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Focus on Process, Not Results

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Focus on Process, Not Results

We all have come across the old adage that life is meant to be measured by the experiences we have, the process matters more. However, we tend to forget that business and the corporate environment is not a mellow walk down a lane. Focusing on insignificant activities instead of on the end result could end up hurting your organization. This holds true for an individual also. We will discuss how.

Quality, not quantity makes the difference. No matter how long you might have worked on a project, if you don’t have a real outcome, it is as good as not having worked on it at all. We need to focus on the effectiveness of an activity rather than just the activity itself. This way one could weed out unnecessary tasks that take up time without being productive.

Be it the top talent of an industry or a great organization, one common factor you will find in both is their focus on outcomes. Short-term goals might be easier to achieve and boost the general morale, but the important question is, did that achievement contribute positively towards the final goal?

Understand it like this, a man would never be able to climb a mountain merely by buying the right gear and attending rock climbing sessions until he actually starts climbing. The goal (i.e. the mountaintop) won’t crumble down after observing the man’s rock climbing training. Being busy and being productive are two very separate states.

Results matters

To be fair, it’s easy to lose focus once we start a task. Confusing activity with a result is way too easy with an excess of the former. This holds true for both an individual and an organization. The key to success is to work hard, but also smart in a way that directs you to effectiveness. Tasks are simply means towards an end while results are measurable.

Here are 5 Ways to Help Your Efforts Actually Pay Off

Set Practical Goals

Take up fewer projects and work towards completing them efficiently instead of diverting your focus on many. This way you will be able to give individual attention to each task and weed out those which are redundant.

Look for the Cause and Effect

If you have worked on your writing skills, your finesse would show. Similarly, if your organization recently trained a set of employees on social media marketing, it should show in your month-end results. If there is a cause, the effect should follow. If it doesn’t, maybe you need to rehaul your mechanisms.

Keep Your Steps Clear in Your Head

Many times we might take up a relatively small number of tasks but never end up executing them successfully. This happens because we don’t have our steps determined. Always identify your goals and the clear path towards achieving it.

Remove Redundancy

Once you figure out which activity is dragging your efficiency back, get rid of it. No adjustments should be made here.

Review on a Regular Basis

Reviewing on a daily or a weekly basis helps you spot errors and successes, which goes a long way in developing a further action plan which provides better productivity.


Whether you have your own organization or are working on personal goals, focusing on the process is the key to avoid getting tangled in the facade of hollow activities. Take your time, figure out your strengths and speed, and move accordingly. But never divert your attention from the bulls-eye.

Edited by
D2C Admin

MBA MBA Aspirants Corporates Arts and Science


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