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Learn 5 habits of top business leaders
“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” - Jack Welch
Habits define your personality and have great implications on what you accomplish in life. They can either help you run the world or can diminish your chance of growth. It is, thus, essential to building constructive habits in order to achieve heights and paint the world in your colours. In an era where business leaders are paving their way to the top and are re-writing the definition of business, you need to peek into the core habits of famous business leaders.
We have dug into the habits of top business leaders and brought to you their success mantras.
1. Staying optimistic is the key
Elon Musk, the inventor, investor, and a famous businessman, is well known as the founder of PayPal and SpaceX. Holding the perception of the glass being half full, Elon Musk is one enthusiastic individual who never steps down on his belief. He knows that his efforts will leave a positive impact on the world.
His belief in SpaceX is evident from the posters in his room which speak of the before and after the status of Mars after he has colonized it! His mantra for success is: “If you wake up in the morning and think the future is going to be better, it is a bright day. Otherwise, it’s not”.
2. Challenge the status quo
Jeff Bezos, the founder, chairman, and CEO of Amazon is another person you should look at for inspiration. He crafts his own rules to run the leading e-commerce company. He believes that to be efficient in your work, you must rewrite the rules. An example of this is the implementation of the “two-pizza team” rule at Amazon. It states that no team should accommodate people more than what can be fed by two pizzas. He believes that groups larger than that are less productive.
Jeff says: “The common question that gets asked in business is, 'why?' That's a good question, but an equally valid question is, 'why not?'” His mantra of redefining rules is what helps him create a healthy work environment.
3. Listen attentively
Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, is another admirable leader you need to learn from. Contrary to Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, Cook has been a quiet individual. He believes in paying attention to what people around him have to say. Being the reserved individual that he is, gives him the edge. He focuses on the key points, notes down the essentials and implements the best. He relies on the old saying, “you have two ears and one mouth, use them in that proportion.”
With this principle in mind, he voices what he believes, “You want to be a pebble in the pond that creates the ripple for change”.
4. Perseverance! Persistence! Patience!
Mukesh Ambani, a leading businessman and the chairman of Reliance Industries, is what we have next to add flavour to your plate. His core ideology speaks of hard work more than anything else. He does not believe in voicing out opinions but instead, on working and achieving. Your work is what will speak volumes about you, is what his mantra is.
“It is important to remember, there are no overnight successes. You will need to be dedicated, single-minded, and there is no substitute for hard work”, is what he has to say about the secret to success.
5. Don’t compromise on your core values
Azim Premji, a business tycoon and the chairman of Wipro Limited is a well-known name and better known are his ideologies. His idea of defining what you stand by is what’s unique. You shouldn’t need to describe your values in words. Your actions must speak, instead.
He lives by the values of Mahatma Gandhi who said: “You must open the windows of your mind, but you must not be swept off your feet by the breeze”. Putting his thoughts together, he says, “You need a commitment which is long term and a commitment to leadership because that's the only way you build excellence”.
We hope that these reorient your thought process and give you an insight into the minds of people who are re-writing the fate of our society. Learning from these habits of top business leaders can change your outlook on life. These are the essentials which will help you examine yourself better, look for loopholes and mend them before you run out of oxygen.