Home Newsroom “Stupidest Question Ever” Calls Chaylene Martinez Who Bombed Her Job Interview In A Disastrous Video Call

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“Stupidest Question Ever” Calls Chaylene Martinez Who Bombed Her Job Interview In A Disastrous Video Call

“Stupidest Question Ever” Calls Chaylene Martinez Who Bombed Her Job Interview In A Disastrous Video Call

No doubt, the internet with its bevy of applications- Zoom, Microsoft Teams, TikTok, Instagram, Youtube, etc. have helped us tremendously in increasing our productivity and assisting us to land hundreds of opportunities. Especially when we talk about the post pandemic world, the internet has helped millions of people around the world to start something of their own, thus making housewives, students, amateur artists and all to become financially independent. But, like everything in the world, it has pros as well as cons. 

We came across a bunch of hilarious videos, sometimes embarrassing too, which people recorded unknowingly and were published on the net, making them immortal. One of the recent interviews which cropped up on the world map, is yet another reminder of how disastrous the Internet can be.

Meet Chaylene Martinez

Chaylene Martinez, who is known as @chayjordan_ on TikTok, was applying for a flight attendant position at SkyWest Airlines when she accidently recorded herself making fun of the Airlines interview questions and sent it to them! 

She was asked, What is your impression of SkyWest company culture and how does that resonate with you?” She was seen talking to someone on the phone, and audibly said, “The question is the stupidest, cheesiest question I’ve ever read in my life.”

She went on further with her indifferent attitude, I can’t word this properly and you have to record yourself saying it, so it’s so awkward.” When recognizing her mistake, shocked Chaylene stammered, “I’m so sorry,I didn’t realize it was recording. I was practicing. So I was going to say, ‘Sorry.”

Talk about putting your foot in the mouth!

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Aftermath of the “Hilarious Tragedy”

Chaylene Martinez posted the recorded footage on Tiktok and the viral clip has amassed over 6.9 million views! She captioned it as, “Doing a video interview that you only get one chance to get right...accidentally started recording [too] early.”

In the follow up TikTok, she informed that she didn’t get the job. She also shared that she might get fired from her current jobs as she stated, “When you post a video of yourself applying for other jobs and your co-workers find out and now your boss knows you’re looking for another job”.

Several people reacted to the video and left lots of amusing comments. One user said, Now, the whole world knows her true face lol. Nobody would hire her now.” Another person wrote, “Oh my GOD THIS WAS PAINFUL. You are so brave,” one person wrote.

Well, what can we say, other than asking everyone to be careful and use the Internet judiciously. Maybe one day, you can be trending all over the world!


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Updated On Updated On: 17 Feb'22, 12:08 PM IST