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How to win the Accenture B-School Challenge -By Team Morpheus from IIM Bangalore

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How to win the Accenture B-School Challenge -By Team Morpheus from IIM Bangalore
Based on our understanding, we had already structured some basic requirements that our solution would present. Once presented with the problem statement of Accenture B-School Challenge, we reached out to industry experts who were present at the venue and tried understanding the expectations from the solutions. We internally divided the work and after every hour, discussed the basic outline. We acted as each other's sounding board and that is what helped us stay on track.

The top 10 teams

There were 10 teams for the finale. We considered every team to be a tough competitor. All of them were winners from their respective campus and were pretty great. We were amazed by the quality of solutions presented by the teams. All of them had the potential of bagging the coveted title of National Winners. 

What made us stand apart

I believe our team was perfectly balanced. We had people with different strengths and we worked in coordination. Our biggest strength, I believe, was to voice our opinions during the discussion phase. But once we had finalised a solution, all of us worked together to achieve the same.

Our team's forte was that we worked well together. We had divided various sections amongst us based on our independent strengths, we were all equally talented in different domains. We had our own fair share of conflicts. A majority of them happened during the ideation phase where we discussed the direction we should pick for our solution. Once we had finalised the same, the entire team worked together to deliver the desired results.

The unparalleled competition

What makes Accenture B-School Challenge unique is the fact that apart from the Senior Management at Accenture, they also have industry experts on the judging panel. This further improved the level of Q&A and tested our in-depth understanding of the feasibility of our solutions. The competition was very well organised and gave us an idea of how consulting work looks like. From the fun aspect of it, to actually pulling all nighters to present a detailed and structured solution, our team saw it all. 

Honestly, for us, the best moment was when we were declared winners. Nothing beats that. But something that does come close to that particular moment was when we were able to address the questions directed at us, during the Q&A.

Our primary takeaways!

I think our biggest learning from the competition has been in understanding how digital innovation can be used across any industry. We came face to face with the reality that the need of the hour requires firms to start thinking about implementing digital innovation as soon as possible. If they don’t, they might fall a lot behind the prevailing competition. We also learned that even though some solutions look amazing on the outside, feasibility and ecosystem are an integral part and they must play an important role in deciding what needs to be implemented. Overall, the entire journey of Accenture B-School Challenge 2019 was truly overwhelming for us!
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