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Soft skills to enhance job security and grab a new job in this Covid-19 pandemic

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Soft skills to enhance job security and grab a new job in this Covid-19 pandemic

Covid-19 pandemic has put forward an unprecedented situation. All the sectors have more or less felt the pains of the pandemic but it is the salary and plight of the workers that reflect the real situation of the economy. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO) the world lost nearly 400 million full-time jobs in the year’s second quarter. In such a scenario of uncertainty, soft skills are the silver lining amidst these grim times to mitigate your chances of being laid off.

Soft skills are certain special attributes and skills that help you establish healthy interpersonal communication and fruitful interaction with others. The term soft skills cover a broad spectrum of skills from teamwork, time management, empathy to effective delegation of work responsibility. Soft skills are a cardinal component for your resume. At such times of uncertainty where everyone has the requisite skills to perform the task efficiently and effectively these skills play a significant role. Soft skills provide you an edge over your peers. When the whole economy is in the doldrums then only the superior multi-tasking workforce, which not only has the technical know-how to perform the regular tasks but also has the miscellaneous skills to coordinate and cooperate are preferred. 

Not only in retaining the existing job, if you have been laid off due to some unfavorable circumstances and you want to enhance the probability of your selection then these are the perfect auxiliaries to boost your resume.

Here are the soft skills to boost your resume and enhance job security:-

  • Problem-solving: Covid-19 has given rise to work from home culture. In this, such a bleak working condition immense problem solving abilities is a much needed soft skill to deal with the dynamic problem effectively. To rectify errors and ensure the proper functioning of work without any disruptions can be achieved with exemplary problem-solving abilities.
  • Unity, leadership, and team spirit: The work from home culture due to Covid-19 has posed a hurdle of effective coordination. Employees are under the fear of losing their existing jobs. Some have turned lethargic and unproductive due to covid-19. In such scenarios, it is important to boost the morale of the employees and foster team spirit, and build camaraderie among their teammates to reach the targets. This soft skill will also help in building better relations with fellow employees.
  • Adaptability: This soft skill is the biggest need of the hour. Covid-19 pandemic is a unique situation and it is tough for everyone to adapt to this work from home culture and perform under such depressing circumstances. But quick adaptability and strong resilience will help in recovering from such traumatized situations to give the best under dynamic business problems.
  • Yearn to learn: Sometimes mere willingness to handle new responsibilities won't be enough if you do not have the requisite skills. So try to grab this opportunity to enhance your existing soft skills or to learn new skills and gain insight into different situations that will help you in increasing your productivity.

With daily life in a state of flux, accompanied by the topsy turvy economic conditions, it’s natural to crave stability and security. While there are no strait-jacket solutions, these steps will help in strengthening your position within your current company. These soft skills in a resume are a real boost to your career to enhance your chances of getting shortlisted in case you are one of the laid-off victims of Covid-19.

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Edited by
D2C Admin

Engineering Arts and Science MBA MBA Aspirant MBA Aspirants Placements Coronavirus and COVID-19


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