proposed HAUSLA: the largest flagship program for training women entrepreneurs of J&K. Certain key takeaways of the initiative are:

  • Amongst other such undertakings of the government, Bharatendu has been one of the key individuals in planning and carrying out this full-fledged program aimed at giving management training and customized mentorship to the members. 
  • Under the scheme,  other series of measures are likewise directed to give market linkages, monetary help, and promoting help to women-driven businesses of J&K. 
  • Coordinated by JKTPO and banded together with India's local web-based business commercial center, Flipkart, 'HAUSLA' is a women-centric training program that will span a period of five months, and is primarily focused on the women entrepreneurs and business visionaries of J&K. 
  • The presence of Flipkart aims at giving an expanded market coverage and showcasing support for the product of these budding women entrepreneurs.
  • The program, which is being known as the 'biggest women business venture program of J&K' was set in motion on the 29th June 2021 by the LG where he commended Bharatendu during his discourse to the public.

“Today I would also like to congratulate a young man behind this scheme – Bharatendu, a graduate of IIM Ahmedabad and his team who have started this programme for existing and aspiring women entrepreneurs of J&K”. “The team has been working in a systemic manner for the last few months to ensure proper national & international market linkages, financial support, training, mentorship and marketing support can be provided to the women of J&K”, LG Manoj Sinah addressed.

SIGMA (Students for Involved Governance and Mutual Action)

Along similar lines, last year Abhishek Singh, an IAS officer joined hands with several undergraduates of IIM Ahmedabad and began a group called SIGMA (Students for Involved Governance and Mutual Action). It is an autonomous youth research organization composed of  IAS Officers and dedicated understudies from IITs and IIMs.

  • Undertaking several COVID-19 related aids and relief projects- United by Blood
  • Working towards re-employment of migrant workers whose livelihoods suffered a major loss due to the COVID-19 enforced lockdown- Ektara Helpline

Presently showing others how it's done, the head of SIGMA, Bharatendu Verma, will direct the case as an illustration of how Government intercession and backing can prompt the execution of the right approaches and efficacious impact.

What does Bharatendu have to say?

At the point when inquired as to why he chose Jammu and Kashmir Bharatendu said, "I unequivocally feel for individuals of J&K and the Union Territory remains as a cherished memory to me. Also, I have been by and by truly enlivened from Manoj Sinha sir - his stupendous track record of remarkable administration and public assistance for over thirty years, his unpretentious starting days beginnings from student politics at IIT-BHU, and his unmistakable vision about development makes me admire him. In this way, when I considered accomplishing something effective for the society, I promptly kept in touch with sir, looking for a chance to provide my valuable contribution." 

Talking about his experience so far in J&K, Bharatendu says, "I have appreciated the ideal harmony between getting direction and opportunity to innovate. It is very inspiring to run upon such countless administrators and authorities who are making special efforts to get J&K on the tracks of advancement. I feel truly glad to have had the chance to work for the individuals of J&K and contributed the best possible I could. By and large, It has been a genuinely satisfying experience for me.”

“Nowadays that the public authority is empowering subject matter experts and young talents to come in, I am quite hopeful that I will be able to rouse more experts to contribute their bits to the governance and administration.” He added.

Bharatendu Verma also received numerous praises from other officials and bureaucrats for his remarkable national spirit and utmost display of work passion.

Going all praises for Bharatendu, IAS and actor Abhishek Singh said, "This wonderful tour of duty by Bharatendu and our past experiences with SIGMA show that the prevalent thinking of resistance to innovation in administration isn't correct. There are sufficiently enthusiastic and energetic individuals in government(s) and organization who are open and inviting of experts and understudies in administration."

This is not the first time Bharatendu has displayed his exemplary leadership skills. Being at the position of Students' Union President at Shri Ram College of Commerce in 2017 and Batch Representative at IIM Ahmedabad 2019-21, he has set an example for how to make the right use of the position and the powers allotted.


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