Home Newsroom NEST 2020 admit card released, exam to be held on September 29

NEST 2020 admit card released, exam to be held on September 29

NEST 2020 admit card released, exam to be held on September 29

The NISER (National Institute of Science Education and Research) along with UM-DAE CEBS (Center for Excellence in Basic Sciences) released the admit card for NEST 2020. NEST 2020 is a national-level entrance examination in which qualified students get admission into a five-year integrated M.Sc programme. NEST offers a variety of subjects such as Chemical, Biological, Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Environmental Sciences.  

Candidates are requested to visit the official website at nestexam.in and download their respective admit cards from the site. For this, each candidate will need to use his/her own Login ID and Password. Candidates who are taking the NEST 2020 are also suggested to check if their details are correctly mentioned in their admit cards. In case of any discrepancy, they must contact the management officials of the University to get it rectified.

Applicants of NEST 2020 are advised to keep their admit cards safe with themselves as long as the admission process continues. The NEST 2020 exam is scheduled to be conducted on September 29th, 2020. The exam will be held in two separate time sessions and the duration of NEST 2020 will be of three hours thirty minutes. This will be a computer-based, online test.

It is compulsory for candidates to bring their admit cards along with their photo ID (identity) proof, else they will not be allowed to take the examination in any case. Candidates must download their admit cards and print its copy that shall entail details like – the name of the candidate, father’s name, enrollment number, D.O.B, location of their respective test centres, specific guidelines and instructions on the day of the examination including their desired programme, reporting time and signature.

To know more about other examinations and entrance dates, you can also see - 

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Updated On Updated On: 27 Sep'21, 08:11 PM IST