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Tips And Tricks To Land Your Dream Internship In 2025

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Tips And Tricks To Land Your Dream Internship In 2025

Dream internship is actually the most interesting part of anybody’s college life. It is the time when one can quantify what they have learned in classes and its net worth in the main arena. Yes, internships act as the foundation of the professional journey of a student, exposing him or her to what awaits them in the future. It gives a platform to explore one’s passion and area of interest by learning-from-doing.

Aren’t there companies that you go head over heels for? Companies which exhilarate your inner aficionado to go and prove your skills? But have you ever thought about what it takes to get a green signal to work with the company of your dreams? With the crazy competition out there, how do you land your dream internship? With this article, your dream internship will only be a few tips and tricks away!

1. Get yourself a LinkedIn Profile!

LinkedIn is one of the best platforms to acknowledge your presence professionally. It is a hub where you can showcase your skills in front of industry leaders and gain knowledge from mentors and who’s who. It is important to build and polish your LinkedIn profile smartly and professionally, by giving a good mention of your skills and network extensively.

For freshers, a good, tactful introduction could be a good start. With a well–built and managed LinkedIn profile, imagine yourself already on your way to get your dream internship!

2. Prepare a gob-smacking resume!

Keeping handy a one-page resume for your interview spree can do wonders, but only if it's drafted in an understandable and professional manner. Prepare a one-page, concise resume highlighting your key achievements and skills. The resume shall definitely contain your contact details and the link to your LinkedIn profile. Be careful about allocating spaces to particular sections. Make use of points instead of paragraphs and highlight places that give a clear idea to the interviewer about your skills and area of expertise in a single glance. Mentioning your experience, projects, and activities beyond academics can give you extra points.

3. Be Proactive and Volunteer

Showing that you are proactive and are hungry to learn, can do wonders to land your dream internship. Don’t wait for openings or invitations, knock at the front doors of your dream companies, shake hands with a few in their office and tell them that you want to volunteer. Carrying a well-drafted resume might come in handy as well. Volunteering will not only prove your ability to work, but will also sharpen your skills. You will also gain hands-on experience of the professional culture and understand what it demands. Volunteering at the right organizations is the key here, working in some place where you gain relevant exposure and contacts, can thus, boost your chances of getting your dream internship.

4. Don’t forget to follow-up on your dream internship

Since landing an internship can be a tough task, you would not want your hiring managers to forget you after the interview. In addition to sending a thank you letter, build your rapport with them by connecting on platforms like Linkedin and follow-up until you are hired or someone else is. Don’t ever miss out on an internship opportunity.

5.  Ask the right questions!

Always remember that recruiters meet dozens of applicants, and hence, you need to carry a spark that leaves a lasting impact on their minds. Be inquisitive. Asking some real, out-of-the-box, and critical questions will not only engage the recruiters but will also build your rapport and make them feel like you know what you are up against. Being a monotonous person just makes you a part of the crowd. If you ask the right questions, it gives the impression that you are keen about learning and makes you look like a person who has great potential. So, strategically prepare and practice for the interviews to get your dream internship.

6. Add value to yourself!

Standing out from the crowd is a major requirement to increase your chances of landing your dream internship. So, add value to your skills by blending them with soft and people skills. Always be punctual, a problem-solver rather than a complainer, help others, bring-in fresh perspective, work in teams and always be formally dressed.

7. Interact with target employers

Being noticed in front of those you want to work with, is really important. Research about the companies whose business operations interest you and follow them. To break the ice and let them know that you're in for the job, leave them a professional message. Expanding your network through your current network and acquaintances can also help you interact with prospective employers and increase your chances of landing your dream internship.

8. Frame yourself different from others

There might be tens of other students applying for the same position as you are. So, what makes you different? It could be anything; an approach, a skill, your perspective or even your thought process. Be fluent and smart enough to recognize them and present them smartly in your resume. The hiring board should know what makes you different and why you should be hired out of the ten other students who have applied.

9. Be a good listener!

Being a good listener is always a good quality to have. A common mistake that most applicants make is not giving enough time to listen and comprehend what is asked. The interview jitters do that to a lot of individuals. So, be a keen listener, understand what is expected in your answer and speak like a pro. Being a good listener not only introduces you as an adaptable person but also is a skill of leaders, which will always help you in your career.

Holding on to these tips and tricks will get you an opportunity far better than what you actually have in mind. To keep learning from everything around you is the key to grab your dream internship!

Explore amazing internships listed on Unstop, now!

Edited by

MBA Engineering B-School MBA Aspirants


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