Table of content:
- Important details about the Goldman Sachs recruitment process
- Preparation Guide for Goldman Sachs recruitment process
- List of Goldman Sachs Aptitude Questions
- List of important HR interview questions
- FAQs regarding the Goldman Sachs recruitment process
35+ Goldman Sachs Aptitude Questions That You Can't Miss Out!

Goldman Sachs is a leading worldwide investment banking and management organization. It is among the top ideal banking and management firms for both experienced and new graduate candidates. Goldman Sachs places a high priority on employee training in order to guarantee that everyone is performing to the best of their abilities. For candidates who wish to work at this leading company, we have covered an overview of the recruitment process and some important Goldman Sachs aptitude questions to give you a better understanding.
Important details about the Goldman Sachs recruitment process
Goldman Sachs has developed its own proprietary numerical reasoning test, which is used during the hiring process. The difficulty level of the questions is up to the secondary education level. Hence, revision of basic topics up to this level would be helpful to prepare for Goldman Sachs aptitude questions.
Another thing to note here is that Goldman Sachs numerical reasoning test does not include a definitive cutoff score. For your application to be considered further, you will typically need to achieve a reasonably good score.
Applications process at Goldman Sachs
The selection process consists of four different categories, which are as follows:
- Online application
- Online aptitude testing
- Video interview
- SuperDay (series of in-person interviews)
Do you know? The hiring process at Goldman Sachs is incredibly cut-throat, and as a result of the company's illustrious reputation, they are in a position to be exceedingly choosy about the people they bring on board. Goldman Sachs stated that they received nearly 250,000 applications for Analyst & Summer Analyst job profiles back in 2016. Of these applications, 130,000 seemed to be for just 5,000 internships, which also indicates that their acceptance rate was approximately 4%.
1. Goldman Sachs online application: The application form that you fill out for Goldman Sachs should give the employer a favorable first impression of you. This is the first stage in the evaluation process. You need to provide information like basic details, academic qualifications, as well as job history when applying for the position using the online application. Since Goldman Sachs gives greater preference to employees who have a superior command over the language, highlighting your linguistic abilities might be an enormous aid in getting hired there.
After completing the initial part of the application form, there really are 2 separate phases that follow. In the first part of the application, you need to provide specifics regarding your previous experiences and in the second part, you will be required to write a letter describing what motivates you.
In the section under Leadership Experience, there are a series of questions that require you to provide specific details about your prior experiences in leadership roles, including how you led a team, the success of your team, and the ways in which you contributed to just that success. It would be helpful if you could expound on this with examples from real-life situations that you encountered at school, college, or at work.
2. Goldman Sachs aptitude test: After the initial steps, candidates applying at Goldman Sachs should complete a series of aptitude tests. Every candidate is assessed based on their performance in a numerical & verbal test. Candidates applying for technical positions are evaluated based on their performance in a technical test also.
Note: Please note the use of a calculator during these examinations is not allowed.
- Goldman Sachs Numerical Reasoning Test: The Goldman Sachs written numerical test lasts for 20 minutes and consists of 20 questions. Goldman Sachs prepares its own numerical test rather than depending upon third-party companies. The Goldman Sachs aptitude questions are based on percentages, fractions, and decimals. Solving mock tests is a great way to practice well for such questions.
- Goldman Sachs Verbal Reasoning Test: After the reasoning test there is a verbal test that lasts for 20 minutes. There is a brief text or a paragraph that you need to read. Based on the information in the passage, you are required to determine if the assertion is true, false, or cannot say. Due to the time limit, you need to work as swiftly and effectively as possible. The most effective strategy to hone your skills is to give yourself plenty of chances to practice taking verbal reasoning tests. You can gain some familiarity with this method of evaluation by first taking the test that measures verbal reasoning.
3. Goldman Sachs Technical Examination: In this exam, you have to complete a written technical assessment in order to get a technical job at Goldman Sachs. You will get a total of 1 hour and 20 minutes to answer a number of coding questions which will be a computer-based test. There are many questions from C#, SQL, C++, and Java, as well. Make sure that you have adequate experience in performing under pressure by practicing similar scenarios to score the highest marks.
4. Video Interview: Once your application is shortlisted you will be asked to give a video interview right away. This requires you to respond to a set of questions from the interviewer using your computer, phone, or tablet. The entire duration of the interview will be close to half an hour. There are only approximately thirty seconds to think about a question, and then you will have two minutes to answer it. During the interview, there are mostly a series of general behavioral questions, in addition to one or two questions that are specifically related to the role(s) for which you have applied.
Some examples of questions that may be asked during the video interview are:
- What excites you about the prospect of working for Goldman Sachs?
- What do you consider to be the most challenging obstacle that you've ever had to overcome, and how did you do it?
- Please tell me about a moment when you had to settle a dispute with someone who was more senior to you in the organization.
- What do you consider to be your greatest strength?
What do you think about the team work?
Tips for doing well in video interviews! Carry out some research- Learn as much as you can about the firm and the role (or roles) for which you've applied. Put together some specific anecdotes that highlight how your prior experiences and education might mesh well with Goldman Sachs's culture.
5. SuperDay: The Goldman Sachs SuperDay seems to be the company's most popular and challenging assessment process, as a candidate you have to face 2-5 interviews with different interviews assessing you for the job you applied for. These interviews will be utilized to learn more about who you are as a person, such as the way you carry yourself, how you interact with potential coworkers, and how well you exemplify the company's core organizational values.
The questions asked during the interview can be categorized in the following groups:
Communication: In this section, you have to face basic questions about yourself, your interests, your passions, and your skills outside of the context of the workplace. These questions are not directly associated with the position for which you are seeking; yet, this presents an excellent opportunity to demonstrate how you bring your interests and skills to bear in your professional life as well. This is the round where you can truly highlight your unique selling qualities and what it is that you uniquely bring to the table that other people may not; therefore, prepare some thorough and focused examples.
Teamwork: Since problem-solving, leadership, and teamwork are crucial skills for Goldman Sachs employees, the questions that are mentioned below will provide you the opportunity to demonstrate how you embody such characteristics in your everyday life. Questions such as:
- Have you ever had a fight with a colleague?
- How do you deal with conflicts in ideas within the team?
- What course of action would you take if you saw a coworker who appeared to be in distress?
- What strategies would you employ to keep the motivation of a team up?
Understanding of business practices: Goldman Sachs is dedicated to providing exceptional service, places a strong priority on the satisfaction of its customers, and is at the forefront of innovation and creativity within the financial services industry. This indicates that it is of the utmost importance for you to understand as much as you can about the company, the market, the initiatives it undertakes, and the worldwide environment associated with your sector.
In a typical job interview, you can face the question about the culture of the firm, its history, what makes it unique in comparison to other companies in its industry, etc.
Brain teasers: Your ability to think creatively and critically will be tested by brain teasers. So it is best to practice some before your D-day!
Preparation Guide for Goldman Sachs recruitment process
Like all other companies, Goldman Sachs is seeking the best fit for its positions. Some of the most common skills that Goldman Sachs recruiters look for in a candidate are:
- Teamwork \Leadership \Problem-solving
- Creativity
- Sincerity and uprightness are essential qualities.
- Activities are undertaken on one's own initiative
- Exquisite levels of quality control and performance requirements
- Client service
- Time management
At every stage of the application and interviewing process, you must also be prepared to exhibit commercial awareness and a dedication to your career and also grasp on the services that Goldman Sachs provides to its clients.
Interview Tips
- Give comprehensive answers: Before you answer a question, just recapitulate all the points in your mind and see if your reply is addressing all of the components of the inquiry and paints a complete picture.
- Check how everything is set up: Find a distraction-free location to face the video interview and make sure your laptop and wifi connection are working properly to avoid any disruptions during the call.
- Be yourself: Goldman Sachs wants to get a sense of who you are, so avoid reading from secret notes or reciting answers that have been planned in advance. Do your research and prepare ahead of time so that you can react to the questions with self-assurance, as well as in a natural and fluid manner.
- Describe and highlight the skills you possess: Interviewers want to get an insight into your professional as well as academic accomplishments, communication skills, and your capacity to overcome problems, in the course of the interview. Be ready to draw on your past experiences and specific instances that demonstrate how you are the right fit for this post being offered in the organization.
- Research about the firm: Research the firm and the department to which you are applying. You should be able to demonstrate your expertise and explain why you are enthusiastic about the job, the firm, and the industry as a whole when you go in for an interview.
- Make good use of your network: Talk to people you know and people your age who have had experience working in investment banking. Attend employment fairs and other events to see if there are any possibilities to network with current employees of the company. You can follow Goldman Sachs-related events like workshops, information sessions, and conferences to learn more about the company.
- Prepare your own questions: You may have the chance to take up your queries from the interviewer. So make sure you are prepared with some questions of your own. Consider coming up with questions that are centered on subjects such as significant shifts that have occurred in the industry, possibilities for professional growth and training, and the culture of the organization.
- Take the time to listen carefully: At the beginning of the interview, your interviewers can begin by introducing themselves and providing you with some information regarding their job roles. Pay close attention to what is being said to you, and be on the lookout for possibilities to convey your capabilities and experiences in a manner that will resonate with what the company desires.
- If you don't know the answer, try not to stress out: It is not rude to admit if you are unsure of something. If you are facing a question to which you do not know the answer, try responding with something along the lines of "I can't answer this specific question; however, I do understand about..." and then proceed to speak in an informed manner about a topic that is related to the original inquiry and with which you are familiar.
- Dress well: There is no requirement to be overly formal, but you should seem confident in your appearance. Take a look at the pictures available on the Goldman Sachs website to get an idea of the appropriate attire for the workplace.
Hope these tips prove to be useful for you. However, in order to secure your slot in the interview round, you must first be able to nail the written round, and the aptitude round is a critical one to clear. Here are some important Goldman Sachs aptitude questions that can help you out.
List of Goldman Sachs Aptitude Questions
Here is a list of Goldman Sachs aptitude questions that you must practice to perform well in the written round.
Q1. A housewife will devote fifty percent of her husband's income to the upkeep of the home, 25% to the payment of rent, and fifteen percent to the cost of transportation to and from work. The sum that is left over is subsequently put into an account designated for savings at the financial institution in the neighborhood. Assuming that a sum of Rs. 50 is placed in the bank at the end of each and every month, and the following is an example of how this could play out. What is the amount that her husband makes every year?
A. Rs.500
B. Rs.1500
C. Rs.800
D. Rs.1000
Ans: D
Q2. The average age of a close-knit group of friends is 15 years old. That particular group is composed of ten individuals altogether. The addition of 5 new members has resulted in an increase of 1 year in the group's current average age. What is the age range that the new members fall into on average?
A. Rs.18 years
B.Rs.15 years
C.Rs.21 years
D. Rs.20 years
Ans: A
Q3. The typical amount of money spent by a worker over the course of six months was Rs. 95, and as a result, he ran into financial trouble. In the following four months, he paid off his debt and saved 50 rupees by lowering his monthly expenditures to 70 rupees. This allowed him to save more than he had spent. The amount that he makes each month is:
A. Rs. 85
B. Rs. 95
C. Rs. 88
D. Rs. 90
Ans: D
Q4. A can hold a mixture of two liquids, A and B, in the proportion of 7:5, and the can is sealed. The proportion of A to B shifts to 7:9 when 9 liters of the mixture are removed, and the container is then filled with B. The initial amount of liters of liquid A contained within the can was
A. 10 L
B. 20 L
C. 21 L
D. 25 L
Ans: C
Q5. There are 80 liters of milk inside the container. The eight liters of milk that were originally contained in this container have been switched out for water. The procedure was then carried out an additional two times. After that, the amount of milk that is contained within the container is equal to
A. 58.23 L
B. 85.23 L
C. 58.32 L
D. 85..32 L
Ans: C
Q6. The can you are holding contains a combination of two different liquids. Seven parts water to 5 parts milk makes up this proportion. The proportion of milk to water in the container is changed to 7:9 when 9 liters of the mixture are removed, and it is then filled with water. How many liters of milk were initially contained inside of the can when it was first opened?
A. 12 L
B. 15 L
C. 21 L
D. 26 L
Ans: C
Q7. How many kilograms of red chili powder, which costs 9 rupees per kg, must be mixed with 27 kilograms of red chili powder, which costs 7 rupees per kg, in order to make a profit of 10% by selling the mixture for 9.24 rupees per kilogram?
A. 63
B. 36
C. 42
D. 32
Ans: A
Q8. A can hold a combination of two liquids, A and B, in the proportion of 7 to 5, respectively. The proportion of A to B shifts to 7:9 when 9 liters of the mixture are removed, and the container is then filled with B. The initial amount of liters of liquid A that the can held was
A. 10 L
B. 20 L
C. 21 L
D. 25 L
Ans: C
Q9. A container holds a combination of two different types of liquid. 7 parts water to 5 parts milk makes up this proportion. The proportion of milk to water in the container is changed to 7:9 when 9 liters of the mixture are removed, and it is then filled with water. How many liters of milk were initially contained inside of the can when it was first opened?
A.12 L
B. 15 L
C. 21 L
D. 26 L
Ans: C
Q10. If the list price of a fan is Rs. 1500 and a discount of 20% is offered on the list price, what additional discount must be offered to the customer to bring the net price down to Rs. 1104?
A. 8%
B. 10%
C. 12%
D. 5%
Ans: A
Q11. Arima purchased a briefcase with an additional 10% discount on the reduced price after receiving a discount of 20% on the price that was labeled on the briefcase. How much did she actually pay for the briefcase, considering that it was marked with a price of Rs. 1400?
A. Rs.980
B. Rs.1008
C. Rs.1056
D. Rs.1120
Ans: B
Q12. If a company sells a car with a marked price of Rs. 2,72,000 and gives a discount of 4% on Rs. 2,00,000 and 2.5% on the remaining amount of Rs. 72,000, then the actual price charged by the company for the car is
A. Rs. 2,50,000
B. Rs. 2,55,000
C. Rs. 2,60,100
D. Rs. 2,62,200
Ans: D
Q 13. Jatin was able to get a discount of twenty percent off the price that was listed on the refrigerator he purchased. If he had purchased it when it was on sale for 25% off, he could have saved an additional Rs. 500. When did he buy the refrigerator, and how much did he pay for it?
A. Rs.5,000
B. Rs.10,000
C. Rs.12,500
D. Rs.15,000
Ans: A
Q14. If a bag contains 23 toys with the numbers 1 to 23, and two toys are drawn at random, one after another (without replacing the first toy), what is the probability that both toys will have even numbers? Replace the first toy with a new toy before drawing the second toy.
A. 5/21
B. 9/42
C. 11/42
D. 5/23
Ans: D
Q15. In 75% of all situations, X is telling the truth, whereas, in 80% of all situations, Y is telling the truth. In what proportion of instances do accounts differing in detail but describing the same occurrence contradict one another?
A. 45%
C. 35%
D. 22.5%
Ans: C
Q16. Amar, Akbar, and Anthony have a combined age of eighty years if you add their ages together. When they were all together, what was the combined age of all of them three years ago?
A. 71 years
B. 72 years
C. 74 years
D. 77 years
Ans: 71
Q17. Ram works at a pace that allows him to complete a piece of work in 24 hours when he first starts out, but he only maintains this pace for a total of 16 hours before slowing down. After that, he works at a pace that is fast enough for him to finish the entire work in just 18 hours. How many hours will it take Ram to complete this task if he is able to work nonstop until it is done?
A. 12 hrs
B. 18 hrs
C. 11½ hrs
D. 22 hrs
Ans: D
Q18. A can complete a piece of work within a period of a week and a half. B has estimated that this work can be completed in 16 days. A started the work by themselves at first. How many days will need to pass before B is able to join him in order for the work to be completed in 9 days?
A. 2 days
B. 3 days
C. 4 days
D. 5 days
Ans: D
Q19. A and B are able to complete a piece of work in a span of four days, whereas C and D require a span of twelve days to complete the same work. How many days do you estimate it will take A, B, C, and D to complete it together?
A. 12 days
B. 4 days
C. 3 days
D. 2 days
Ans: C
Q20. The amount of work that can be completed by A and B in forty days can be completed by B and C in one hundred and twenty days. If it takes B by themselves 180 days to complete the task, how many days will it take A and C together to complete the task?
A. 45 days
B. 22.5 days
C. 25 days
D. 18 days
Ans: A
Q21. A and B have agreed to complete a piece of work for the price of 450 rupees. Both A and B are capable of completing the task within their allotted time frames. They are able to complete it in a span of 8 days thanks to C's assistance. What kind of compensation do you think C should receive for their work?
A. Rs. 180
B. Rs. 40
C. Rs. 120
D. Rs. 60
Ans: A
Q22. Daku and Tamatar have a completion time of 70 and 60 days, respectively, for a given piece of work. They started out working together, but Daku left after a few days, and it took Tamatar 47 days to finish the work that was left over. After how many days did Daku finally pack his bags and leave?
A. 14 days
B. 16 days
C. 18 days
D. 7 days
Ans: D
Q23. Ajay and Vijay decide to take on a project that will cost them a total of 480 rupees. It will take Ajay 75 days to complete it on his own, while it will only take Vijay 40 days to complete it on his own. They were able to complete the project in 25 days thanks to Pradeep's assistance. What kind of compensation do you think Pradeep deserves for all of his hard work?
A. Rs. 40
B. Rs. 20
C. Rs. 360
D. Rs. 100
Ans: B
Q24. The amount of wheat produced in 2017 was fifty percent higher than the amount produced in 2016. When measured on a log10 scale, the following is the increase in percentage terms for the wheat quantities that were transformed:
A. 13%
B. 5%
C. 7%
D. 9%
Ans: C
Q25. The ratio of P's current age to Q's is six to seven, which indicates that P is one year older than Q. What will the proportion of P's age to Q's age be after four years, given that Q is older than P by four years?
A. 3 : 4
B. 3 : 5
C. 4 : 3
D. None of these are acceptable.
Ans: D
Q26. At this point in time, Arun is four years older than Deepak, making their age difference a ratio of four to three. Arun's age will be up to 26 after another year, and a half has passed. What age is Deepak at this current moment?
A. 2.5 years
B. 15 years
C. 19.5 years
D. 21 years
Ans: B
Q27. When they were both six years old, the ages of Kunal and Sagar were proportionately arranged as follows: 6 to 5. In a few years, the ratio of their ages will be 11 to 10, and neither one of them will have turned 11. What age is Sagar at this present moment?
A.16 years
B.18 years
C. 20 years
D. Cannot be determined
Ans: A
Q28. The average age difference between a man and his wife is four years, with a median age of three. After another 4 years, we will have reached a ratio of 9 to 7. If the ratio was 5: 3 at the time of their wedding, then calculate the number of years that have passed since their wedding.
A. 8 years
B. 10 years
C.12 years
D. 15 years
Ans: C
Q29. A father was three times as old as his son eighteen years ago when they were both still alive. This means that the father is only two times as old as his son at this point. Therefore, if we add up the ages of the son and the father at their respective ages now, we get the following:
A. 54
B. 72
C. 105
D. 108
Ans: D
Q30. When the father and son were both four years old, the father's age was equivalent to three times that of his son. After another year has passed, both the father and the son will have reached the age of 64 years old. When did the father reach the age that he is now?
A. 32 years
B. 36 years
C. 44 years
D. None of these are acceptable.
Ans: D
Q31. The total ages of a man's two sons should be added together, and that number should be multiplied by three. In another 5 years, his age will be equal to the sum of those of his sons, which will be twice as old as he is now. A. forty years B. 45 years C. fifty years. This is the current age of the father.
A. 50
B. 50
C .50
D. 55
Ans: B
Q32. The current age of Gagan's grandson Anup can be calculated by taking his current age, subtracting six years from that number, and then dividing the result by 18. This will give the grandson's current age. If Gagan is currently 7 years old and Anup is younger by 2 years than Madan, who is 5 years old, then what is Gagan's age?
A. 48 years
B. 60 years
C. 84 years
D. 96 years
Ans: B
Q33. The age difference between my brother and I is three years. When my sister was born, my mother was 28 years old, but my father was only 28 years old at the time. I was born when my mother was 26 years old. If my sister was 4 years old when my brother was born, then the ages of my father and mother, respectively, when my brother was born are as follows:
A. 32 yrs, 23 yrs
B. 32 yrs, 29 yrs
C. 35 yrs, 29 yrs
D. 35 yrs, 33 yrs
Ans: A
Q34. Mr. Thomas made an investment of a total of Rs. 13,900, which he split between two distinct schemes, A and B, each of which offered a simple interest rate of 14% p.a. or 11% p.a., respectively. If the entire amount of simple interest gained over the course of two years is 3,508 rupees, what was the amount that was invested in Scheme B?
A. Rs.6400
B. Rs.6500
C. Rs.7200
D. Rs.7500
Ans: A
Q35. An individual who finances automobiles asserts that he is lending money at a simple interest rate; however, he factors in the interest that is accrued every six months when determining the principal. Given that he is charging an interest rate of 10%, the effective rate of interest is as follows:
D. None of these are acceptable.
Ans: B
Q36. A man obtained a loan from a financial institution at a simple interest rate of 12% per year for the entire term of the loan. After three years, he was responsible for paying an interest payment of Rs. 5,400 only for the period. The principal amount that he had borrowed was as follows:
A. Rs. 2000
B. Rs. 10,000
C. Rs. 15,000
D. Rs. 20,000
Ans: C
Q37. If a boat is traveling upstream, it will take 8 hours and 48 minutes to cover a certain distance; however, if the boat is traveling downstream, it will only take 4 hours to cover the same distance. How does the speed of the boat compare to the speed of the water current, and what is the ratio of the two?
A. 2: 1
B. 3: 2
C. 8 : 3
D. None of these are acceptable.
Ans: C
Q38. A boat traveling in the opposite direction of the current can cover the same distance of 16 kilometers in two hours, whereas traveling in the opposite direction of the current can take four hours. When the water is completely still, how fast does the boat travel?
A. 4 km/hr
B. 6 km/hr
C. 8 km/hr
D. Data inadequate
Ans: B
Q39. On Sundays, the average number of people who visit a library is 510, while the number of people who visit on other days is 240. The following is an example of the daily average number of visitors during a month consisting of 30 days beginning on a Sunday:
A. 250
B. 276
C. 280
D. 285
Ans: D
Q40. During the first three months of operation, a company produces, on average, four thousand new items every single month. How many of each item must it produce on average each month for the next 9 months in order for it to produce an average of 4375 items each month over the course of the entire period?
A. 4500
B. 4600
C. 4680
D. 4710
Ans: A
List of important HR interview questions
After covering some important Goldman Sachs aptitude questions, here are some of the most frequent questions that you must prepare for to clear the HR interview round-
1. What do you want to accomplish with your life?
At the moment, I'm working toward the objective of obtaining a position at a well-respected company, where I'll have the opportunity to expand my abilities in the real world and take on exciting new responsibilities. My goal is to find a position in which I can utilize my experience and expertise to make a positive impact on the development and progress of a company or organization. The essential thing for me is to find a career that makes me happy and fulfills all of my needs. My long-term ambitions include providing a good life for both myself and my family so that we can enjoy our time together.
2. Why do you want to join our company?
I believe that those that were demanded in this role are a fantastic match for me because of the skill sets that I currently possess, along with the relevant experience. I was able to picture myself in that position because my career goals, talents, and experience were all compatible with the requirements of the job. In addition, I have done some research on your firm and discovered that it has some really outstanding and exciting prospects, which has made me very thrilled to be a part of the fantastic future.
3. What are some of your best qualities, as well as your areas of improvement?
I believe that the fact that I am an excellent member of teams is one of my many abilities. I am also an individual who is highly self-motivated and learns things really quickly for myself. I always put my absolute best effort toward completing a task and do my best to have it done plenty of time ahead of schedule.
My biggest flaw is that I tend to believe I am capable of more than what is actually possible for me to handle, whether physically or intellectually. When I was at my prior job, I frequently had the impression that I was working nonstop and that I needed to play catch-up all the time.
4. Why should we work with you instead of someone else?
My background in technology, particularly in the field of software testing, makes me the ideal candidate for this role, in my opinion, due to the breadth and depth of my knowledge in these areas. When I was at my former employment, one of my responsibilities included keeping our company's testing documentation up to date and protecting its integrity.
Because I was having so much fun with my previous work, I thought I would be a good fit for the position you have available with your organization. I have gained valuable experience in documentation and content creation at my previous job, and I would be delighted to put those talents to use in my new one.
5. Are you able to work effectively under intense time constraints?
I believe that there is no such thing as a life that is free of pressure and that we must learn how to deal with it. In addition, working in a high-pressure environment offers us a unique experience, which enables us to gain fresh insights from experience as well as evaluate our own capabilities.
6. Why did you leave your last job?
After working for my previous employer for a total of five years, I feel that I am now prepared to take on a new challenge and further develop my talents. I'm really looking forward to expanding my horizons, and I believe that taking on this role will give me the opportunity to put my previous experience to good use while also allowing me to acquire new information.
7. What do you consider to be some of your most significant strengths?
My upbeat and optimistic outlook on life is one of the characteristics that most define me. In actuality, it is something that assists me in maintaining my motivation even in the most trying of circumstances. I also get along well with people and can rapidly pick up new ideas, all of which contribute to hassle-free teamwork thanks to my abilities. As a member of the team working on the project, I was assigned XYZ-related duties, all of which I was able to perform thanks to my expertise in XYZ (skill) satisfactorily.
8. Do you have a good handle on the management of your time?
I consider myself to be an extremely proactive person, and I always make it a point to finish whatever I'm working on within the allotted amount of time. When I have a lot of things to get done, I like to make a list of them in order of importance and then try to finish them in that order.
9. What is the one thing that makes you the most anxious?
I make it a point to give myself plenty of time to finish everything I start. When it comes to things that are outside of my comfort zone, I have a tendency to become concerned and worry excessively about getting them done. Because of this, I often find myself working even in my spare time. Due to the fact that I am a quick student, I am confident that I will be able to overcome my worry as I gain more experience.
10. What brings joy to your life?
The greatest reward for one's efforts is the sense of satisfaction they bring. When you see the desired results and know that you have done it without any help, it gives you happiness that cannot be duplicated by anything else, despite the fact that you will have to confront numerous failures along the way.
FAQs regarding the Goldman Sachs recruitment process
1. What is the Goldman Sachs interview exam for a job?
The Goldman Sachs exam is an assessment process for Goldman Sachs India to hire talented individuals. The process includes submitting an application online, having the first interview, taking aptitude tests, and having a second interview.
2. Is the test for Goldman Sachs a simple one?
The Goldman Sachs assessment test can not be described as simple, though it is possible to achieve success with constant efforts and practice balanced with proper planning.
3. Is there a person present for the Goldman Sachs exam?
The Goldman Sachs India examinations are overseen by qualified invigilators, and each candidate is inspected carefully to take part in the exam fairly.
4. What are the requirements for taking the exam to become eligible for Goldman Sachs?
As per the eligibility criteria of the Goldman Sachs test, candidates must have obtained a cumulative grade point average of at least 6.0 or an exam score of at least 60% in both their 10th and 12th-grade tests. In addition, a bachelor's degree in engineering or a master's degree in engineering technology is necessary for technical applicants.
5. How should I get ready for the off-campus Goldman Sachs interview?
To get ready for this test, you can complete an online aptitude assessment test, along with practicing answering interview questions and doing brain teasers on the internet.
6. Does the Goldman Sachs test use a point system with positive and negative scoring?
Although there is no provision for negative marking in the Goldman Sachs exam, your accuracy score will be impacted if you choose to speculate on the answers.
7. How should I go about preparing for an interview with Goldman Sachs?
You can prepare yourself for the interview by reading this article to get a sense of the types of questions that will be asked at the interview and then prepare yourself accordingly.
8. Is it possible to crack the Goldman Sachs aptitude test in the first go?
Yes, the Goldman Sachs aptitude test is challenging and includes questions that assess both numerical and verbal ability but with practice and hard work you can crack it. You can only understand the format of these examinations if you have sufficient practice, and thorough preparation is the key to success in passing them.
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I am a biotechnologist-turned-content writer and try to add an element of science in my writings wherever possible. Apart from writing, I like to cook, read and travel.
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