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The only sample questions you'll need to crack WAT 2020
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Having covered the necessary tips and tricks for cracking WAT in our previous article, we now list down pertinent questions that might pop up in WAT 2020.
Slowdown of the Indian Economy: How long will it last?
Based on the economy of India, to answer this question, you must have your facts in place. To begin with, list down the important points that should be mentioned in the essay. Some of these are:
- The economic slowdown began in late 2015. This could be a serious blow for the government which promised to improve the economic conditions of the country.
- India’s GDP growth rate has fallen to as low as 4.5% in the second quarter of 2019-20. It has declined from a high of 7.1% in the second quarter of 2018-19. The GDP numbers have witnessed a declining trend for 7 consecutive quarters now.
- India, as promised by the Modi government, was to become a 5 trillion economy by the year 2025. But if the declining rate stays at 4.5%, it will take 9 more years for our country to reach that mark.
- In lieu of the current status, the Union Finance minister, Nirmala Sitharaman ruled out the possibility of economic revival anytime soon adding that the government is doing everything possible.
- The National Statistics Office revealed that the manufacturing sector output is estimated to decelerate to a rate of 2 per cent in the year 2019-20.
- On similar grounds, growth of the construction sector is estimated at 3.2 per cent for the coming year.
Apart from these important facts, you must have a clear idea about the way you want to structure your essay. In addition to the facts mentioned above, you must also write about how temporary or permanent economic slowdown is. Also, add the opinions of a few industry experts. In case you have a detailed idea of the topic, you can also suggest remedies for the current scenario. Ensure that the points you mention are well researched and do not sound unnecessary or irrelevant.
The Citizenship Amendment Act and its relationship with NRC
One topic that has caught attention of the general public and has brought students in large numbers to the streets for a nationwide protest is this: CAA. While there are two sets of people, largely divided on whether or not they support the Act, you must be clear about the nuances of the Act and the reasons why it has ignited a country-wide protest. Important facts that should pave their way into your essay for WAT 2020 are:
What is CAA?
- Before this Act was passed, the Indian citizenship was granted to people who were either born in India or to the ones who had resided in the country for a period of 11 years or more.
- It aims to revise the definition of illegal immigrants for Sikhs, Hindus, Parsis, Buddhists, Christians and Jains, who are refugees from either Afghanistan, Bangladesh or Pakistan, the ones who have lived in India without documentation for several years.
- It will fast-track the process of granting Indian citizenship for people belonging to these communities, providing them Indian citizenship in a period of 6 years.
- The students and people who are protesting against this are of the view that this Act discriminates against Muslims because they aren’t mentioned in the CAA.
- The government, on the other hand, holds the opinion that the refugees of the above-mentioned communities do not find shelter in the neighbouring countries and have escaped Muslim-majority nations.
What is NRC?
- In simple words, NRC is the National Register of Citizens. Already adopted in Assam on the order of the Supreme Court, it was initially a state-specific exercise which aimed at removing illegal immigrants from the country. This was carried out in order to keep the ethnic diversity intact. The government, however, looks forward to implementing the same in the entire country. In clearer words, the ones who will be identified as illegal immigrants will be detained and deported to places they had initially come from.
The connection between CAA and NRC:
- In regard to the current scenario, NRC, if implemented, will detain illegal immigrants in India. But people belonging to the above-mentioned communities who are refugees and hail from the countries of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh will be granted citizenship under CAA, if they claim the same. This means that the ones who have fled from countries other than the ones mentioned will be affected. In addition, people belonging exclusively to the Muslim community will also be affected as they are not mentioned in the CAA.
Even though this topic is argumentative, it has sparked protests in various parts of the country in large numbers. Keeping that in mind, this sensitive and controversial topic must be dealt with care. Any strong stand shouldn’t be taken; it might set a negative tone of your essay.
Ban on Plastic: Environment v/s Economy
An integral part of our lives now, the use of plastic has considerably increased in the last two decades. Even though this has contributed to economic growth, the environmental impacts are major. It has damaged the flora and fauna which is increasing concerns all over the world. To curb the rapid degradation of the environment, the government has banned plastic all over the country. A few points to keep in mind for your WAT 2020 essay are as follows:
How plastic harms the environment:
- Plastics are difficult to decompose and take around 500-1000 years for decomposition. So, they are a form of permanent pollutant.
- Disposal of plastic is another factor which is affecting the environment. It cannot be disposed off in landfills because it occupies the land which could have been used for various other purposes. If left on soil, it does not let water seep into the ground which results in breeding of germs. In water, it makes way to oceans which affects marine life. It cannot be burnt because the burnt plastic releases toxic gases.
- Wild animals directly or indirectly consume plastic which kills numerous animals every year.
- The demand of plastic has increased manifolds in the recent years. With a global demand of 300 million tons of plastic every year, the overuse of plastic has led to massive destruction everywhere.
How the ban can harm economy:
- Plastics are cheap, lightweight and durable. The immediate alternatives to plastic being paper bags and cloth are expensive and aren’t durable. Also, plastic bags being less durable aren’t reliable and can affect the safety of goods that are packed.
- If the products are packed with alternatives, the cost of the overall product will rise. This will affect businesses and thus, the market.
- The plastic industry is growing at a rapid pace which was expected to grow to 1.2 billion dollars by 2020. The plastic ban will bring down an industry that is worth multibillion dollars. That will lead to a catastrophic effect on the economy, in turn affecting the share market.
When you come across a topic of this sort, mention the relevant facts, covering aspects of both sides. The write-up should be balanced. Along with the above-mentioned points, it should also list possible measures that can be taken in order to reduce its negative affect on both, the environment and the economy. Solutions such as greener alternatives, recycling, reducing the usage at personal levels amongst many others must be included towards the end, to bind the article together.
Dealing with WAT 2020
Topics that often find their way into the WAT around the current happenings of the country and the world. To understand the topics better and get a fine-tuned perspective on such topics, develop a habit of reading newspapers. This clears your dilemma and helps you view the state of affairs from a broader lens. As we sit here and curate tips about the essential dos and don’ts for everything that you, as an MBA aspirant, should look forward to, you must sit down with today’s paper to prepare for WAT 2020. Grab every relevant detail and make sure you are up-to-date with the current scenario. All the best!
To know more tips about writing WAT answers, click here.
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