Brand & Marketing Concepts
Table of content:
- What is a Brand & Why is it Important?
- Elements of a Brand: Mission, Vision, and Values
- Types of Brands and their Significance
- Branding Strategies: Private, Multiproduct, and Mixed
- Brand Image and Its Impact on Perception
- Building a Strong Brand
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- Understanding Brand Equity: Definition and Elements
- Importance of Brand Equity
- Evolution Of Brand Equity In The Digital Age
- Brand Equity in the Global Marketplace
- Measuring Brand Equity: Metrics & Methods
- Managing Brand Equity: Salient Elements
- Building & Managing Brand Equity: Best Practices
- The Future of Brand Equity
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- What is Brand Management?
- Importance of Brand Management
- Benefits of Effective Brand Management
- Principles of Brand Management
- Strategies for Successful Brand Management
- Brand Management vs. Marketing
- Conclusion: The Power of Brand Management
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- Importance of Brand Image in Marketing
- Key Elements of a Successful Brand Image
- Brand Image vs. Brand Identity: Key Differences
- Measuring and Monitoring Brand Image
- Strategies for Maintaining and Enhancing Brand Image
- The Power of a Positive Brand Image
- FAQs
Table of content:
- What is Brand Awareness and its Importance?
- Benefits of Brand Awareness
- Brand Awareness Strategy: Some Tried & Tested Methods
- Some Creative Ways to Boost Brand Awareness
- Significance of Brand Awareness
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
Table of content:
- Porter's 5 Forces Model: What Is It?
- Porter's 5 Forces Model: How To Use It?
- Common Barriers to Entry
- Evaluating Suppliers' Negotiating Power
- Understanding the Bargaining Power of Buyers
- Analyzing Threat of Substitute Products or Services
- Rivalry amongst Competitors (Old & New)
- Drawbacks of the Five Forces Model
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
- How Well Do You Know Porter’s 5 Forces? Take A Quiz!
Table of content:
- What is Buying Motive?
- Types Of Buying Motives
- Importance Of Buying Motives
- Six Universal Buying Motives
- Identifying Buyer's Motives
- Utilizing Buying Motives In Sales
- Challenges In Interpreting Buying Motives
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- 💸 Think You Know Buying Motives? Take A Quiz!
Table of content:
- Understanding the Elements and Importance of Brand Equity
- What are brand equity models?
- Comparing Keller's and Aaker's brand equity models
- Real-world examples of brand equity in action
- Strategies for building strong brand equity
- Key takeaways on brand equity models
- FAQs
- Mastered Brand Equity Models? Prove It!
Table of content:
- What Is Brand Positioning?
- The Importance of Brand Positioning for Businesses
- Creating A Brand Positioning Strategy: Step-By-Step Process
- Measuring the Success of Your Brand's Positioning
- Examples of Strong Brand Positioning in the Market
- Types of Brand Positioning Strategies
- Social Media Engagement: A Key Positioning Strategy
- What Makes a Good Brand Positioning Strategy?
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Quick Quiz to Test Your Knowledge of Brand Positioning!
Table of content:
- Brand Personality: Definition & Importance
- How to Define Your Brand Personality?
- Choosing Your Brand Personality Attributes
- Dimensions of Brand Personality Framework: The Aaker Model
- Incorporating Core Values Into Your Brand Personality
- Examples of Brand Personalities in Action
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Brand Personality Quiz– Let's Go!
Table of content:
- What is Brand Identity?
- What are the Key Components of Brand Identity?
- Importance & Benefits Of Brand Identity
- Importance of Unique Visual Elements in Brand Identity
- Communication Style and Tone of Voice in Brand Identity
- Steps on How to Create a Brand Identity
- Brand Identity Example- Coca-Cola
- Examples of Strong Brand Identities in Different Industries
- Consistency in Online and Offline Branding
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Think You Know Brand Identity? Take A Quiz!
Table of content:
- Brand Identity Prism: Understanding The Concept
- Role Of Culture In Brand Identity Prism
- Brand Identity Prism: Visualizing The Sender & Receiver
- Benefits Of Brand Identity Prism
- Examples Of Brand Identity Prism In Action
- Brand Identity Prism: Key Takeaways
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Take This Brand Identity Prism Quiz!
Table of content:
- What is Market Segmentation?
- Importance of Market Segmentation
- The Market Segmentation Process
- Types of Market Segmentation
- Common Challenges in Implementing Market Segmentation
- Overcoming Challenges in Market Segmentation
- Conclusion: Understanding The Impact
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Test Your Market Segmentation Knowledge– Take This Quiz!
Table of content:
- What is Brand Loyalty? Meaning & Significance
- Characteristics of Brand Loyalty
- Measuring and Tracking Brand Loyalty
- Importance of Brand Loyalty for Companies
- Brand Loyalty Examples and Types
- Strategies for Building Brand Loyalty
- Differentiating Brand Loyalty from Customer Loyalty
- Conclusion: The Power and Importance of Brand Loyalty
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Think You Know Brand Loyalty? Take A Quiz!
Table of content:
- Brand Extension Meaning
- Brand Extension Types
- Understanding Brand Line Extension vs. Brand Extension
- The Impact and Potential of Brand Extension
- Successful and Unsuccessful Brand Extensions Examples
- Summing Up
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Quiz– Test Your Brand Extension!
Table of content:
- Step-by-step guide on how to build a brand from scratch
- Benefits of a Strong Brand
- Examining Successful Brand-Building Examples
- Summing up
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Know How to Build a Brand? Prove it With This Quiz!
Table of content:
- What is Marketing Mix?
- Understanding the 4 Ps of Marketing
- The Seven Ps of Marketing
- Implementing the Marketing Mix in Business
- Amul: Example of Successful Marketing Mix Implementation
- Exploring Alternative Marketing Mix Models
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Mastered the Marketing Mix! Test Your Knowledge Now
Table of content:
- Defining Brand Value and its Importance
- Measuring Brand Value
- Factors that Make a Brand Valuable to Customers
- Examples of Brand Value from Real World
- Brand Value Versus Brand Equity
- The Impact of Brand Value on Business Marketing Strategies
- Conclusion: The Significance of Brand Value
- Frequently Asked Questions
- How Much Do You Know About Brand Value? Take This Quiz!
Table of content:
- Definition Of Co-Branding
- Different Types Of Co-Branding
- Benefits & Advantages Of Co-Branding
- Strategies For Successful Co-Branding Partnerships
- Notable Successful Co-Branding Examples
- Factors Influencing Co-Branding Success
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Co-Branding Quiz: Test Your Expertise!
Table of content:
- What is a Target Market?
- Importance of Target Market: Why Do We Need It?
- Types of Target Market
- The Target Marketing Process
- Primary Research for Target Markets
- Leveraging Target Market Segmentation for Sales
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- 🎯 Do You Know Your Target Market? Take the Quiz!
Table of content:
- Importance of Understanding Consumer Decisions
- Traditional vs Contemporary Consumer Behaviour Model
- Traditional Models of Consumer Behaviour
- Learning Model of Consumer Behaviour
- Psychoanalytical Model of Consumer Behaviour
- Sociological Model of Consumer Behaviour
- Economic Model of Consumer Behaviour
- Contemporary Models of Consumer Behaviour
- EKB Model of Consumer Behaviour
- Black Box Model of Consumer Behaviour (Stimulus-Response Consumer Behaviour Model)
- Howard Sheth Model of Consumer Behaviour
- Hawkins-Stern Model of Consumer Behavior
- Webster and Wind Model
- Nicosia Model of Consumer Behaviour
- How to Select a Consumer Behaviour Model?
- Final Remarks
- Frequently Asked Questions
- 🛍️ Consumer Behavior Models Quiz: Test Your Knowledge!
Table of content:
- What is a Consumer?: Definition & Role
- The Evolution of the Term "Consumer"
- Consumer Behavior
- Different Types of Consumers
- Consumers' Motivation for Buying
- Relationship Between Businesses and Consumers
- Consumer Rights in India
- Current Challenges for Consumers
- The Future of Consumers in a Digital Age
- Final Remarks
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- 🛍️ Consumer or Customer? Test Your Knowledge!
Table of content:
- What is a Market Structure?
- Types of Market Structures
- How Markets Work
- Significance of Different Types of Market
- Summing Up
- Frequently Asked Questions
- 🏪 Market Structures 101: Take the Quiz!
Table of content:
- Understanding the Concept of Corporate Branding
- Importance and Advantages of Corporate Branding
- Researching Competitor Brands
- Implementing Effective Corporate Branding Strategies
- Successful Corporate Branding Examples: Alphabet, Walmart & SAP
- Impact and Success of Corporate Branding
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
- 🏢 Corporate Branding Quiz: Test Your Knowledge!
Table of content:
- Perception Management: Meaning & Importance
- Process Of Perception Management
- Influencing & Shaping Perceptions
- Strategies For Perception Management
- Technology In Perception Management
- Branding & Control In Perception Management
- Customer Feedback For Perception Improvement
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- 🧠 Perception Management Quiz: How Well Do You Know It?
Table of content:
- Definition & Importance Of Target Marketing
- Advantages & Disadvantages Of Target Marketing Strategies
- Examples Of Target Marketing Strategies
- Creating An Effective Target Market Strategy
- Segmentation: Key To Targeted Marketing
- Utilizing Social Media For Targeted Marketing
- Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQs)
- 🎯 Target Marketing Strategies Quiz: Test Your Knowledge!
Table of content:
- Definition and Significance of Brand Association
- Brand Association Types
- Successful Brand Association Examples
- Strategies for Building Strong Brand Associations
- Overcoming Negative Brand Associations
- Conclusion: Harnessing the Power of Brand Association
- Frequently Asked Questions
- 🔗 Brand Association Quiz: Check Your Brand Knowledge!
Table of content:
- What is Product Positioning?
- Importance Of Product Positioning in Marketing
- Difference between Product Positioning and Brand Positioning
- Types Of Product Positioning
- Main Components Of Product Positioning
- Successful Product Positioning Strategies
- Understanding the Product Positioning Process
- Examples Of Effective Product Positioning
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- 🔥 Product Positioning Quiz: Test Your Marketing Smarts!
Table of content:
- How do we define niche market?
- Strategies To Find Your Niche Market
- 7 Examples Of Niche Markets
- Benefits Of Targeting A Niche Market
- Testing Your Product Or Service For Niche Market
- Conclusion
- Niche Market: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- 🎯 Niche Market Quiz: Test Your Knowledge!
Table of content:
- Importance Of STP In Marketing
- Understanding STP in Marketing Step-by-Step
- Process Of Implementing STP In Marketing
- Examples Of Successful STP Strategies
- Conducting An STP Marketing Analysis
- Choosing Your Marketing Mix
- Strategies For Targeting the Right Audience
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- 🔍 STP in Marketing Quiz: Test Your Knowledge!
Table of content:
- What is Sales & Marketing?
- Sales Vs Marketing: Key Differences
- Fostering Synergy Between Sales & Marketing
- Sales vs Marketing: Managing Departmental Tensions
- Business Value Of Synergized Sales & Marketing
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- 🚀 Sales & Marketing Quiz: Test Your Knowledge!
Table of content:
- Definition Of Customer Satisfaction
- Importance Of Customer Satisfaction
- Strategies For Effective Customer Satisfaction
- Measuring Customer Satisfaction
- Customer Satisfaction in Marketing & Sales
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- 🎯 Customer Satisfaction Quiz: Are You an Expert?
Table of content:
- Customer Delight Meaning
- Benefits of Customer Delight
- Customer Satisfaction Vs Customer Delight
- Strategies With Customer Delight Examples
- How to Measuring the Impact Of Customer Delight?
- Customer Delight Examples - 3 instances by big brands that won hearts
- Common Mistakes In Customer Delight
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- 🌟 Customer Delight Quiz: Can You Ace It?
Table of content:
- What is a Marketing Plan?
- Types Of Marketing Plan
- What are the Key Components of a Marketing Plan?
- Steps for Effective Marketing Planning
- Crafting Your SEO Content Strategy
- Budgeting & Resource Allocation
- Identifying & Analyzing Competition
- Measuring Success with KPIs
- Importance of Flexibility in Marketing Planning
- Challenges of Marketing Plan
- Marketing Plan vs Business Plan
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- 📊 Marketing Planning Quiz: Test Your Knowledge!
Table of content:
- Marketing Control Definition
- Core Objectives Of Marketing Control
- Types Of Marketing Control
- Marketing Control Techniques & Processes
- Strategic & Profitability In Marketing Control
- Customer-Centric Measures In Marketing Control
- Frequently Asked Questions
- 📈 Marketing Control Quiz: Are You In Control?
Brand Value: Definition, Strategies And Its Business Significance

Imagine you're walking down the street, and you see two coffee shops side by side. One is bustling with customers, while the other sits empty. What sets them apart? It's their brand value. Brand value is not just a buzzword; it's a crucial aspect of business success. Understanding and effectively managing brand value can help businesses build strong customer relationships, shape consumer perceptions, and ultimately increase market share. So, let's dive in and explore the secrets to unlocking the power of brand value.
Build your base! Understand What is a Brand?
Defining Brand Value and its Importance
Brand value is the monetary worth of brands in the marketplace. It involves evaluating the equity and assigning a value to the brand. It represents the overall perception and reputation of a brand among consumers and stakeholders. A high brand value indicates that a brand is highly regarded, trusted, and has a strong presence in the market.
The importance of brand value cannot be overstated. Firstly, it enhances customer loyalty and trust. When consumers perceive a brand to have high value, they are more likely to develop an emotional connection with it. This leads to repeat purchases and increased customer retention.
Secondly, businesses with high brand value often enjoy competitive advantages over their rivals. A strong brand can differentiate itself from competitors by offering unique value propositions and creating a distinct identity in the minds of consumers. This can lead to increased market share and higher profitability.
Building brand value requires consistent delivery of quality products or services. Brands need to consistently meet or exceed customer expectations in order to maintain their reputation and enhance their value.
Also Read: What is Brand Loyalty?
Measuring Brand Value
To determine the worth of brands, various methodologies come into play. These methods encompass both financial valuation models and customer-based metrics. Evaluating market capitalization is one way to gain insights into a company's overall brand value.
Financial Valuation Models
Financial valuation models provide a quantitative approach to measuring brand value. These models consider factors such as revenue, balance sheet figures, and stock return. By analyzing these monetary aspects, businesses can assess the financial impact their brand has on their organization.
Market Capitalization
Market capitalization refers to the total value of a company's outstanding shares in the stock market. It takes into account not only tangible assets but also intangible assets like brand reputation and customer loyalty. A higher market capitalization often signifies a stronger brand with increased investor confidence.
Customer-Based Metrics
While financial valuation models focus on monetary value, customer-based metrics delve into the strength of a brand's relationship with consumers. One popular metric is the Net Promoter Score (NPS), which measures customer satisfaction and loyalty. A high NPS indicates that customers are more likely to recommend and remain loyal to the brand.
Surveys and Market Research Data
Conducting surveys and analyzing market research data contribute significantly to understanding the perceived worth of a brand. These qualitative measures provide valuable insights into how consumers perceive a particular brand, its attributes, and its competitive advantage in the marketplace.
Factors that Make a Brand Valuable to Customers
Building brand value is crucial for any business looking to thrive in today's competitive market. A strong brand not only attracts customers but also keeps them coming back for more. So, what are the factors that contribute to a brand's value and make it appealing to customers? Let's dive right in!
Consistent Product Quality
Consistency is key. Customers want to know that they can rely on a certain brand for high-quality products or services. When a brand consistently delivers on its promises and maintains excellent product quality, it builds trust among customers. This trust enhances the perceived value of the brand in their eyes.
Strong Emotional Connections
Effective branding strategies go beyond just selling products; they create emotional connections with customers. Brands that successfully tap into their target audience's emotions foster loyalty and customer retention. When customers feel connected to a brand on an emotional level, they are more likely to stay loyal and even pay more for its products or services.
Unique Selling Propositions
In a sea of competitors, having a unique selling proposition (USP) sets a brand apart from the rest. A USP highlights what makes a particular brand different and better than others in the market. It could be innovative features, exceptional customer service, or even sustainable practices. These unique aspects add value to the overall worth of the brand in customers' eyes.
Positive Customer Experiences
Positive customer experiences play a significant role in enhancing a brand's perceived value. When consumers have enjoyable interactions with a certain brand, whether through seamless online shopping experiences or exceptional customer support, it leaves a lasting impression. Word-of-mouth recommendations from satisfied customers further bolster the reputation and appeal of the brand.
Examples of Brand Value from Real World
Sugar Cosmetics
Sugar has established itself as a trusted and reliable brand in the beauty industry. Its commitment to quality and innovation has earned it a loyal customer base. One of the key factors contributing to Sugar's brand value is its focus on using natural and cruelty-free ingredients in its products. This resonates with consumers who prioritize ethical and sustainable beauty choices.
Sugar's products are also known for their high-performance formulas and trendy packaging, which further adds to the brand's value. Another aspect that sets Sugar apart is its strong online presence and engagement with customers through social media platforms. The brand actively interacts with its followers, providing beauty tips, tutorials, and responding to queries, which helps in building a sense of community and trust. Overall, Sugar's brand value lies in its commitment to quality, ethical practices, and customer engagement, making it a preferred choice among Indian consumers.
Royal Enfield
Royal Enfield is renowned for its high-quality motorcycles with classic design, durability, and performance, resulting in a dedicated community of Royal Enfield enthusiasts who are passionate about the brand and its products.
Royal Enfield's brand value can be attributed to several factors that have contributed to its success and popularity in the motorcycle industry. One key factor is the brand's rich heritage and history. Royal Enfield has been manufacturing motorcycles since 1901, making it one of the oldest motorcycle companies in the world. This long-standing legacy has created a sense of nostalgia and authenticity around the brand, appealing to motorcycle enthusiasts and collectors alike.
Another factor is its focus on producing classic and retro-style motorcycles. While other motorcycle manufacturers have shifted towards modern and sporty designs, Royal Enfield has stayed true to its vintage aesthetic. This unique positioning has allowed the brand to carve out a niche market and attract customers who appreciate the timeless appeal of their motorcycles.
Furthermore, Royal Enfield has successfully capitalized on the growing trend of motorcycle customization. The brand offers a range of accessories and aftermarket parts, allowing riders to personalize their bikes according to their preferences. This customization aspect has not only attracted a dedicated community of Royal Enfield enthusiasts but has also contributed to the brand's overall appeal and desirability.
Lastly, Royal Enfield's brand value is also influenced by its strong presence in the global market. The brand has expanded its reach beyond its home country of India and has established a strong presence in various international markets. This global expansion has not only increased the brand's visibility but has also helped Royal Enfield gain recognition and credibility on a global scale.
Brand Value Versus Brand Equity
Brand equity and brand value are two distinct concepts that play crucial roles in evaluating the performance of a brand. While they are interrelated, they focus on different aspects and serve unique purposes. Let's delve into the difference between these two terms.
Focus on Consumer Perception vs. Financial Worth
Brand equity primarily centers around consumer perception of a brand. It encompasses intangible elements such as reputation, awareness, and emotional connection. On the other hand, brand value emphasizes the financial worth of a brand, quantifying tangible assets like physical property, intellectual property, and market capitalization.
Intangible Factors vs. Tangible Assets
When calculating brand equity, marketers assess factors such as customer loyalty, perceived quality, and associations with the brand. These elements contribute to building a positive image among consumers. In contrast, brand value is determined by analyzing tangible assets that can be assigned a monetary value.
Evaluating Performance from Different Perspectives
Brand equity provides insights into how well a brand is positioned in consumers' minds and how it compares to competitors in terms of perception. It helps determine whether customers are willing to pay a premium for products or services associated with the brand. On the other hand, brand value focuses on assessing the financial health of a company by quantifying its assets.
The Impact of Brand Value on Business Marketing Strategies
Brand value plays a crucial role in shaping effective marketing strategies for businesses. Let's explore how brand value influences various aspects of marketing and its impact on overall business success.
Premium Pricing and Market Positioning
A high brand value allows businesses to charge premium prices for their products or services. When customers perceive a brand as trustworthy, reliable, and of high quality, they are willing to pay more. This not only increases profit margins but also helps establish the brand as a leader in the market.
Effective Marketing Campaigns
Strong brand value facilitates effective marketing campaigns. Customers are more likely to engage with trusted brands that have built a positive reputation over time. With an established brand value, businesses can create compelling marketing messages that resonate with their target audience, resulting in higher engagement and conversion rates.
Attracting Top Talent and Driving Innovation
Businesses with high brand value have an advantage. A strong brand reputation makes the company an attractive place to work, leading to increased interest from highly skilled individuals. This influx of talent fosters innovation and competitiveness within the organization, driving growth and success.
Influencing Customer Perception and Purchase Decisions
Brand value significantly influences customer perception of quality. When customers associate a brand with positive attributes such as reliability, trustworthiness, and innovation, they are more likely to choose that brand over competitors. This influence extends to purchase decisions across various product categories, contributing to revenue growth for the business.
Conclusion: The Significance of Brand Value
In today's competitive business landscape, brand value plays a crucial role in determining the success and longevity of a company. It goes beyond just having a recognizable logo or catchy slogan; it encompasses the perception, trust, and emotional connection that customers have with a brand.
Building a strong brand value is essential for thriving businesses in the market. It allows companies to differentiate themselves from competitors and create a lasting impression on customers. By consistently delivering exceptional products or services, cultivating positive customer experiences, and aligning with values that resonate with your target audience, a company can enhance its brand value significantly.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are some effective strategies for increasing brand value?
To increase brand value effectively, businesses should focus on consistently delivering high-quality products or services that meet customer expectations. Investing in marketing efforts that highlight unique selling propositions and differentiators can help create a distinct image in the minds of consumers. Building strong relationships with customers through personalized interactions and exceptional customer service is also crucial.
How long does it take to build significant brand value?
Building significant brand value takes time and consistency. It requires continuous effort to deliver excellent experiences and maintain positive associations with your target audience. While there is no fixed timeline as each industry and market varies, it generally takes several years of dedicated branding efforts before significant results can be seen.
Can a small business create substantial brand value?
Absolutely! Brand value is not limited to large corporations. Small businesses can create substantial brand value by focusing on their unique strengths, delivering exceptional customer experiences, and building strong relationships with their target audience. By consistently delivering on promises and providing value beyond expectations, small businesses can establish themselves as trusted brands in their respective markets.
How does brand value impact customer loyalty?
Brand value plays a crucial role in fostering customer loyalty. When customers perceive a brand as valuable, trustworthy, and aligned with their values, they are more likely to develop an emotional connection and exhibit higher levels of loyalty. A strong brand value creates a sense of trust and reliability, making customers more inclined to choose the brand repeatedly over its competitors.
Can brand value influence pricing strategies?
Yes, brand value can influence pricing strategies. When a brand has high perceived value in the eyes of consumers, it can command premium prices for its products or services. Customers are often willing to pay more for brands they perceive as valuable due to factors such as quality, reputation, and overall experience. However, it is essential for businesses to strike the right balance between price and perceived value to ensure competitiveness in the market.
How Much Do You Know About Brand Value? Take This Quiz!
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Alekhya Chakrabarty is a father, a doodler, a trivia buff, a sports fanatic and a lifelong student of marketing. Alekhya is the VP of Marketing & Growth at Unstop, the engagement and hiring platform which connects students and graduates with opportunities. He has over a decade and a half of experience in driving revenue and building brands with the likes of Nestle, HUL and ITC. He is an alumnus of IMT Ghaziabad and in his last stint he was leading the marketing function at Sunstone, a higher education startup. Alekhya has been recognised as a ‘Top Voice’ on LinkedIn for Digital Marketing & Brand Management. He runs a marketing podcast titled East India Marketing Company to drive conversations around growth, content, culture and commerce.
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