Home Entrance Exam Prep GD & WAT topics for MBA admissions by IIMs and other top B-Schools

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GD & WAT topics for MBA admissions by IIMs and other top B-Schools

With the beginning of the admission process of MBA courses after the declaration of CAT results, the next step is to prepare oneself for the upcoming Written Ability Test (WAT) and Group Discussion (GD) conducted by IIMs and other B-Schools. WAT & GD test the student’s knowledge and his/her expression in writing and speaking about a topic provided on the spot. To relieve the students of some worry, here is a list of GD & WAT topics for MBA aspirants given by IIMs and other B-Schools throughout the years during the selection process.

*These GD and WAT topics are a compilation of the best (and only) online sources we have managed to dig up. Take a look, but if you spot something we missed or got wrong, don't leave us hanging. Drop us a line and help us make this list even better!

IIM Ahmedabad WAT topics


  • Is leadership about power or responsibility?
  • How can businesses contribute to solving climate change?
  • How can India achieve self-reliance in manufacturing?
  • The ethics of using AI for surveillance
  • The future of work post-pandemic: Hybrid or fully remote?
  • How can India boost its innovation ecosystem?


  • The importance of sustainable business practices in the future.
  • Can we achieve economic growth without harming the environment?
  • The future of electric vehicles in India
  • The role of digital transformation in reshaping traditional industries
  • Is the shift to online learning here to stay?


  • The shift towards online education and its future in India
  • Is there an over-reliance on data in decision making?
  • Can human creativity be replicated by machines?
  • How do you perceive leadership in times of crisis?
  • Social media's impact on mental health
  • Should there be a cap on the salaries of CEOs?


  • Does social media create a false sense of connection?
  • The role of technology in shaping human behavior
  • What do you think is the future of work post-pandemic?
  • Can Artificial Intelligence replace human judgment?
  • Economic disparity: Causes and Solutions
  • Impact of global warming on economy and future generations


  • As a result of rapid development in metro cities, the families are disrupted and insensitivity is growing amongst people
  • The teacher Training Programme has been unsuccessful in producing quality educators. Instead of investment in the programme, money should be spent in building toilets in schools. Argue.
  • "I like smoking and I won’t quit it even if its harmful effects are advertised. Anyway, the woman's desires are not valued much in society. Every activity a woman performs is put under a magnifying glass. The smell and taste of a cigarette is my favourite” Analyse the statement, and give probable reasons for the writer making it. Supplement them with facts.
  • A person seconds Ramachandra Guha’s thought of awarding MM Malviya with Bharat Ratna posthumously being a mistake. He asserts that this is so because there is no scope of utilising the popularity post receipt of the award, and it may also lead to groups demanding the same for 17th Century heroes. Analyse.
  • Schools in uniform shouldn’t be compulsory as why should the schools decide what the children should wear. It also restricts free thinking. Argue.
  • A memorandum directs the foreign nationals to refrain from investing in India as the poor suffer as a result of their land being taken away. What may be the probable reasons behind the statement? Is the claim weak? If so, give facts to support it.


  • Case study based on self-driving cars
  • Case study of two firms: One, which has laid off employees while the other is competing to hire them so as to attract the trade secrets of the former


  • Should there be limits on freedom of expression? Argue.
  • “I saw my father retire after 35 years of service in the same company, which reflected his loyalty and dedication to it. In the current times, job burnout is widely seen. It shouldn’t be so, and employees should stay loyal to the company and stay on the job.” Give the probable assumptions made by the writer before stating this. Give arguments to strengthen and weaken the statement further. Analyse in 250-300 words.
  • An argument of an anonymous arthur said that 24*7 channels distract children and do not produce quality content. The old practice of watching a limited number of channels should be preferred again. Analyse.
  • A data company links flu searches to the number of people infected by it. The parameters to do so are taken to be the location and timing of searches. Give assumptions to strengthen and arguments to weaken the plausibility of this model.


  • Should there be limits on freedom of expression? Argue.
  • Is organic food good for individuals, but bad for society? Give reasoning.
  • Which invention in the world would you like to have to your name if given a choice? Give reasons for choosing so.
  • Should airports be named after famous personalities or the cities in which they are located?
  • Direct cash transfer would do away with the problem of leakage in subsidy.
  • How social are social networks? Analyse the statement and present views.


  • 2014 was a golden year for Bollywood as many movies crossed 100 crores in gross income. Support or negate the statements through arguments.
  • Student unions affiliated to political parties are a root of unrest, violence as thus, should do away with politics. Analyse.
  • What are the problems faced by illiterates in India and what can be the role of Government in reducing illiteracy?
  • The telecom and communications sector argues that there’s a huge burden of cost beneath the Voice-over-Internet and messaging apps such as Whatsapp, SKype etc., that these companies are not liable to bear. Thus, levy of a toll charge should be allowed. Analyse and support or weaken the argument through two arguments.
  • “Car for All’, the company selling entry level cars in the market is planning to acquire a luxury brand. Although, the fear is that their association with low cost cars may not let this plan be fruitful. Analyse.
  • Ancient Indian scientists are yet to receive their due recognition. As an example of their achievements, they had already discovered aviation technology much before the Wright brothers. Analyse.
  • There are two kinds of work humans do - one with physical labour and the other with mental labour required to order someone else to do it. For a chance at happiness, humans should aim to go for the second type of comfortable and well-paid job type. Argue.


  • Case Study: Entrepreneurship in India.
  • Case study: RBI’s initiative to stop the circulation of the old currency
  • Case study: Legalisation of marijuana in India
  • Case study: GPS system as a Boon or a Bane, and if it’s right to make it easily accessible and freely available
  • Case study: Community farming in remote villages
  • Case study: What role can farmers play in villages with amenities, loan on cash and ministerial help in case of crop failures?
  • Essay: One historical movement to have inspired you to think out of the box.
  • Essay: A mathematician or historian who has inspired you.
  • Essay: A cartoon character you found inspiring.
  • RBI has directed to submit the old currency. Give the probable underlying reasons for it. Suggests ways to make this process more effective.


  • Essay: Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. 
  • Essay: Mankind should end war before war ends mankind. 
  • Suggestions for controlling farmer suicides.
  • Essay: Religion, a curse for society.


  • Essay: Agricultural sector in India
  • Profit is the sole motive of business. Argue.
  • Direct democracy is a better option than representative democracy to solve corruption.
  • Censorship on sensationalization seen in the media. Argue to strengthen or weaken the argument.
  • Everything should be as simple as it can be, but not simpler than it should be. Argue


  • Asian Union - Is it even possible? Argue.
  • India vs Bharat - a nation divided within. Argue.
  • Layoffs can give a new direction to firms and employees. Argue.
  • Child labour concerns are a hoax by the west with its own economic interests. Argue.


  • Red v/s Blue
  • India’s need for US’s support in the current times
  • Foreign Direct Investments In Educational Institutes of India.


  • NGOs yet to get their place in the India society.
  • Obama is a harbinger of change, but only in the US
  • Reading pure science is a wastage.
  • Indian women’s names should include the husband’s surname after their marriage.
  • Professional management is rhetorical in family-owned and runs businesses.
  • The educational system is suppressing creativity in children


  • Online CAT should be conducted. Argue.
  • You would not like the Prime Minister of India because? Give reasoning.
  • Financial upkeep and viability of the Indian Premier League
  • Female to male ratio worsening over the years.

IIM Bangalore WAT topics


  • How can India improve its education system for the 21st century?
  • The future of electric vehicles: Opportunities and challenges
  • How does leadership influence organizational culture in times of crisis?
  • The rise of digital currencies: How will it reshape global finance?
  • What is the role of diversity in driving innovation in companies?
  • Can the world achieve a balance between economic growth and environmental preservation?


  • How can business leaders address climate change while remaining profitable?
  • Is sustainability the key to the future of business?
  • How does the future of work look in a post-pandemic world?
  • Is social media undermining human connection?
  • Should governments take stronger action to regulate data privacy?


  • How can India address the challenges of urbanization?
  • Are we ready for the full integration of artificial intelligence in the workplace?
  • What impact does global economic inequality have on global stability?
  • The rise of remote work: Benefits and drawbacks for employees and companies.


  • The role of technology in improving healthcare outcomes.
  • Is e-commerce the future of retail?
  • Can the gig economy create long-term job security?


  • Government of India’s mission on vocational training for 2022: ways to make vocational training better in quality.
  • Significance of the International Women’s Day


  • The female to male ratio is good in college while it is not so in the corporate sector. Give reasoning and probable solutions


  • Implication on social engineering and psychological manipulations due to the impact of the internet on our choices as consumers
  • Who is the most successful leader of the year according to you? Give reasons.


  • Essay: Most inspirational person you’ve met to date
  • Essay: Importance of imagination over knowledge
  • Essay: Poor condition of the health sector in India
  • How to strike a balance so that artworks do not cause social unrest crossing the law and order? 


  • What may be the reasons for the extension of the closing time of bars to 1 AM? What can be the implications/effects?
  • Should celebrities take the responsibility of endorsing only those products that they consume and believe in themselves? Argue.
  • Is there a need for international B-Schools in India? Give reasons.


  • Importance of language as a medium
  • Khap Panchayat & its role in the land system. Give arguments to support or weaken the method.
  • Who according to you should be Indian of the year?
  • Should animal testing be considered ethical in the name of scientific experimentation and research.


  • Does Globalization help the underprivileged as it usually is thought to be doing?
  • Dilution of education through an increase in the availability of seats and deduction in course load. Do you agree? Give reasons.
  • Essay: Renewable sources of energy.
  • Is the shortage of workforce with many unemployed graduates present and lack of eligible applicants for jobs, created artificially? Argue.

IIM Calcutta GD & WAT topics 


  • Should companies be held accountable for the environmental impact of their supply chains?
  • The impact of social media on political decision-making
  • How can businesses remain profitable while focusing on sustainability?
  • The importance of work-life balance in the modern corporate environment
  • Is data privacy a right or a privilege?
  • How do you see the future of virtual education?


  • Can entrepreneurship be taught, or is it a natural skill?
  • Is it possible to balance economic growth with environmental sustainability?
  • The role of leadership in driving organizational change
  • How does digitalization impact the retail industry?
  • How do you perceive the future of electric vehicles in India?


  • Should there be limits to the growth of big tech companies?
  • Is global economic growth sustainable given current environmental concerns?
  • How can organizations adapt to the changing work dynamics post-COVID?
  • The role of artificial intelligence in improving healthcare
  • Can globalization benefit everyone in society?
  • The impact of climate change on the global economy


  • Does social media contribute to a decline in real-life communication skills?
  • The role of government in promoting entrepreneurship
  • The future of work: Will robots and AI replace human jobs?
  • How does the education system in India need to evolve?
  • The ethics of using data for personalized marketing
  • The importance of mental health in the workplace


  • Is spreading awareness about Indian Mythology through TV serials, right? Argue.


  • Is shifting the civilisation to another planet right with Global warming causing adverse effects on the species? If not, suggest other ways.
  • Is spreading awareness about Indian Mythology through TV serials, right? Argue.


  • Is shifting the civilisation to another planet right with Global warming and ozone depletion causing adverse effects on the species? If not, suggest other ways.
  • Should euthanasia be legalised in India? Why or why not?
  • “Anger and intolerance are enemies of correct understanding” - Mahatma Gandhi. With regard to recent events, do you agree or disagree? Give reasons.
  • Corruption and poverty go together. Argue.


  • Performance-enhancing drugs & their restricted usage in sports. Pros & cons of the same.
  • Suggest ways to reduce deaths caused by road accidents in India everyday.
  • The education sector in India and ways to improve it.
  • Easier availability of loans has resulted in more buying and consumption, affecting the morale of the youth in the long run. Argue.


  • Why is the youth less inclined to read books? What can be the negative consequences of this?
  • Reasons for low women count in top managerial positions in most corporate firms.


  • Corporate social responsibility - obligatory or genuine?
  • The clash between surveillance & Privacy intrusion 
  • Give insights on the objective of introducing the reservation system in India. HAs it achieved its true purpose?
  • Is it right for bureaucrats to become politicians? What are its probable implications?


  • Has the meaning of heroes changed in India? Give views.
  • Book launches, social hype around books and bestselling novels. Give views.
  • With an increase in the no. of suicides in colleges, what can be done about it from your side?
  • Suggest ways to improve sensitivity and care towards the old.
  • Unhappy is the country devoid of any leaders: Argue.


  • Commercialisation of sports and the politics involved - reality or fake? 
  • How will an honest man go for a business venture in the time of corruption?
  • Reasons for low women count in top managerial positions in most corporate firms. Do they still find it difficult to progress?
  • Implications of growth of technology on the concept of leisure.
  • Enrollment is on the rise in Indian schools while India ranks 2nd from the bottom in reading and mathematical ability. What do you think is the co-contribution of B-Schools?


  • Affection leads to infection.
  • Devil is in the details.
  • Small is beautiful.
  • Bharat vs. India.
  • BPO is profit-driven.
  • This is the time for Underdogs.


  • There is always a tomorrow.
  • Gandhi vs Gandhi.
  • The poor are responsible for their poverty.
  • Should there be international men's day?
  • Should 33% reservation for women be present in jobs or not?
  • Should there be an International men’s day?


  • Life as a chair.
  • The poor are responsible for their poverty.
  • Should 33% reservation for women be present in jobs or not? 
  • Should artists know maths as well?
  • Don’t wait for someone, but go ahead.
  • The year 2025.
  • Should there be an International Men’s Day?
  • Social networking as a bane.
  • Corruption and poverty go hand in hand.
  • No man is an island.
  • Should politicians be evaluated on their skills before nomination? How should the nomination be done?


  • Case studies regarding attrition in companies recruiting students from B-Schools due to multiple offers made to them

IIM Lucknow GD & WAT topics

 As per the online sources, IIM Lucknow has not publicly disclosed specific Written Ability Test (WAT) topics for the sessions from 2019-2020 to 2023-2024. Notably, for the 2020-2021 session, IIM Lucknow removed the WAT component from its selection process due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 


  • Do women manage stress better than men?
  • Future of artificial intelligence.
  • Why is censorship present only in movies but not ads?
  • Social media causing loneliness


  • Is women empowerment over-hyped?
  • Does social inclusion go hand in hand with economic inclusion?


  • Corruption and poverty go hand in hand.
  • Is it right to play the national anthem in movie halls?
  • Ads are glittery but lack truth.
  • Cultural diversity disrupts democratic governance
  • Monuments built on the names of great leaders are a waste of money.
  • Minimum Government intervention should be required for running businesses.


  • Use patience with friends and foes.
  • Entrepreneurs can learn only from entrepreneurs. 
  • Is higher pay a solution to the problem of corruption?
  • Is there a clear line between right and wrong?


  • Should the budget allocated to space programs be used for poverty alleviation instead?
  • What do you want to do in life?
  • Should higher education in India be free?
  • For bringing down the prices in the power and electricity industry, is privatisation the last resort?
  • There are only differences in opinions and no right or wrong.


  • Mistakes are masked by the name of experiences.
  • Do means justify the end?
  • Private hospitals are just traders of human misery.
  • The best kind of victory is the one without physical violence
  • Alternative medicines.
  • Competition as a cause of cooperation


  • What is even the value of the moon if it cannot be sold or bought?
  • Things appear larger from the valley and smaller from the mountain.
  • The earner and the giver, both are rich.
  • With more study, you realise how ignorant you are.


  • Glory is momentary but obscurity is forever.
  • Intuition is the lack of scientific knowledge.
  • Time flies, but you’re the pilot of life.
  • Pros & Cons of the death penalty.


  • Why is censorship present only in movies but not ads?
  • Do women manage stress better than men?
  • Arab world & its impact on India.
  • Inflation vs growth
  • Role learning is tough but important
  • Is a person better in a good environment but a toxic family or a toxic environment but a healthy family?


  • Right to Education in India
  • IPL: Sports or just glamour?
  • Should minorities be the first receivers of resources?
  • Nuclear liability bill
  • Unique Identification Numbers will be the solution to India’s problems.
  • Gender disparity is a consequence of women’s quota
  • There shouldn’t be any privatisation of electricity, water and other essential commodities
  • Legalisation of doping sports
  • Unpleasant prison term can make the process of reformation of criminals go faster


  • Habit can lead to waste and destruction
  • The one who’s poor knows everything.
  • Necessity drives invention
  • A fool asks more than a wise can answer.
  • Education is the discovery of our ignorance
  • Great souls always face opposition from mediocre minds
  • Helping is better than just praying.
  • The thought of the worst can prepares you for i


  • What one remembers after one forgets what they learnt in school is education
  • Happiness shouldn’t be rationalised, it’s a mystery like religion
  • Law is created by strong to rule the weaker ones
  • Hoping for ill incomes is the beginning of the loss

IIM Kozhikode GD & WAT topics


  • “If you cannot die for something, you do not deserve to live.”-Martin Luther King
  • An eye for an eye makes the entire world blind.
  • Obsession with growth can lead to extinction
  • Old farming practices not responsible for Delhi’s pollution
  • Is India’s large population an asset or liability?
  • Is greed good when it comes to business?
  • The threat to secularism is overhyped.
  • Likely rise in unemployment due to Investment in self-driving cars 
  • Freedom of opinion as an indicator of how secure the Government of the country is


  • Adverse effects of longevity due to medical advancements on the demography.
  • The relevance of ancient war strategies from ancient epics in modern business


  • Future wars will be fought for air and water rather than land and prosperity
  • Is the cashless economy right for India right now?
  • Private sector promoting employability and the public sector promoting employment
  • Social Marketing giving a human face to brands


  • Future wars will be fought for air and water rather than land and prosperity
  • Is the cashless economy right for India right now?
  • Private sector promoting employability and the public sector promoting employment
  • Social Marketing giving a human face to brands


  • Management Education – Is it for too many and too cheap?
  • Mass Media, a boon or a bane?
  • Is age discrimination right for coveted jobs?
  • Should bureaucrats be allowed to join politics after they retire?
  • Finding the problem is more important than the solution
  • Are B-Schools hurdles or contributors in boosting entrepreneurship.


  • Should Politicians be asked to go to B-Schools? 
  • Are there any negative effects of Animal Conservation Practices?
  • The package shouldn't be the only deciding factor for a job


  • Should the Presidential form of election be held in India?
  • Poverty as a state of mind.
  • Should the consumer protection act include the medical profession?
  • Prioritising employment or entrepreneurship in India
  • MNCs are colonizers of the Indian market.
  • Are the efforts of political parties and youth empowerment? 


  • Equality is a right but not practically necessary
  • "The true essence of democracy can be judged by a ten-minute conversation with a voter " – Winston Churchill. 
  • Objectivity sums up subjectivity
  • If everybody thinks alike, it means someone doesn’t think.
  • Friendship is not required for survival but adds value to survival.
  • A true friend stabs you from the front.


  • To have faith is hard, not to believe is easy and scoff is simple.
  • Adventure is very hard for the one who’s experienced it rather than the one who writes about it
  • Sometimes we put walls not to keep people out but to see who cares enough to break-in.
  • A child can be forgiven when he is afraid of the dark, but the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.


  • Technological progress is an axe for a pathological Criminal. 
  • How is success measured for a man and a woman? 
  • Life has no meaning. Instead, it means something we do not understand.
  • Intuition is the most valuable.
  • Reality is a persistent illusion.
  • Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.


  • An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
  • Man is born ignorant but is education making him stupid?
  • Martin Luther King's quote – 'If you cannot die for something, you do not deserve to live'.
  • Genetically modified plants can improve food security in India
  • Man needs something to believe in. If he doesn't find it, he'll believe in something bad'.
  • Do not fear eccentricity in opinion. Every opinion now was once considered not so.
  • History is always the story of the victor and not the vanquished.
  • Freedom of opinion as an indicator of how secure the Government of the country is


  • Discussion on a person’s pursuit for perfection because of which he couldn’t settle for something just good. How does this affect his career prospects?
  • Janaki is working in some BPO or IT company. She is now called Jane. For her, 4th July is Indian Independence Day. She has no social life, no identity, etc. So, do you think this industry is killing the current generation of India?’
  • A discussion on the changing Indian society and its values. As an example, how kissing has replaced Indian Namaste.
  • A discussion on the following lines. “In the year 2006, TIME magazine voted "YOU" as the man of the year. Social technologies have given power back to the people. E.g. Wikipedia, YouTube, and social networking sites. During the aftermath of the terror attacks in Mumbai, the power of people was again seen. The government seems to be losing power. You are the power now". 

IIM Tiruchirappalli WAT topics


  • Tourism can harm ecologically fragile regions. 


  • A large amount of food goes to waste on occasions such as weddings etc., which is not affordable in a country like India.

IIM Indore WAT topics


  • Impact of liquor ban on the economy of India
  • Is India prepared to have smart cities?
  • Indian education: Less focus on social, emotional and psychological development and more on academic excellence and grades 
  • Does social media cause more challenges for the youth in their life?
  • Is Artificial Intelligence now a necessity?


  • As a way to improve the performance of the Indian athletes in sports, should the responsibility of training them be transferred to corporate firms by the Government?


  • What causes terrorism? How can we mitigate it?
  • With differences in the requirement of firms from the applicants and their qualifications increasing, how can this gap be reduced?
  • What will be the impact of growing migration on the foreign policy of India in the long run?
  • The transition from paperbacks to ebooks. Comment.


  • Suggest measures and policies for the small scale firms survive the competition created by large firms.


  • As a response to the initiative taken by the Prime Minister of India regarding building skills and vocational training, what steps can you take to supplement the effort?
  • Why are the foreign companies unwilling to set up offices and workspaces in India despite the promotion of doing so by the Govt. of India? Suggest improvement ideas.
  • Businesses can only be run on a democratic set-up. Comment.
  • Make in India or Make for India. Why?


  • Management does the right thing, but leadership does things right
  • Is paid news threatening the integrity of honest media coverage?
  • Importance of management and leadership together in a business.
  • Comment on the Government’s move to relocate forest dwellers in order to prevent extinction of certain species.

IIM Shillong GD & WAT topics


  • Failure of the electrical grid
  • Case study: A firm venturing out in a different sector of the industry
  • Vaccines of polio


  • Case study: As the marketing manager of a company, you are to decide on the pricing of the products in the case of the cost of raw materials going down. It also has to be considered that rivals have not changed the price.
  • Case study: As a manager in a company that is not doing well, how to go about when a vendor who has underquoted the prices is asking for a hike?
  • Case study: Design a program that is beneficial to both the silk handloom manufacturers of Assam and the middlemen involved in the process.
  • Is sedition law and out of date law?
  • Case study: In case of differences in preferences in cars, when three models are available with their pros and cons, and there are a total of four members in the family, what should they choose?
  • Case study: An ethical dilemma


  • It’s wise to be dumb sometimes.
  • Short prayers often reach the heaven
  • If you want to catch a bird, deal gently with it
  • Business from a business is also one.


  • Social effects caused by inflation
  • Work experience regarded as a definitive requirement for MBA
  • What are the pros and cons of Foreign Direct Investment in the defense sector in India? Is it even a necessity?


  • What holds more weight: experience or talent?
  • Case study: To decrease its labour costs, a company shifts to another place and hires fresh talent at cheaper rates. As a result, the supplier faces a loss of its employees. As a manager, decide if the company should move back and deal with high labour costs or stay at the place and face a shortage of supply from the suppliers?
  • Case study: A bakery shop, doing well, gets an order from an international bakery shop. Given the profits and losses, what should the shop do?


  • Should LPG subsidy be done away with?
  • Comparison between the Arabic and the Indian Prison system
  • How to regulate the onion prices if you were the Agriculture Minister?
  • For digitizing work through tablets and other equipment, MPs were given some amount from the Government. Is this money being misused?


  • As a manager of a company whose product is toxic has received a notice regarding the same. Should the company consider shifting to another place or adopt green methods for production?
  • An honest civil servant is coerced by his son-in-law to secure him a tender of 2 lakh computers in the state he’s posted in. The threat by the son-in-law is of suicide. What should the man do?


  • Case study: As a company operating in Andaman, it has to decide either to protect the tribals by the problems they’re facing or suffering a loss of revenue?
  • Case study: In college, the student council starts up a stationery store inside the campus to benefit the students. After reaching a 10% profit mark, the council plans to take up a loan to expand the shop further but it faces opposition by the students. The claim is that the council is dishonest and corrupt. 
  • An unemployed person after starting a BPO gets stuck with OS installation in the computers he has purchased off his capital. In a case where no banks are willing to lend, what can he do?
  • An ad agency, popular for its unique content, gets a deadline to meet a huge contract that is way too short. Should they go for copying the idea of another previously made ad or risk letting go of the contract?
  • An employee of a consulting firm gets an offer to sell data from his firm to another competitor firm at a price. Given that his own company doesn’t follow ethics, what should he do?


  • As a manager of Neon Engineering, decide whether a rise should be given to Sinha industries, which have improved the quality of their supplies. It also gets its major revenue from Neon engineering.
  • An employee is asked to leave a firm due to his low performance. The manager helps him to find another job through LORs written by him. But the employee files a court case to prove that he’s been unduly fired. After a decision in his favour, what course should the manager take regarding the situation?
  • Impact of EU and non-EU groups on the agricultural sector

IIT Delhi GD topics


  • The ultimate solution to the political scenario in India
  • Social Security safeguarding in India


  • Does India prioritise sports?
  • Economy of India


  • Social Security safeguarding in India
  • Measures for crime reduction in India
  • Every cloud gets a silver lining someday
  • Why and how are B-schools successful in India?
  • Sustainable Economy: How can it be achieved in India?


  • Where does India stand in Outsourcing?
  • Is change right?’
  • Regulation of salaries in the corporate world.
  • Should stag entries be allowed or banned in clubs/pubs?


  • Relativity or relative?
  • Born a leader, not made.
  • Service sector or manufacturing sector: What’s more important for India?
  • Orange vs Apple


  • Is being the jack of all trades better than being master of none?
  • Analyse liberalisation as a policy.
  • Born a leader, not made.
  • Is the mobile phone a boon or a bane?
  • Relativity or relative?
  • Silence is precious.
  • Should there even be a GD topic?


  • Is outsourcing a boon or a bane?
  • Living without the internet’s presence
  • Privatisation of higher education: Is the time right?
  • Osama vs Obama
  • Is greed good or bad?
  • Consumers can never be satisfied completely.
  • Jai Ho! Vs Jaago Re
  • Investment in Development vs Investment in Defence


  • Is rapid transmission good or bad?
  • Haste creates waste
  • Nuclear vs power-nucleate

IIT Mumbai WAT & Case study topics


  • Is India ready for a cashless economy?
  • Marketing with a social cause gives the brand a human face.


  • Is panning not necessary for India’s growth?
  • If a KFC food joint is not successful, what might be the probable reasons for it?
  • Given the harmful effects of CBFC, should the Govt. resort to banning it?
  • Technology has both positives and negatives.
  • What are the pros and cons of Foreign Direct Investment in the defense sector of India? Is it even necessary?


  • If a KFC food joint is not successful, what might be the probable reasons for it?
  • The economy of India in the current times.
  • Does India too need to worry about environmental problems that other countries are alarmed about?
  • Crony Capitalism in the Indian context
  • Are manufacturing industries the major contributors to pollution? What are the environmental implications?
  • The knowledge-based economy is a necessity in India


  • Measures to contribute to the GDP
  • What measures can be taken to achieve self-sufficiency in electricity in India?
  • Case study: If your supervisor has directed you to engage in unethical practices to land a big profit for the firm, how will you go about it without risking your job?
  • Congestion tax: WIll it help in decongestion?


  • After training an employee for four months, he/she wants to switch. What could the HR manager do?
  • If a young employee is in a team with old employees with a laid back attitude, how could he/she resolve the difference in their ways of working?
  • Is arguing with the old good?
  • With the no. of working hours increased, the employees are not happy in the organisation. What can be done?
  • To address the performance of employees, a manager punishes them accordingly. Is he/she doing the right thing?


  • A person starts his own music label but is worried that expansion might lead to communication gaps. How could you ensure this doesn’t happen?
  • As a means to motivate workers towards their work, a young graduate in a distribution company was hired. He tried to motivate them but eventually due to it, got alienated from all social activities. He decided to leave the job as he didn’t want to become like the workers there himself, and conveyed the same to a senior worker. The senior worker got enraged, and said that he would have become the same if he would have stayed on the job for long. Was the supervisor who hired the new fellow motivating or not? Was the senior worker’s statement right?
  • A person, after starting a new business of music cassettes is being directed by the competitors to not quote low prices on the products. What should he do given that he holds a major market share now?


  • In the case of an FMCG company that trains its employees for a long duration and at a huge cost, one of the employees after getting a lucrative offer from a rival decides to leave. What can the manager do and what measures can be taken to prevent this from happening in the future?
  • One among a couple of friends working in a firm together gets promoted to become a supervisor. The others get lazy and come late to work. The supervisor doesn’t say much in the first few times, but gives a written notice after having enough. How would you handle the situation if you were the supervisor?
  • As a means to motivate workers towards their work, a young graduate in a distribution company was hired. He tried to motivate them but eventually due to it, got alienated from all social activities. He decided to leave the job as he didn’t want to become like the workers there himself, and conveyed the same to a senior worker. The senior worker got enraged and said that he would have become the same if he would have stayed on the job for long. Was the supervisor who hired the new fellow motivating or not? Was the senior worker’s statement right?


  • In the case of an FMCG company that trains its employees for a long duration and at a huge cost, one of the employees after getting a lucrative offer from a rival decides to leave. What can the manager do and what measures can be taken to prevent this from happening in future?
  • One among a couple of friends working in a firm together gets promoted to become a supervisor. The others get lazy and come late to work. The supervisor doesn’t say much in the first few times but gives a written notice after having enough. How would you handle the situation if you were the supervisor?
  • As a means to motivate workers towards their work, a young graduate in a distribution company was hired. He tried to motivate them but eventually due to it, got alienated from all social activities. He decided to leave the job as he didn’t want to become like the workers there himself, and conveyed the same to a senior worker. The senior worker got enraged and said that he would have become the same if he would have stayed on the job for long. Was the supervisor who hired the new fellow motivating or not? Was the senior worker’s statement right?

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Updated On: 25 Jan'25, 12:57 PM IST