Home Competition Stories Colgate Transcend 2017- A series of Quiz and Case Study

Colgate Transcend 2017- A series of Quiz and Case Study

Colgate Transcend 2017- A series of Quiz and Case Study

Majority of the topmost corporate houses organise student competitions to help the students to get a better practical knowledge about the actual business and in the same lines, Colgate-Palmolive has also started with their initiative ‘Transcend’ to test the wits of students to break cliches and deliver beyond expectations.

Transcend 2017 was open for both first and second-year students from 24 B-schools of the country- IIM Ahmedabad, IIM Bangalore, IIM Calcutta, IIFT Delhi, IMT Ghaziabad, Institute of Rural Management Anand, XLRI Jamshedpur, NMIMS Mumbai,etc., browse through the complete list of colleges here.

According to the rules of the competition, only the full-time students pursuing postgraduate management programs were eligible to participate in a group of 3 including the team leader.


There were a total of 4 rounds including the Grand Finale in Transcend 2017-

Level 1

After the completion of all the preliminary formalities, like team formation and registration. All 3 members were asked to sit together and participate in an online quiz. Top 150 teams made it to the next round.

Level 2

The shortlisted teams from the quiz round received login credentials for viewing the case study and submitting entries on the competition website. 

Rules for submitting entries

    • The Solution File Size should not have exceeded 8MB


    • The solution had to be in Microsoft Powerpoint format.


    • Only the team leader was eligible to upload the solution slides.


    • A team that had cleared the previous round, were allowed to upload a newer version of the solution for the next round.


    • A team were allowed to make minor alterations to the solution at every stage provided that the major idea of the solution remains unaltered.


    • Deadline: 8th September 2017 09:30 pm.

Based on submissions only 20 teams were shortlisted for the next round. View the complete details of the Colgate Transcend 2017 here.

Level 3

Top 20 teams had to re-submit entries in order to be the judged by the panel of judges.

Top 5 teams from FMS Delhi, NMIMS, SPJIMR, XLRI Jamshedpur and MICA Ahmedabad (1 from each campus) qualified to participate in the National Final.

However, to progress to the next round, top 5 teams were selected on the basis of overall highest scoring amongst all the teams, that have participated in this round.

Grand Finale

Top 5 teams visited Mumbai for the grand finale round. A mentor from Colgate was assigned to the top 5 teams. After understanding the various nitty-gritty of business, the teams re-submitted their entries followed by a presentation to the Managing Director and Executive Management team at the Head Office.

Winners and Awards

After a tough competition between the top 5 finalists, a team from FMS Delhi comprising of Ankit Singh, Kartik Mathur, Raunika Malhotra was declared as the winner of Colgate Transcend 2017, followed by a team from NMIMS Mumbai as the runner-up.

The winning team received a cash prize of ₹300,000 along with PPIs. The team members also got an opportunity to visit Colgate Hong Kong office and present their ideas to the Asia-pacific division president. The runner-up was awarded ₹200,000 along with PPIs. Pre Placement Interviews (PPIs) was extended only to 2nd-year students of winning and runner-up team in the Finale round. View the list of winners here.

The Colgate-Palmolive Company is an American worldwide consumer products company focused on the production, distribution and provision of household, healthcare and personal care products. Under its "Hill's Pet Nutrition" brand, it is also a manufacturer of veterinary products. The company's corporate offices are on Park Avenue in Midtown Manhattan, New York City.

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Case Study Competition MBA B-School Colgate Palmolive Quiz Colgate Transcend 2017
Updated On: 6 Oct'22, 02:53 PM IST