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5 Mistakes that can land your MBA application in the reject pile

An MBA can act as a growth catalyst or as the right push one needs for a prosperous career. Either way, the common agenda being that of stepping on the sacred grounds of a prestigious B-School. Various exams like CAT, XAT, SNAP etc aren’t the only things that decide your fate, to get to the top, one has to make a gruesome climb. A slippery slope, climbed by herds, CVs in hand. Speaking of CVs, most applicants make mistakes that land their MBA application in the reject pile.
Here is a run down of the common mistakes, so that you steer clear of them and better your chances of acceptance:
1. Inconsistency
The CV should present a strong story that runs evenly throughout. For example, stating that you’re an extrovert who’s willing to take chances and is ambitious in one section and highlighting activities that reflect “staying in your own lane” type attributes in the next section is a contradiction. It will be best to keep a common tone throughout the application as it will help avoid any doubts creeping up in people’s minds which can be harmful for your MBA journey.
2. Inaccurate Information
Silly mistakes such as typos are more common than one thinks. Once your resume is complete, go through it multiple times with a fine tooth comb to make sure there are no typos, grammatical errors or missing texts. Getting a third person to review it helps further as they can spot something you might have missed since you’ve written the whole thing yourself.
3. One Size Fits All
It is a sound strategy to have a backup college in case your primary pick does not come to fruition. But that does not mean you do not work equally hard on the others as well. Sending the same application to all institutes with the only change being that of the name of the institute is a faux pas best avoided. Not to mention the fact that the reviewer will catch onto it. Every institution is different in its own way, by their general outlook, preferences, trends etc. among other things. Tailoring your application to a specific institute you're applying to will help garner the attention of the adjudicators. This is likely to help you move forward with the admission process. This might seem like extra work but it will go a long way in helping you reach your goal. That being, getting admission into your preferred institution. The people responsible for candidate selection will see the hard work you have put in and will appreciate it, possibly getting you points in your favour.
4. Precision is Key
Wandering off course from what is being asked of you shows that you cannot follow instructions. Keep in mind how and what you write has consequences. Be precise with your answers, do not add unnecessary information that does not contribute to the purpose of the question. It is understandable that you might have some story or snippet that you would be itching to add somewhere in the application but putting it up at places where it is not required can land your MBA application in the reject pile. Surely enough there will be a designated or right space for you to add your story and help avoid unnecessarily long answers.
5. Making the Right Choice
Most importantly, prior to filling out the application, make sure to ask yourself if you have chosen the right bunch of B-Schools to apply to. Do a detailed research of all the colleges you plan on applying to. Go through their websites, talk to alumni and maybe even current students if possible. Check to see if the college will help fulfill your goals and is the right fit for you. The extent of your research will likely determine how you answer the questions in the application. This will reflect all the hard work you have put in.
The above stated points, when kept in mind should give you an advantage over the pack. These point will help avoid your MBA application in the reject pile. Sometimes it is the simplest of things that can help us get over the hill, so do your research, ace your exams and seize that opportunity!
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