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Best ways to upgrade your skills during Quarantine!

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Best ways to upgrade your skills during Quarantine!
With a pandemic lurking around the globe, everything seems to have come to a sudden halt. Shops and restaurants are shut. Universities are closed until further notice and employees all over the country are working from home. It almost seems as if you have gained extra time on your hands; where there earlier were 24 hours, you now seem to have 30 and passing every minute becomes a nuisance, especially if you aren’t dedicatedly working on something. 

If you haven’t been able to pick up the hint yet, let us explain it in layman’s terms - learn a skill! Yes, while it is a great time to binge-watch your favourite web series, eat and sleep all day long, you can very well make use of this quarantine time to work on yourself and upgrade your existing skills. Just in case you like our idea, hop into our boat and sail with us as we explore the many options you have.

1. Communicating Strategically

Communication is the key which is known to unlock numerous doors that ultimately lead you to success. But if this is your weak point and you get stuck in places when you’re supposed to convey your ideas, this course might help you get rid of your weakness. 

Strategic communication lies above technical and emotional communication by all means and is especially important in a world where communicating your ideas in the best possible way is of utmost importance. A course specifically designed for scientists, engineers and other technical professionals to get a grip on their communication skills, it can be found on edX. While the 30-hour course is free, you can pitch in some amount to get a verified certificate on completion of the course.  

2. Social Media Strategy

A basic skill, as many think of, this might not even be on the list of skills you need to upgrade until you see it here. While Social Media handling is known to be a child’s play, you might not entirely understand its importance and the role it plays in enhancing your company’s online visibility unless you take this course. 

A 20-hour diploma course in Social Media Strategy, it is designed to impart the primary knowledge of blogging, email marketing and the hacks of establishing a Facebook page that gives your company visibility. In addition to this, it also takes you through affiliate marketing along with the different ways in which you can increase your online presence. You can avail this course at alison.com.

3. Practical Applications of Machine Learning

A vital tool used to extract crucial information from raw data, machine learning has become an integral part of everybody’s life - be it a designer, a writer, an engineer or an MBA graduate. Designed by London School of Economics, this is essentially a 75-hour long course which focuses on establishing the practical use of Machine Learning. 

This course helps you get equipped with the techniques that solve real-world business problems. And in a world that is bent on giving opportunities to individuals who have a knack for problem-solving, this might just fall in the basket of skills that you'd like to upgrade.

4. Cognitive Fitness

A phrase you rarely come across, cognitive fitness ensures that you stay on top of the game even as you age. This is a course that stands out of the others and might not help directly when it comes to ascending the career ladder, but it definitely ensures that you stay sharp even as you grow, both in your age and your career. 

Offered by Harvard University, this course emphasizes the importance of exercise and sleep, the ways in which you can manage stress and goes as far as laying bare the reasons why certain foods are comforting. Moreover, it challenges your brain with board games and puzzles to keep your mind sharp!

5. French Language Skills

If learning a new language had always been on your plate but you never got time enough to actually learn one, this course is meant for you! The course - “Basic French Language Skills for Everyday Life” makes you familiar with the language and introduces you basic phrases of the French language. Lasting anywhere between 6 to 10 hours, this course will teach you the correct usage of the past, present and the future tenses. 

Hosted on Alison, you can choose to learn other languages if French doesn’t hold your interest. The range varies from German, Mandarin and Arabic to Swedish, Spanish and Japanese!

A tough time for us all, we need to understand the criticality of staying back at home and making the most of it. So, as you finish reading the last line and think of starting another movie, try looking up for the skills mentioned above. This time of utter despair might end up giving you a skill you’d cherish your entire life. And yes, thank us later!
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