Home Newsroom JEE Main March 2021 Slot 1 exam analysis; paper focused on NCERT

JEE Main March 2021 Slot 1 exam analysis; paper focused on NCERT

JEE Main March 2021 Slot 1 exam analysis; paper focused on NCERT

The National Testing Agency (NTA) successfully conducted the JEE Main 2nd session, Slot 1 on 16th March 2021. This year keeping the COVID-19 pandemic in consideration the exam will be conducted in 4 sessions in the months of February, March, April, and May.

Details of JEE Main March 2021 session

The JEE Main March 2021 (Session 2) exam is being held from 16th March to 18th March 2021 in which a total of 6,19,638 candidates have registered for Paper 1 (B.E./B.Tech.). Every day there will be two shifts of the examination:

  • Shift 1: 9:00 to 12:00 noon
  • Shift 2: 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm

The exam will be conducted in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode in 334 cities (including 12 cities outside India in Bahrain, Colombo, Doha, Dubai, Kathmandu, Kualalumpur, Lagos, Muscat, Riyadh, Sharjah, Singapore, and Kuwait.

Gender-wise distribution of registered candidates  











Analysis of JEE Main Slot 1, March 16 exam

Some key points of the Slot 1 paper held on 16th March 2021 are as follows:

  • Experts have said that the paper was similar to JEE Main 2021 February (Session 1) examination
  • The paper was made keeping in focus the NCERT syllabus
  • Many students said that the Physics portion was the toughest to solve
  • Many also reported that the Chemistry section was confusing
  • According to most students, the Mathematics section was moderate and of expected difficulty level 
  • The paper overall was of easy to moderate level with some good quality questions

Subject-wise analysis 

The subject wise analysis of the JEE Main March 2021 Slot 1 (16th March) paper is as follows:

  • Physics

The Physics section was of easy to moderate level. There were 30 questions in Physics divided into two sections: Section 1 with 20 single option correct type MCQs and Section 2 with 10 numerical based questions (only 5 were to be answered). The solution to some questions demanded lengthy calculations. The various topics from which the questions were asked included Mechanics, Electrostatics, Magnetism, Current Electricity, Heat and Thermodynamics, and Optics.

  • Chemistry 

The Chemistry section was of easy level and was based on the NCERT syllabus. It also had 2 sections: Section 1 with 20 multiple choice questions and Section 2 with 10 numerical-based questions (any 5 were to be attempted). Some questions did require lengthy calculations but overall the section was easy and gave almost equal weightage to NCERT chapters of class 11th and 12th. The highest number of questions were from organic chemistry.

  • Mathematics

The Mathematics section was of moderate to difficult level. It again contained two sections: Section 1 with 20 MCQ of single option correct questions. The questions in this section were asked from topics such as Algebra, Calculus, Coordinate Geometry, Vector, and 3-D Geometry. Section 2 had 10 numerical-based questions (only 5 were to be answered). Some questions required lengthy calculations and some were tricky also. 

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Updated On: 22 Sep'21, 08:48 AM IST