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How Team Machine Tutors from IIT Delhi became the national winners of TVS Credit E.P.I.C IT Challenge

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How Team Machine Tutors from IIT Delhi became the national winners of TVS Credit E.P.I.C IT Challenge
We had to work really hard to get this. The finale was scheduled on the day of our last minor exam of college and we had to fly from Delhi to Chennai. We did not sleep for 2 consecutive nights because we had to prepare for our exams and also give our best in the competition. We worked at the airport, on the flight and even a little at the venue. Our dedication towards the competition is what helped us in getting crowned as the National Winners of TVS Credit E.P.I.C, IT Challenge. 

What made Team Machine Tutors different?

9 teams made it to the finals held at The Hilton in Chennai. The competition was cutthroat as every team present had their eyes on the prize and thus, a fair shot at winning. The runners up and second runners up were especially good. We did not think we would come first as all the teams gave a great performance.

My partner and I are students of Computer Science Engineering at IIT Delhi. We have been participating in hackathons and innovation challenges on and off. This was our first big competition together. Our team was more or less balanced. I was focused a little more on the business and marketing aspect along with some backend to our solution. My partner was responsible for writing the general code and integrating everything.

The experience of working with your friends on stuff other than college academics was great. We did have a few conflicts. We consulted our friends to resolve the same. One of us would then simply accept that, maybe, his proposal wasn’t the best.

The nuances of the competition

Before the finals, we had 2 qualification rounds, a coding test and a problem statement solution, we gave both of them with full dedication. We spent approximately 70-100 hours on this.

The judgement was very fair and elaborate. We had a panel of 8 industry experts to judge our solution including the CEO of the company. We had 20 mins of presentation time coupled with a 5 min Q&A. The organization was flawless, the venue was nice and we had all the technical support for making the presentation. The competition was also well-framed and was categorised into 3 stages.

Theoretical knowledge and practical implementation of the same are two very different things. This competition gave us an opportunity to not only think in terms of the application for solving a particular problem but also the implementation of it, practically, through our codes and systems. Overall, it provided us a platform for a great learning experience.

The one moment that changed it all

We had our assignment deadline on the day of the finals. After our presentation, we went straight to the sitting area and started working on our assignment. We were there for more than 3 hours which is why we missed every single event after our presentation and made a dash for the auditorium when our names got called to know our whereabouts. 

When we entered, the results were being announced. We heard our team's name being called out for the position of the National Winners of TVS Credit E.P.I.C, IT Challenge. That was the best moment for us during the entire journey.
Edited by
Team Machine Tutors - IIT Delhi
(Batch of 2018-22)

The team comprised Mukul Singh and Shrey Bansal. Both of them are Computer Science Engineering students at IIT Delhi. While Mukul was focused a little more on the business and marketing aspect along with some backend to the solution, Shrey was responsible for writing the general code and integrating everything.

Engineering Hackathon Corporate Competitions IIT Delhi TVS TVS Credit EPIC


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