This is how Avik acquired the skills for supply chain management | Avik Pramanick - DoMS IIT Roorkee

Supply Chain Management
My prime job was to maintain and streamline the supply chain of the company. I planned the functioning of the projects all over India on the basis of requirements given by the Project Team. I ensured all the materials got delivered to the locations in advance so that there was no delay in the completion of the projects.

I procured different materials for fulfilling the requirements of all the ongoing and upcoming projects by selecting vendors, establishing payment terms and lead time. I have also dealt with warehousing partners to store excess inventories.

Inventory Mapping
All the inventories are planned in such a way so that they reach the destination in the shortest time with the minimum freight cost. I preferred to map vendor on a regional basis i.e sending materials from vendors of the northern region to north India projects and so on.
Vendor Management
I dealt with multiple high profile vendors for material supply. Also, I used to hold meetings with them to discuss our requirement and get quotes for their product. I negotiated with them and got the lowest price with sustainable quality.
A comparative analysis is done on all the quotes and lead time, and the order is placed with few of them. Moreover, I used to place orders with at least two vendors for a single item. In case if one failed, the other one could supply the same.
How Supply Chain Management and Procurement helped me grow at Stanza Living
As supply chain management and procurement are the backbones of operation management, they have given me great exposure in the domain of operation of an organization. Also, I learned to plan things in a manner to reduce time and cost. Moreover, I have also learned to negotiate with vendors while placing a bulk order.
I have done a couple of factory visits in which I have gone through the production process of different materials. Moreover, I have also suggested how the process can be made more efficient while saving time using proper production plan.
I have also attended a couple of ERP demo given by top agencies. Also, I have helped my team customizing ERP for our organization. It has given me sound knowledge of ERP as well.
In the latter stages, I initiated the planning and organizing vendor comparative to place orders for upcoming projects. I learned how to manage multiple works simultaneously in peak season time and also planning for next season.
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