Home Newsroom Tata Administrative Services is hiring via Tata Imagination Challenge; open to all college students and Tata employees

Tata Administrative Services is hiring via Tata Imagination Challenge; open to all college students and Tata employees

The doors to the flagship leadership development program of the Tata group; Tata Administrative Services (TAS) have opened via Tata Imagination Challenge. What’s more, this is open to all college students across domains. Yes! For everyone - all the undergraduate and postgraduate students in India (regardless of the stream) and Tata employees worldwide. TAS is a prestigious program and has a legacy spanning over 60 years. Launched in 1956 by JRD Tata this was aimed at identifying and grooming potential Tata Leaders. Since then, this unique, diversified, and IAS equivalent program - TAS has not only helped students and professionals to stay on the cutting edge of the industry but catapulted their career to lead as a TAS officer across every sector in the group 

Founded by Jamsetji Tata in 1868, the Tata group is a global enterprise, headquartered in India, comprising 30 companies across ten verticals. The group operates in more than 100 countries across six continents, with a mission to improve the quality of life of the communities they serve globally, through long-term stakeholder value creation based on leadership with trust.

The good news? The Tata Group has once again opened its doors to hire TAS officers for the batch of 2022! It is a golden opportunity for all the college students across the country (Student track) as well as Tata group employees across the world (In-house track) to catapult their careers via Tata Imagination Challenge (TIC). Just like its last edition, this year too, TIC will have a total of 13 winners (10 from the students’ track and 3 from the In-house track). The winners will be awarded TAS PPIs, a cash prize of 2 lakh rupees, mentoring sessions, access to leadership programs, and Taj & Tata Cliq vouchers each along with the career journey of a lifetime that is enriching, fulfilling, and challenging! 

What’s more? The top three ideas will receive Popular Choice Awards, alongside the mentoring sessions by the Tata leaders and the full-fledged access to Tata Tomorrow University – Tata’s learning portal. A host of other recognitions, certificates, and learning-packed sessions also awaits the winners.

Students and Tata employees can register for Tata Imagination Challenge from here.

Tata Group
Updated On: 11 Oct'21, 09:50 AM IST