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IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Bangalore tug of war continues this year as well in the NIRF 2020 rankings for B-Schools!

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IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Bangalore tug of war continues this year as well in the NIRF 2020 rankings for B-Schools!

The much-awaited NIRF 2020 Rankings for B-Schools has recently been released by the Ministry of Human Resource Development. Launched in 2015, National Institute Ranking Framework outlines a methodology to rank institutions across the country and each passing year the number of institutes participating in NIRF rankings has seen an upward trajectory path. The broad 5 parameters for ranking various universities and institutions are:

    • Teaching, Learning & Resources
    • Research and Professional Practice
    • Graduation Outcome
    • Outreach & Inclusivity
    • Perception

Each parameter carries 100 marks. Each parameter is also ascribed a different weightage. Teaching, Learning & Resources, and Research and Professional Practice hold a weightage of 0.30 each followed by 0.20 for Graduation Outcome and 0.10 each for Outreach & Inclusivity and Perception.

Here is the comparison of the NIRF rankings for the top 20 B-Schools for 2020. 

NIRF 2020 B School RANKING 1

It is no surprise that the usual culprits do the rounds of the top 5 ranks. IIM Ahmedabad takes the lead this year followed by IIM Bangalore. Last year also say a tug of war for the top rank between IIM A and IIM B, and this year finally IIM A takes home the loot.

IIM Calcutta and IIM Lucknow stay put at ranks 3 and 4 since 2019, showing that these B-Schools have figured out the winning formula and have stuck to it.

VGSoM IIT Kharagpur and IIM Kozhikode have both upped the ante and improved their ranks this year. VGSoM IIT Kharagpur shows a slight improvement from its position as 6th in 2019 to be placed 5th in 2020.

IIM Kozhikode, on the other hand, jumps 2 ranks and is ranked 6th this year. MDI Gurgaon and NITIE Mumbai are other 2 B-Schools who have made a considerable climb in the year 2020.

NITIE Mumbai and IIM Ranchi have performed extremely well in the past academic session and jumped 17 and 8 positions to rank 12th and 20th this year, respectively.

A big congratulations to the B-Schools for doing so well. During these dark times, the entire nation looks at the institutes of the country to produce evangelists who will save the day!

To view the detailed NIRF 2020 ranking of B-Schools for the year 2020 visit here. 

Apart from NIRF 2020 rankings for B-Schools, some other resourceful articles from our blog which can help you in your journey are:

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