- Is leadership about power or responsibility?
- How can businesses contribute to solving climate change?
- How can India achieve self-reliance in manufacturing?
- The ethics of using AI for surveillance
- The future of work post-pandemic: Hybrid or fully remote?
- How can India boost its innovation ecosystem?
- The importance of sustainable business practices in the future.
- Can we achieve economic growth without harming the environment?
- The future of electric vehicles in India
- The role of digital transformation in reshaping traditional industries
- Is the shift to online learning here to stay?
- The shift towards online education and its future in India
- Is there an over-reliance on data in decision making?
- Can human creativity be replicated by machines?
- How do you perceive leadership in times of crisis?
- Social media's impact on mental health
- Should there be a cap on the salaries of CEOs?
- Does social media create a false sense of connection?
- The role of technology in shaping human behavior
- What do you think is the future of work post-pandemic?
- Can Artificial Intelligence replace human judgment?
- Economic disparity: Causes and Solutions
- Impact of global warming on economy and future generations
- As a result of rapid development in metro cities, the families are disrupted and insensitivity is growing amongst people
- The teacher Training Programme has been unsuccessful in producing quality educators. Instead of investment in the programme, money should be spent in building toilets in schools. Argue.
- "I like smoking and I won’t quit it even if its harmful effects are advertised. Anyway, the woman's desires are not valued much in society. Every activity a woman performs is put under a magnifying glass. The smell and taste of a cigarette is my favourite” Analyse the statement, and give probable reasons for the writer making it. Supplement them with facts.
- A person seconds Ramachandra Guha’s thought of awarding MM Malviya with Bharat Ratna posthumously being a mistake. He asserts that this is so because there is no scope of utilising the popularity post receipt of the award, and it may also lead to groups demanding the same for 17th Century heroes. Analyse.
- Schools in uniform shouldn’t be compulsory as why should the schools decide what the children should wear. It also restricts free thinking. Argue.
- A memorandum directs the foreign nationals to refrain from investing in India as the poor suffer as a result of their land being taken away. What may be the probable reasons behind the statement? Is the claim weak? If so, give facts to support it.
- Case study based on self-driving cars
- Case study of two firms: One, which has laid off employees while the other is competing to hire them so as to attract the trade secrets of the former
- Should there be limits on freedom of expression? Argue.
- “I saw my father retire after 35 years of service in the same company, which reflected his loyalty and dedication to it. In the current times, job burnout is widely seen. It shouldn’t be so, and employees should stay loyal to the company and stay on the job.” Give the probable assumptions made by the writer before stating this. Give arguments to strengthen and weaken the statement further. Analyse in 250-300 words.
- An argument of an anonymous arthur said that 24*7 channels distract children and do not produce quality content. The old practice of watching a limited number of channels should be preferred again. Analyse.
- A data company links flu searches to the number of people infected by it. The parameters to do so are taken to be the location and timing of searches. Give assumptions to strengthen and arguments to weaken the plausibility of this model.
- Should there be limits on freedom of expression? Argue.
- Is organic food good for individuals, but bad for society? Give reasoning.
- Which invention in the world would you like to have to your name if given a choice? Give reasons for choosing so.
- Should airports be named after famous personalities or the cities in which they are located?
- Direct cash transfer would do away with the problem of leakage in subsidy.
- How social are social networks? Analyse the statement and present views.
- 2014 was a golden year for Bollywood as many movies crossed 100 crores in gross income. Support or negate the statements through arguments.
- Student unions affiliated to political parties are a root of unrest, violence as thus, should do away with politics. Analyse.
- What are the problems faced by illiterates in India and what can be the role of Government in reducing illiteracy?
- The telecom and communications sector argues that there’s a huge burden of cost beneath the Voice-over-Internet and messaging apps such as Whatsapp, SKype etc., that these companies are not liable to bear. Thus, levy of a toll charge should be allowed. Analyse and support or weaken the argument through two arguments.
- “Car for All’, the company selling entry level cars in the market is planning to acquire a luxury brand. Although, the fear is that their association with low cost cars may not let this plan be fruitful. Analyse.
- Ancient Indian scientists are yet to receive their due recognition. As an example of their achievements, they had already discovered aviation technology much before the Wright brothers. Analyse.
- There are two kinds of work humans do - one with physical labour and the other with mental labour required to order someone else to do it. For a chance at happiness, humans should aim to go for the second type of comfortable and well-paid job type. Argue.
- Case Study: Entrepreneurship in India.
- Case study: RBI’s initiative to stop the circulation of the old currency
- Case study: Legalisation of marijuana in India
- Case study: GPS system as a Boon or a Bane, and if it’s right to make it easily accessible and freely available
- Case study: Community farming in remote villages
- Case study: What role can farmers play in villages with amenities, loan on cash and ministerial help in case of crop failures?
- Essay: One historical movement to have inspired you to think out of the box.
- Essay: A mathematician or historian who has inspired you.
- Essay: A cartoon character you found inspiring.
- RBI has directed to submit the old currency. Give the probable underlying reasons for it. Suggests ways to make this process more effective.
- Essay: Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.
- Essay: Mankind should end war before war ends mankind.
- Suggestions for controlling farmer suicides.
- Essay: Religion, a curse for society.
- Essay: Agricultural sector in India
- Profit is the sole motive of business. Argue.
- Direct democracy is a better option than representative democracy to solve corruption.
- Censorship on sensationalization seen in the media. Argue to strengthen or weaken the argument.
- Everything should be as simple as it can be, but not simpler than it should be. Argue
- Asian Union - Is it even possible? Argue.
- India vs Bharat - a nation divided within. Argue.
- Layoffs can give a new direction to firms and employees. Argue.
- Child labour concerns are a hoax by the west with its own economic interests. Argue.
- Red v/s Blue
- India’s need for US’s support in the current times
- Foreign Direct Investments In Educational Institutes of India.
- NGOs yet to get their place in the India society.
- Obama is a harbinger of change, but only in the US
- Reading pure science is a wastage.
- Indian women’s names should include the husband’s surname after their marriage.
- Professional management is rhetorical in family-owned and runs businesses.
- The educational system is suppressing creativity in children
- Online CAT should be conducted. Argue.
- You would not like the Prime Minister of India because? Give reasoning.
- Financial upkeep and viability of the Indian Premier League
- Female to male ratio worsening over the years.