Table of content:
- Why is project-based learning so successful?
- Python Projects You Should Build
- Hangman Project
- Email Slicer
- Simulator for Rolling Dice
- Text-based Adventure Game
- Fibonacci Number Generator
- Rock, Paper, Scissors
- Number Guessing Game
- Binary search algorithm
- Downloader for YouTube videos
- QR code encoder/decoder Python Project
- Desktop Application/Assistant
- Tic-Tac-Toe Game
- Timer and Countdown Clock
- Alarm Clock
- Currency converter
- Steganography
- Python Command-Line Application
- Contact Book Application
- Directory Tree Generator
- Quiz Application
- Image Resizer
- Bulk File Manager Project
- Regex Query Tool
- Expense Tracker
- URL Shortener
- MP3 Player
- Content Aggregator
- Typing Speed Tester
20+ Best Python Projects Ideas

Python is currently one of the most widely used popular programming languages. This trend is all set to extend in 2022 and even beyond. If you're new to Python, the coolest thing you can really do is not watch YouTube tutorials rather you should start working on some legit Python projects. Building projects allows us to put all the learning together. You will feel like you are making more progress as soon as you started developing projects. Working on topics you care about motivates you to stay on track with your academics, even when times are rough. Building Python Projects, on the other hand, might be tough for beginners. So, where do you begin? What makes a project successful? When you're trapped, what do you do? Thus we'll cover some tips in this article to help you figure out the best Python Project Ideas.
Why is project-based learning so successful?
- To build confidence: As you work with genuine tools and technologies, you'll gain confidence in your abilities while also recognizing your weaknesses.
- To experiment: While working on a Python project, you will need to familiarize yourself with new and emerging technologies. The more you learn about development tools, environments, and libraries, the more you'll be able to try out new things with your projects. You will get more information as you explore new Python project ideas.
- Mastering the fundamentals of programming: One of the most significant advantages of working on real-world projects is that you will grasp the principles and patterns of programming in several languages with continued practice.
Python Projects You Should Build
This collection of student Python project ideas is intended for beginners and people who are just getting started with Python or Data Science in general. These beginner project ideas will provide you with all of the practical knowledge you'll need to succeed as a Python developer. Following projects include projects for beginners, intermediate projects, and an exciting python project which is a kind of fun project but it is a perfect project to get started.
1. Hangman Project
- Difficulty: Beginner level
- Time Required: 0.5 hr
- Tech Stack: Python IDE
- Database: NA
- Framework: NA
- You will learn: how to take user input/output in Python, how to use dictionaries and if-else statements.
This is more of a word guessing game. Variables, random, integer, strings, char, input and output, and boolean are the key ideas you'll need to apply while working on this project. Users must submit letter guesses into the game, and each user will be restricted to a certain amount of guesses. To begin, this is one of the most coolest Python project idea.
You can make a pre-organized set of keywords from which users can choose words. You must also implement special operations to verify if a user has typed a single letter or if the input letter is in the secret word, as well as whether the user has really inputted.
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2. Email Slicer
- Difficulty: Beginner level
- Time Required: 1 hr
- Tech Stack: Python IDE
- Database: SQLite
- Framework/Libraries: sqlite3
- You will learn: how to take email as user input and separate the username and domain name using the slice method in Python
This is one of those useful Python projects for beginners that will come in handy in the future. From an email address, the application may assist you to retrieve the username and domain name. You may also personalize the app and communicate this information to the host in a message from your email address.
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3. Simulator for Rolling Dice
- Difficulty: Beginner level
- Time Required: 0.5 hr
- Tech Stack: Python IDE
- Database: NA
- Framework/Libraries: NA
- You will learn: how to use the fundamental concepts of Python language and how to make functions to generate random values.
We'll be emulating a rolling dice, as the program's name indicates. This is one of the most fascinating Python projects since it generates a random number with each dice roll. The user may use the dice as many times as he wishes. The application will create a random number between 1 and 6 when the user rolls the dice (as on a standard dice).
The user will then see the number displayed. Users will also be asked if they want to roll the dice again. A function that may randomly choose and output a number between 1 and 6 should also be included in the application. This collection of beginner-level Python projects will aid in the development of a solid foundation in essential programming concepts.
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4. Text-based Adventure Game
- Difficulty: Beginner level
- Time Required: 0.5 hr
- Tech Stack: Python IDE
- Database: NA
- Framework/Libraries: NA
- You will learn: how to use while and if/else loops for different conditions, how to give output according to the input.
This is a stripped-down version of the Adventure game. It's entirely text-based. Users can wander around numerous locations within a single setting in this version of the game, and explanations for each location are provided depending on the user series of inputs. This is one of the most intriguing Python projects I've seen.
You'll need to build barriers and determine the directions in which users may go through the rooms, as well as set mobility limitations and add a tracker that can measure how far a user has walked or moved in the game. Mentioning Python projects on your CV can make it stand out from the crowd.
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5. Fibonacci Number Generator
- Difficulty: Beginner level
- Time Required: 0.5 hr
- Tech Stack: Python IDE
- Database: NA
- Framework/Libraries: NA
- You will learn: how to use recursion in a function, how to use mathematics in a function.
The Fibonacci series is a mathematical series that has been one of the most often asked coding problems in the programming field. To make your third Fibonacci number, start with two numbers, preferably 0 and 1, then add them together. To produce the next one, simply keep adding the total and the second-to-last Fibonacci term.
In this project, you just ask for the user's desired Fibonacci number position and produce it. After the output has been created, you may show it to the user. You may go even farther and show the user the full sequence up to that moment, including the mathematical calculations. This is one of the greatest Python projects for learning about the recursive function idea.
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6. Rock, Paper, Scissors
- Difficulty: Beginner level
- Time Required: 0.5 hr
- Tech Stack: Python IDE
- Database: NA
- Framework/Libraries: random
- You will learn: how to use the random library, how to use functions, and use if conditions.
A well-known fun game to employ for your Python applications is Rock, Paper, Scissors. Based on your Python skills, there are several methods to build this game in code.
Based on your Python skills, there are several methods to build this game in code. Because the game contains a random aspect, you will need to utilize a random function to decide each player's hand. You may start by making a simple game with a preset CPU opponent and randomized plays, and then add complexity by allowing two human players to compete against each other. In either case, the creative aspect of the game's design will provide you with a lot of leeway in your approach. To improve the overall experience, including options for retries and score monitoring.
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7. Number Guessing Game
- Difficulty: Beginner level
- Time Required: 0.5 hr
- Tech Stack: Python IDE
- Database: NA
- Framework/Libraries: random
- You will learn: how to make and use functions, how to use the random module, and use while loops and conditions.
Use this project to learn how to use functions in Python. Take a player's beginning and ending numbers and produce a random number between the two limitations. The object of the game is for the player to guess the randomly generated number. The number of attempts it took the player to get to the correct answer will decide the player's ultimate score. The greater the value of the score, the fewer the number of tries. After each incorrect guess, the player will receive a clue indicating whether they are above, below, or if the number is a multiple of the incorrectly guessed answer.
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8. Binary search algorithm
- Difficulty: Beginner level
- Time Required: 1 hr
- Tech Stack: Python IDE
- Database: NA
- Framework/Libraries: NA
- You will learn: how to make a searching algorithm using the divide and conquer method which is a common searching algorithm.
This project will help you build a commonly used searching algorithm. Using a binary search algorithm, this application is meant to achieve precisely that. You may make a list of random numbers ranging from 0 to 100 with a difference of two.
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9. Downloader for YouTube videos
- Difficulty: Beginner level
- Time Required: 1 hr
- Tech Stack: Python IDE
- Database: NA
- Framework/Libraries: streamlit
- You will learn: how to use the streamlit library, how to use string slicing, and if loops for decision making.
Working on a YouTube video downloader is one of the finest ways to get started with your hands-on python projects for students. This is one of the coolest python project ideas. Every month, almost a billion people watch YouTube. We occasionally like to download videos indefinitely. Although YouTube does not provide this option, you can design an app with a simple user interface that allows you to download YouTube videos in a variety of formats and video quality. This project appears difficult at first, but it is simple once you get started.
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10. QR code encoder/decoder Python Project
- Difficulty: Beginner level
- Time Required: 1.5 hr
- Tech Stack: Any Python IDE
- Database: NA
- Framework/Libraries: qrcode
- You will learn: how to work with the qrcode library, how to encode and decode qrcode.
You'll learn how to make your own QR codes and how to encode and decode data from them. The qrcode library is used in this project.
This is a wonderful project for beginners to learn how to deal with Python modules and install them.
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11. Desktop Application/Assistant
- Difficulty: Intermediate level
- Time Required: 2.5 hr
- Tech Stack: Python IDE
- Database: NA
- Framework/Libraries: notify2, requests
- You will learn: how to use Command-Line along with Python, how to make script using Python
Have you ever been curious about how notifications function? So get your hands dirty with this little command-line project which will shed some insight on the situation. The desktop application runs on your computer and delivers you information at predetermined intervals. To create such software, we recommend using libraries like notify2, requests, and others. You may even add web scraping and automation capabilities to your assistant to make it more powerful. Create a script for scraping Google Search results to work as a kind of regular search tool. You may include this in your script to make it appear more sophisticated. There is no end to this project. It grows more professional and helpful as you add additional features.
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12. Tic-Tac-Toe Game
- Difficulty: Intermediate level
- Time Required: 1.5 hr
- Tech Stack: Python IDE
- Database: NA
- Framework/Libraries: math, time
- You will learn: how to use the math and time libraries, how to use recursion for decision making.
Tic-Tac-Toe is a popular and simple game that is frequently played on notebooks. The game's idea is straightforward. It's a turn-based game in which the goal is to line up a triple of circles or crosses on a 33 square grid diagonally, horizontally, or vertically to win.
The most difficult part of making this game is getting to know 2D array indexing and figuring out how to verify diagonal line-ups. The code should become simpler if the issue is resolved. One can use the Minimax algorithm for this project.
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13. Timer and Countdown Clock
- Difficulty: Intermediate level
- Time Required: 2 hr
- Tech Stack: Python IDE
- Database: NA
- Framework/Libraries: time
- You will learn: how to use the time library to make a timer and clock, how to use while loops for decision making.
It's another utility program that allows you to set a timer and receive notifications when the timer expires.
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14. Alarm Clock
- Difficulty: Intermediate level
- Time Required: 1.5 hr
- Tech Stack: Python IDE
- Database: NA
- Framework/Libraries: time, random
- You will learn: how to use the time library to make a clock, how to use CLI and random library for decision making.
This is an intriguing Python project concept. Alarm clock applications are used by people all over the world. For an intermediate Python developer, it's a rather straightforward Command Line Interface (CLI) Python program. This project, however, isn't your typical alarm tool clock. You can input YouTube URLs in a text file and design the program to read the file in this application. If you set an alarm for a specific time, the alarm clock will choose a random YouTube link at any of the alarm times from the text file and play it.
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15. Currency converter
- Difficulty: Intermediate level
- Time Required: 1.5 hr
- Tech Stack: Python IDE
- Database: NA
- Framework/Libraries: tkinter
- You will learn: how to use the tkinter library to make a GUI, how to use Python methods to convert the currencies.
This is a simple graphical user interface (GUI) application that you may make with the Python programming language. As the name implies, you'll create a currency converter that can convert currencies from one unit to another, such as the Indian rupee to the pound or euro.
This application's design will be simple; the major focus should be on the core purpose, which is to convert monetary units from one to another. Tkinter, the standard Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit included with Python, can be used.
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16. Steganography
- Difficulty: Intermediate level
- Time Required: 2.5 hr
- Tech Stack: Python IDE
- Database: NA
- Framework/Libraries: tkinter, PIL
- You will learn: how to use the tkinter library to make a GUI, how to use the PIL library for image manipulation, how to use encryption and decryption.
Steganography is the art of concealing a secret communication in another type of media, such as a coded message hidden in an image or video. You can write a program to safeguard messages contained within images for you.
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17. Python Command-Line Application
- Difficulty: Intermediate level
- Time Required: 4 hr
- Tech Stack: Python IDE
- Database: SQLite
- Framework/Libraries: PyQt, sqlite3
- You will learn: how to work with sqlite3, PyQt, how to use the command lines to make different conditions and decisions.
Applications that run in a console window are known as command-line applications. On Windows, this is the command prompt; on operating systems - Linux and Mac, this is the Terminal. Using python one can make some outstanding command-line applications.
For online or GUI programs, you'd click, but for the command-line projects, you'd write in commands. Because command-line apps need the usage of commands, users must have some technical knowledge.
Although command-line apps aren't as pretty or as simple to use as web or GUI applications, that doesn't mean they're any less powerful.
Applying colors to the text in your command-line applications can improve their appearance. Colorama and colorful are two libraries that you can use for coloring. You may add some color to objects to make them more interesting.
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18. Contact Book Application
- Difficulty: Intermediate level
- Time Required: 1.5 hr
- Tech Stack: Any Python IDE
- Database: SQLite
- Framework/Libraries: argparse
- You will learn: how to work with the argparse framework, how to make features using functions.
The primary goal of this project is to save contact details and information. You must configure the commands that users can use to submit contact details and information. The argparse and click command-line frameworks are two options. They abstract a lot of the complicated stuff so that when you're executing commands, you only have to worry about the logic that needs to be done.
The instructions to delete contact details, edit contact information, and list saved contacts are all functionalities you should provide. You may also provide customers the option of sorting contacts by alphabetical order or by contact creation date.
The SQLite database will suffice for storing contacts because this is a command-line app. SQLite is a simple database to set up.
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19. Directory Tree Generator
- Difficulty: Intermediate level
- Time Required: 2.5 hr
- Tech Stack: Any Python IDE
- Database: NA
- Framework/Libraries: os and docopt
- You will learn: how to work with the os library, how to grab data using the docopt library.
The Directory Tree Generator's main goal is to show the relationships between files and directories. When it comes to showing the files and folders in a specific directory, the os library can be extremely beneficial.
Using a framework like docopt or argparse might help you abstract a lot of things and focus on developing code for the application's logic.
You can specify how files or directories should be represented in the application's logic. Using various hues is a fantastic way to go about it. You may use the colored library to print different colored files and folders.
You can also select the depth to which the Directory Tree Generator should proceed.
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20. Quiz Application
- Difficulty: Advanced level
- Time Required: 5 hr
- Tech Stack: Python IDE
- Database: SQLite
- Framework/Libraries: tkinter
- You will learn: how to work with text files using Python, how to use the tkinter library to make a GUI, how to use the sqlite3 to store data.
In this advanced project, you'll need to design a question bank with many options for each topic, as well as a scoring system for players that take the quiz. At the end of each quiz attempt, try to save each unique player's score in a file or database.
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21. Image Resizer
- Difficulty: Advanced level
- Time Required: 8 hr
- Tech Stack: Python IDE
- Database: NA
- Framework/Libraries: os, sys, shutil, regex
- You will learn: how to work with os, sys, shutil, regex, how to manipulate the required files.
In this convenient python project, you will create an application in Python that allows a user to resize an image file by altering its dimensions to the target parameters. For this project to be completed, you will need to have a basic understanding of image processing. When done correctly, it can also be an effective resume booster.
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22. Bulk File Manager Project
- Difficulty: Advanced level
- Time Required: 8.5 hr
- Tech Stack: Python IDE
- Database: NA
- Framework/Libraries: PyQt, os, sys, shutil, regex
- You will learn: how to work with PyQt, os, sys, shutil, regex, how to get enter any folder and executable file and manage it with different conditions.
The average PC user's personal computer contains a large number of files. It would be difficult to explore and find files or directories if all of those files were stored in a single directory. As a result, the files must be organized and managed effectively. This project is advanced.
A file manager can help with this. A file manager is a program that lets users manage files and folders using a graphical user interface. While the command-line can be used to control files, not all users are aware of how to do so.
Users who do not know how to utilize the command line can use a file manager to effectively organize, access, and administer their files and folders. Users can copy, move, and rename files and folders with the use of a file manager.
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23. Regex Query Tool
- Difficulty: Advanced level
- Time Required: 7 hr
- Tech Stack: Any Python IDE
- Database: NA
- Framework/Libraries: re, regex
- You will learn: how to work with the re and regex library, how to work with string queries and resolve them.
This project comes in a category of software projects you can make using Python. We both deal with text regularly. There is a structure to this article, which is also text. This will make it simpler for you to comprehend. When you need to find specific information in a text, the standard search tool in text editors is sometimes inefficient.
The Regex Query Tool comes in handy here. Because a regex is a collection of strings, the regex query tool will validate the queries. The user is notified and the matched patterns are highlighted when the regex query strings match patterns in the text. As a result, the validity of the regex strings put in by the user will be checked by your Regex Query Tool.
Users may rapidly check the correctness of their regex strings using the Regex Query Tool.
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24. Expense Tracker
- Difficulty: Advanced level
- Time Required: 7.5 hr
- Tech Stack: Any Python IDE
- Database: SQLite
- Framework/Libraries: PySimpleGUI, pandas, matplotlib, sqlite3
- You will learn: how to work with the PySimpleGUI library to create interface and pandas, matplotlib libraries for expenses, how to work with string queries and resolve them.
From groceries to clothing to bills, we have daily expenses. Because there are so many expenses, it's easy to lose sight of them and continue spending until we're virtually out of money. People might use a tracker to keep track of their spending.
The cost tracker comes in handy here. An expense tracker is a software project that helps users keep track of their spending. Depending on how advanced it is, it can also assess expenses, but let's keep things basic for now. One will get to learn some advanced methods while working on this hands-on python project.
Users may utilize the expense tracker to make smarter financial decisions by creating a budget and tracking their spending.
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25. URL Shortener
- Difficulty: Advanced level
- Time Required: 5 hr
- Tech Stack: Any Python IDE
- Database: NA
- Framework/Libraries: requests
- You will learn: how to work with the requests, how to use APIs, and how to work with string queries and resolve them.
The primary goal of this project concept is to shorten URLs. The application's main duty will be to shorten URLs and then redirect people to the original URL when they visit the shortened URL.
Users will enter the original URL into the app, and they will receive the new, shortened URL as a result. The characters for the abbreviated URL can be generated using a mix of the random and string modules.
You'll need to save the original and shortened URLs in a database because consumers will visit the shorter URL days, months, or even years afterward. When a request is received, the application checks to see if the URL already exists and redirects to it.
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26. MP3 Player
- Difficulty: Advanced level
- Time Required: 6 hr
- Tech Stack: Any Python IDE
- Database: SQLite
- Framework/Libraries: pygame, pymedia, and simpleaudio.
- You will learn: how to work with the pygame for handling media files, pymedia, and simpleaudio, how to use APIs, how to work with SQLite to store data, how to use libraries to make projects in fewer lines of code.
This project's main goal is to enable users to play MP3 and digital audio files to make a Music player app. The application must have a simple but beautiful user interface to be engaging for users.
You can create an interface that lists all of the available MP3 files. You can also allow users to add non-MP3 digital audio files to their playlist.
Users will also want the MP3 Player to have an interface that displays information about the currently playing file. The name of the file, its length, the amount played, and the amount not played, all in minutes and seconds, are some of the details you can include.
Python includes packages for playing audio files, such as pygame, which you can use to get things done.
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27. Content Aggregator
- Difficulty: Advanced level
- Time Required: 6 hr
- Tech Stack: Any Python IDE
- Database: SQLite
- Framework/Libraries: requests, BeautifulSoup, celery, and apscheduler
- You will learn: how to send an HTTP request using the requests, how to use BeautifulSoup for scraping data and how to use celery and apscheduler for different processes.
A content aggregator collects information from many web sources and organizes it in one location. As a result, you don't need to visit numerous websites to acquire the most up-to-date information: just one is sufficient. The major goal of this project concept is to gather content. To begin, determine which sites you want the Content Aggregator to collect content from. Then you can parse and scrape the necessary content from the sites using libraries like requests for sending HTTP requests and BeautifulSoup for parsing and scraping.
Your application's content aggregation can be done in the background. Celery and apscheduler are two libraries that can aid with this. You can use an apscheduler to schedule your appointments. It's ideal for quick background tasks.
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28. Typing Speed Tester
- Difficulty: Advanced level
- Time Required: 5 hr
- Tech Stack: Any Python IDE
- Database: NA
- Framework/Libraries: Tkinter
- You will learn: how to work with the Tkinter library to create UI, how to display speed and accuracy.
The goal of this project is to construct an application that shows a user a randomly generated or pre-selected paragraph, and the user's objective is to put it into the text field as quickly as possible. Every spelling mistake deducts points from the user's overall speed score. This program can be used to compare typing speeds between pals for fun. Users can also use this program to practice typing and improve their speed and accuracy.
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Summing Up
In this article, we have covered Python projects from beginner level to advanced level. These projects will help you learn and understand the fundamentals of Python. After completing the projects one will be quite ready to crack job interviews and look forward to getting placed in their dream company.
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I am a biotechnologist-turned-content writer and try to add an element of science in my writings wherever possible. Apart from writing, I like to cook, read and travel.
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