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List Of Top Resources For Finance Students

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List Of Top Resources For Finance Students

Make money and then some more money: the mantra of those associated with the finance field.

Your finance education at B-school is going to help you do that. You’ll learn about global and national economics, the modus operandi of markets operate, and how to best harness the money that circulates.

However, there is still a lot to be learned outside of the classroom. World economics rapidly change and textbooks published even 2 years before cannot cover all that. And even before you go on to manage companies, you need to manage your finances! The below list of the top resources for finance students that will help you cover what isn’t published in your curriculum textbooks.

Website Resources For Finance Students

1. Money Control

moneycontrol - List Of Top Resources For Finance Students

One of the top financial platforms in India, moneycontrol gets over 17 million monthly visitors across all its platforms. They are one of the biggest news sources in the nation and provide analysis and advice on investing, personal finance, the business sector, and the economy.

2. ApnaPlan

ApnaPlan is the brainchild of a NITIE, Mumbai guy, Amit, the blog has been operating since 2011 and is filled with information related to mutual funds,  best investment options, health insurance, stocks, FDs, RDs, taxes, retirements planning, loans, and other things finance.

3. Investopedia

 Investopedia - List Of Top Resources For Finance Students

Great for navigating the tricky world of financial jargon, Investopedia will help you decide some of the most popular and lesser-known words in the finance domain. Great for beginners.

4. AngryBear

From entrepreneurs to entrepreneurs. The people who run AngryBear have worked in the financial marketplace, in businesses, and the government. A rich commentary of tax, business, politics, and law follows.

5. The A List

Run by the renowned Financial Times, The A List offers insightful pieces about relevant financial issues. Policymakers, world leaders, commentators are all a part of the contributing crew.

6. (Bonus!)

If you are looking to handle your finances better, then Ramit Sethi's website ‘I’ll Teach You To Be Rich’ shares is your go-to. He shares financial wisdom in an easy-to-understand manner. If you are an absolute newbie in the world of money, head over to this blog first. He assumes that you barely know a thing. Which is good you know.


  • The Intelligent Investor: The Definitive Value on Value Investing by Benjamin Graham and Jason Zweig. This is ‘by far the best book on investing ever written’, in Warren Buffet's words. That should be reason enough to grab a copy for yourself.
  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki An NYT best-seller for over 6 years, Rich Dad, Poor Dad challenges traditional money wisdom and schools you in thinking like the rich.
  • One up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch. Peter Lynch is the VP  of Fidelity Investments’ investment advisor arm (a mouthful that was, no?) He is touted as America’s No. 1 money manager, and under his leadership, the Fidelity Magellan Fund was the best performing fund from May 1977 to May 1990. Elites of the investment community recommend this book.
  • Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and Other Writings by Philip A. Fisher. One of the most influential investors of all time, Philip Fisher was sought out by Warren Buffet after reading this book. His investment philosophies were introduced 40 years ago and are still applied and revered by today’s financial professionals.
  • Get a Financial Life by Beth Kobliner. All of us were deprived of real financial education in high school. Beth Kobliner took up the mantle to not that let go on for long. Written for 20 and 30 somethings, this book will help you plan your personal finances like an ace! Topics include how to tackle taxes, how to avoid common money mistakes, how to decrease debt and many others.
  • (Bonus!) The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. Chances are you are going to accumulate debt because of your business education. And if you don’t plan for it, the debt could end up eating your life and your happiness. Pick this book up in college to prepare for saving and paying off your debt.

Free time in B-schools is rare and is a luxury. But as soon as you catch a sliver of it, immerse yourself in one of the above top resources for finance students i.e. websites or books. The payoff will be in the long-run but oh boy, is it going to be great.

Edited by
D2C Admin

MBA B-School MBA Aspirants


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