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4 books that every engineer should read

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4 books that every engineer should read

Every book is a page turner to someone out there. Books since time immemorial have managed to transpond us to a universe of our liking. From Harry Potter to the Shiva trilogy or Ikigai, The japanese secret to a long and happy life, we all have our go-to. And for those who cannot contain their imagination and energy between the cover of a book tend to browse through content online! Books, although still important, are being compensated by content online. Now in this transition from hardcover to a soft copy let's not miss out on important information that can help us grow. This one is especially curated for engineers, the backbone of our economy and society. Here is our recommendation for books that every engineer should read.


In a literal sense, refactoring is a controlled technique which is used to improve the design of the existing code. If you are a developer then this is the book for you. In this book, Martin Fowler explains that usually codes get messy when they are being dealt with data structures, dependencies and language limits, providing a great solution that can transform the code in a more readable version. This book is like a catalogue of refractors that you can reach out to whenever you wish to make your code better and give it a more solid shape.

Know more about the book here: https://martinfowler.com/books/refactoring.html

The Phoenix Project

This is one of the most interesting book titles ever. When you read just the title, you might start associating it with development and rebirth as that is what a phoenix is mostly known for. This book basically gives an insight into the working of a big company to readers. Here the writer talks about the DevOps and tries to integrate it with IT. Throughout the book, the protagonist is working towards improving the communication in the IT department to prove it to be a business enabler rather than a business burden.

The philosophy of The Three Ways discussed in the book will help you in learning how you can maximize workflow in an organisation. Throughout the book, the focus is on ‘need to speed’. This book will definitely give you a new perspective about IT and the storyline will keep you engrossed throughout.  

Read the complete book here: https://itrevolution.com/wp-content/uploads/files/PhoenixProjectExcerpt.pdf

The Clean Coder

Coding is usually considered tough by many. Learning a new programming language is never easy so what exactly is The Clean Coder all about? This book is less about the technique and more about the attitude. Through this book readers will learn how to be a software craftsman and develop the attitude of one. The book provides a really good detailed description of how a professional developer should behave. 

This book will definitely help you in learning a lot as it discusses and answers questions like how to deal with a conflict, tight schedules, routine, handling pressure, getting consistent results from working on a project etc. If you want to make a career in this field then this should definitely be your go to book.

Click on the link to read the book now: https://ptgmedia.pearsoncmg.com/images/9780137081073/samplepages/0137081073.pdf

Never Split the Difference

Negotiation is an art which a person learns via practice. This book will give you the Crime Thriller vibes as the protagonist is the FBI agent and on a daily basis he is conversing with a number of criminals as he is the hostage negotiator. In this book, Chris Voss has shared nine techniques that can help you in becoming more persuasive in your personal and professional life.

This book is not related to IT per se and is based on the real-life experiences that the author had when he worked as an FBI Agent. But this skill is not something that is only needed by an FBI agent. Since life is all about negotiations wherein we even negotiate about buying a house and even deciding a TV show so in such a case it is important for each one of us to learn this art well.

You can purchase the book today from: https://www.amazon.in/Never-Split-Difference-Negotiating-Depended-ebook/dp/B014DUR7L2

A good read is something that every person hunts for. If you are one of those too, then follow this list and read these books because they are the most sought after books that every engineer should read. Even if you are not an engineer and have an interest in coding, understanding the world of IT or learning the negotiation skills, you can just jump on the wagon and start your reading journey now.

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D2C Admin

Engineering technology Information Technology


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Kavita Yadav 4 years ago

Please give some suggestions or ideas to enhance in the internet of things (IOT) field .
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