Webinar on "Portfolio Investment and Email Etiquette" by Ms. Jyoti Duggal

Cerebro Team: The Financial Literacy Academy

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All that you need to know about Webinar on "Portfolio Investment and Email Etiquette" by Ms. Jyoti Duggal

Cerebro Kids is organizing another exciting webinar, this time on the topic "Portfolio Investment and Email Etiquette." Cerebro Kids is an IIT-IIM alumni Ed-Tech initiative that has the vision to make students financially literate, by exposing them to various real-life financial concepts like financial decision-making, taxes, saving and investments, etc. from an early age. Whatever profession anyone goes for in life, the ultimate goal is to earn money. We prepare kids to be prudent about that hard-earned money, and this skill does not come overnight.

Topic of the Webinar: Portfolio Investment and Email Etiquette

Date: August 14, 2021

Time: 6 PM - 7 PM

Speaker: Ms. Jyoti Duggal

Speaker Details:

  • Ms. Jyoti Duggal is an analyst at Accenture with over 5+ years of experience
  • She was a first division holder until post graduation.

Certificate of participation will be given to all attendees! 

What are the important dates & deadlines?

  • 14 Aug'21, 05:00 PM IST Registration Deadline

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