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Working at Deloitte, a dream come true! -By Udita Nayak from XIMB Bhubaneswar

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Working at Deloitte, a dream come true! -By Udita Nayak from XIMB Bhubaneswar

The entire saga of landing an internship amidst our erratic schedules, makes me wonder how most fortunate things happen in your life. The most enriching experience in my life had its own share of ups and downs. I can vividly recall the night when the list came out. I was down with high fever and somehow my bed became my only comfort zone. Out of nowhere, I got a call from my friend at 1 am, who informed me that I was shortlisted for the process. Also, I have to admit that this was the most pleasant news in an unpleasant situation. Ultimately, working at Deloitte was a dream come true for me.

The circumstances demanded me to leave my comfort zone and pull up my socks to face new challenges. Moreover, the company was my dream company right from the time I joined this college. My quest began by reading about the “company of the hour”. The stakes were high as Deloitte USI was visiting our campus.

The selection process consisted of two round

    1. Case Study Round


    1. Interview Round

Right from the beginning, things began to fall into place. I cleared the case study round and moved to the interview round which followed numerous parameters. It included communication skills, past work experience, corporate knowledge, situation-based questions and so on. Then I arrived at the most awaited moment. To my surprise, I heard the name of my company. It was an overwhelming feeling which was very difficult to explain. That day filled my heart with utmost joy. 

Working at Deloitte with a new beginning

Deloitte is well-known for its rich work culture. The company values the importance of a diverse and inclusive workplace. I was able to witness all this right from the first day at work. During our orientation program, we had illustrious leaders of the company imparting their valuable insights. These extraordinary people actually wore an additional hat to guide us. After the orientation, one thing that hit me hard was that Deloitte values its employees as assets and firmly believes in investing in them to bring out their best version.

There is a continuous process of learning while working at Deloitte, which no one can undermine. If you really want to shape yourself as an efficient resource, Deloitte is the place to go. This can also be attributed to the fact that Deloitte holds a position among the “Big-four”, which further boosts its image as a desirable workplace.

Deloitte USI has a well-structured Internship Programme. Also, it assigns its interns a buddy and a mentor from the day one of the commencement of the program. Your buddy and mentor help you in every possible way to make the whole transition from Campus-to-Corporate a smooth experience.

My job role at Deloitte

I worked as a consultant. My job role demanded me to come out of my comfort zone and make the best use of this opportunity. I was working under the umbrella of Enterprise Operations. I was working on the FICO module to identify accounting malpractices that happen in a number of companies, irrespective of their size. The project was intriguing. In order to come up with the best possible solutions, I had to dive deep into the field of accounting. This was highly challenging for me as I had no finance background. Nonetheless, I happily embarked on the journey of learning something new and exciting every day, to hone my skills and enhance my knowledge. Though the two months of my internship were highly demanding and rewarding at the same time. 

What makes Deloitte special?

After working at Deloitte for two months, I interacted with a number of senior consultants, managers and senior managers to get a better understanding of various processes. This was essential to successfully complete my project. Initially, I was a bit hesitant, but after talking to my buddy, I understood what is the real meaning of “Open Door Policy” in the context of Deloitte. No matter how busy these senior leaders were, they always tried to find time to address my queries. This helped me not only in terms of my project but also gave me a crucial exposure to the life of a consultant. My time to time interactions helped me in understanding a plethora of things, which will definitely provide my career the much-needed buoyancy.

Deloitte’s rich work culture is an outcome of the efforts of its people, who believe in supporting each other in every possible way. Moreover, they together build a collaborative and conducive space, where you can thoroughly enjoy your work. It is a place where you will enjoy your Mondays. You know that you are not only investing your time in the “company” but also in yourself. 

This article was submitted as a part of Become an Author conducted by Dare2Compete.

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