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Throw Yourself Into VISION 2021 - Annual Intercollegiate Symposium by CEG

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Throw Yourself Into VISION 2021 - Annual Intercollegiate Symposium by CEG

The Department of Electronics and Communication of College of Engineering Guindy (CEG) brings to you Vision - the annual intercollegiate symposium organized at a national level. For the past 25 years, Vision has been acting as a platform for both young and experienced industry practitioners, researchers and builds users to share experiences and develop networks. 

Students from all over the country exhibit their progress in cutting edge technologies and showcase their talents in hardware, software and paper presentations. Furthermore, it motivates students through workshops held by industrial experts and keynote speakers from diverse fields to share their experiences.

The effulgent VISION 2021 with 18+ energizing events and 5+ wondrous workshops is all set to premiere on the 15th of April and will continue till 17th April, 2021. 

What’s in Vision 2021?

Diving into the diverse events that are going to be held, the symposium holds in place a variety of technical, non-technical and a whole lot more extravaganza. 

Technical Events

All the Electronics enthusiasts out there can energize their brains and unleash their hidden potential in fun and unique ways by taking part in technical events. All the thought-provoking questions are bound to quench the daily dose of electronics for the quizzing minds.

Non-Technical Events

Then plunging into the non-technical events, Vision 2021 will just let people's inventiveness run riots. Be ensured to avail best of the opportunities to show off the enlightenment towards the craze of media. 


Engage yourself in the following workshops to expand your knowledge in the contemporary technologies which are sure to rule the future:

  1. Data Science and Artificial Intelligence by Micron- A gripping masterclass for all the Data Science and AI fiends.
  2. Python and Cloud Computing by Agilisium- A session aimed at enabling and empowering individuals to imagine and invent new possibilities.
  3. Emerging Communication Technologies Masterclass by BSNL-The workshop will feature an extensive array of modern telecommunication technologies like Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud Computing, 5G Technology and Mobile Communication.
  4. Electric and Hybrid Vehicles by Smartknower-A masterclass to explore the budding technologies and the latest revolution in the field of automobiles.
  5. Building Virtual Robots with Coppeliasim by the Robotics Club of CEG- Visualize and design robots virtually using this popular Robotics Simulation Software.

Register at https://unstop.com/college-fests/vision-21-college-of-engineering-ceg-guindy-11000 and make the most out of this opportunity. Start your countdowns and get ready for another astounding edition of our very own Vision!

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