What I learned during my internship at Sangmyung University in South Korea -By Aseem Saini from IIIT Delhi
Internships allow you to explore beyond credits, grades and money. It allows students to explore new situations, work practices, and problem-solving strategies. Instead of learning these things in your first office, internships can provide you with a good way to learn these skills and use them with confidence in your future career. Internship at Sangmyung University turned out to be an essential and important milestone.
This is how it started
The international game development internship was the result of a collaboration between the TCS-Centre for Design and New Media in IIIT Delhi and Sangmyung University in South Korea. This internship helped boost our confidence and skills. It focuses on game development with an international team of Korean students.
It all started when the Korean team visited my college and organized a competition to develop some games in a given amount of time. Game development is the best profession to pursue as it is unique and carries a high scope of success. Sangmyung University is one of the best colleges in Korea for game-development. Out of all the students I and my friend Devesh Yadav got selected for the summer internship.
The courses we studied at IIIT Delhi for game development was enlightening and helped us grasp many skills. All the knowledge we had accumulated helped us throughout our internship and made our progress better. The Korean team greatly appreciated our ideas and designs.
The only source of knowledge is experience
During our internship at Sangmyung University, we learned how to make professional games by preparing a game design document, working on the game, and launching it further in the market. After working on the internship, we realized how much planning was needed to make a good game. Instead of randomly working on a project, you need to plan every little detail before starting. The team we were involved with, was very experienced and motivated.
During our internship, we participated in the Game-Jam Competition at Sangmung University and competed with other Korean teams. The judges and Korean students appreciated our game and gave us special heartfelt wishes. Our work was appreciated and exhibited internationally. This was an exceptionally happy moment for us
Heartfelt gratitude
We made many new friends there, and they were very helpful during our stay. We would like to thank our professor and our mentor Professor Kim. He was very accommodating and helpful.
Overall, the internship was very successful and helped us to elevate our career. We plan to work and apply the knowledge we have learned during our internship in our upcoming lives. I thank "TCS - Center for Design and New Media (CDNM) at IIT-Delhi" for providing us with this wonderful opportunity to intern at Sangmyung University in South Korea. The internship was a life-changing experience for both of us.
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