#Data Science
#Startup fair
#Coding Challenge
Registered 511
Registration Deadline 30 Jan'24, 11:59 PM IST
Team Size 1 - 4 Members
Impressions 29,933
Experienced Professionals
Engineering Students
MBA Students

Productathon AI - Hackathon: Stages and Timelines

Online Quiz (via Unstop)

MCQ round on Unstop on ML, AI, and aptitude. Only the Team Leader needs to participate. If your team has any problems with eligibility, you can join round 2 directly. Once you register, you'll be added to a WhatsApp group within a day.

*The quiz is now non-mandatory. 

Start Date 4 Jan'24, 12:00 AM IST End Date 25 Jan'24, 11:59 PM IST

Mentorship Phase

Show and discuss your ideas with industry experts.

Start Date 20 Jan'24, 12:00 PM IST End Date 25 Jan'24, 11:59 PM IST


Hackathon at IIT Roorkee during Esummit 24.

Start Date 2 Feb'24, 12:00 AM IST End Date 4 Feb'24, 11:59 PM IST

All that you need to know about Productathon AI - Hackathon

Productathon AI is a hybrid hackathon organized by E-Summit'24 IIT Roorkee which seeks to bring together the brightest minds in the field of artificial intelligence to showcase their skills, solve real-world problems, and foster innovation. This event aligns seamlessly with the objectives of Esummit 2024 and promises to be a highlight that resonates with the entrepreneurial spirit of the community.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Participants must be from a college or university.
  • Correct information must be provided during registration.
  • Inter-college participation is allowed.


  • Teams can consist of at most 4 members.
  • Decisions of judges are final and binding at any stage of the event.
  • Participants shall be disqualified for unethical attempts and/or providing false information.

What are the important dates & deadlines?

  • 30 Jan'24, 11:59 PM IST Registration Deadline

Contact the organisers

Rewards and Prizes?

Prize pool worth Rs. 2,50,000


First Runner Up

Second Runner Up

About Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee

  • The University of Roorkee, now IIT Roorkee, was established as the Thomason College of Engineering in the year 1847, and was converted to the First Technical University of India in the year 1949.
  • On September 21, 2001, an Ordinance issued by the Government of India declared it as the nation's 7th Indian Institute of Technology.
  • IIT Roorkee is situated at the foothill of Himalayas, in Hardwar district, within the state of Uttarakhand.
  • The Institute has 2 campuses. The main campus is at Roorkee, Uttarakhand and the other one is 50 km away at Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh. The campus at Roorkee is spread over 356 acres of landscaped lush greenery while the campus at Saharanpur spans over 25 acres.
  • IIT Roorkee's Core Values:
    • Academic integrity and accountability;
    • An unfettered spirit of learning exploration, rationality, and enterprise;
    • Appreciation of intellectual excellence and creativity;
    • Attention to issues of national relevance as well as of global concern;
    • Holistic understanding, including knowledge of the human sciences;
    • Respect and tolerance for the views of every individual; and
    • Sensitivity to social responsibilities.
Read more & get a sneak-peek into Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee
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*This opportunity has been listed by Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee . Unstop is not liable for any content mentioned in this opportunity or the process followed by the organizers for this opportunity. However, please raise a complaint if you want unstop to look into the matter.
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