Home Recruiter Diaries Careers at Myntra tailor-made for you

Careers at Myntra tailor-made for you

Vibrant, bustling, fashion-forward, and colorful, that’s Myntra every day. Get great insights into e-commerce, experience from a grass-root level, and the freedom to work on a variety of projects. Let’s see what the folks who joined Myntra straight out of the college have to say about their experience. We have Aswathy, NIFT, Design team; Kislay Kumar, IIM Lucknow, Supply Chain Management; Kirandeep, Panjab Engineering College, Software Engineering (Supply Chain); Himanshu, IIIT Delhi, Software Engineering (Storefront); Tanvi, NIFT, Revenue and Creative; Vinod Raj, IIT Roorkee, Software Engineering (Storefront);  and Tarunima, ISB, Supply Chain Management to talk about their journey, which for sure has the power to motivate you.

To all the aspiring candidates, now it’s your turn to bring fresh ideas to the table and make things happen in the real world!

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Updated On Updated On: 28 Sep'21, 06:15 AM IST