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Quarantine checklist: Upgrade your skills now with these 7 tips

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Quarantine checklist: Upgrade your skills now with these 7 tips

“Too much free time is certainly a monkey's paw in disguise. Most people can't handle a structureless life” - Douglas Coupland. While staring into nothingness, eating and sleeping all day long are a few options many of you like going back to whenever you’re free, you might not want to carry on this practice, once you are stuck at home for as long as forever. And because moving out of your place for fresh air is a strict NO in these days of quarantine, you are bound to find other ways of keeping yourself entertained, just so you do not end up losing your sanity!  

So, what should you do to make the most of this time and take the bull by its horns? To help you get rid of the boredom you’ve been cribbing about for the past week, we have listed a few ways that will help you make the best use of your days in quarantine.

1. Host a virtual party

If you think that you can’t party just because you’re stuck at home, you might want to think things through. Yes! You got us right! We are suggesting an option where you can enjoy yourself while you still are at home. Netflix gives you the option of hosting a viewing party, where your family and friends can schedule a particular time and watch a show or a movie in sync, together. 

Netflix Party is a free extension offered by Google Chrome which syncs video playback, thus helping you pause and play at the same time. Along with that, it also offers a chat option which keeps up with conversations while you watch. Make sure everybody in your group has a Netflix subscription for this to work!

2. Read. Stop. Read.

Trust me, the best way out of the current situation is to dive into a world that isn’t even loosely connected with quarantine. And to do that, you won’t even have to step out of your place. All you need is a cosy corner, a book in hand and a cup of coffee!

Many of you must have been waiting for Sundays to pick your favourite book up and re-read it. Bingo! You have the opportunity to do exactly that! All you need is to pick that book up or maybe your Kindle and dive into a parallel universe, one that isn’t confined in the walls of today’s reality. 

3. Exercise is the new cool

While staying back at home equals binge eating for most of you, you might want to reconsider your options, especially if you are going to stay in quarantine for another eternity! And even though we agree that eating and sleeping are cool ideas for spending your time at home, you’ll end up getting restless after a while. 

So, instead of thinking about what you should eat next, plan an exercise regimen for yourself. There are numerous exercise videos on YouTube that can help you get back in shape in the matter of a few months. You can also choose to go for Yoga if you’d like to skip work out. Pro tip: Try your hands on apps like Pocket Yoga and FitOn!

4. It’s time to clean and clear the mess

"I don’t have time for this", is the most common excuse we run with, during weekdays. On Sundays, we end up doing laundry and the rest of the cleaning gets assigned to another weekend, one which never seems to come! But now that you are stuck at home, with a few extra hours on your hands, you might want to think about cleaning your space and clearing the clutter that’s been hoarding in your room for ages. While cleaning everything, do not forget to clean all your tech equipment too!

5. Prep your garden

All of us have hobbies. Where some like swimming and cooking, others look for options like gardening that help them relax. But we often do not have time enough to tend to our gardens, because of which, most plants either die or grow out of the way! 

Yes, we are asking you to look after your garden, the one that has not even been watered properly in ages. You can also lookup for YouTube videos on gardening tips. Chip the dead leaves off your plants and maybe fertilize the soil of the ones that are dying out and see your nerves relax and soothe in the freshness of your garden!

6. Cook

If you are at home with all the necessary supplies, you might want to try your hands at cooking. There are numerous channels on Instagram and YouTube that have a variety of delicacies to suit everybody’s tastebuds. Now, instead of nagging your sibling or your mother to cook your favourite dish, try your hands on something new and surprise them!

7. DIY Projects

Some creative souls out there might want to try their hands on a new project, one that would help their creativity flow. Don’t you worry, my friend! Pinterest is there to your rescue. From aesthetic pictures to DIY posters to ways to keep kids busy, Pinterest has innumerable options to keep your creative self occupied. So, the next time you find yourself in a fix and are bored out of your wits, try logging into Pinterest and surfing your feed for a while, until you find the one project that would keep you busy for the rest of the day. 

Where everybody is busy talking about how bored they are in this time of quarantine, try sneaking out of the gang and proving how valuable this time can turn out for you. From reading to binge-watching movies and web series to connecting with friends and family, you have countless options on your hands to make good use of this time. Learning a skill or two is another great option which would help in building yourself and your abilities. You never know if or not you would get this free anytime in the near future, so make hay while the sun shines

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