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MBA Interview questions from global B-Schools that you need to prepare for

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MBA Interview questions from global B-Schools that you need to prepare for

After a screening of applications, it is time for the last round of MBA admissions i.e. the personal interview. Different schools around the world have different criteria for judging an applicant’s suitability and thus, expectedly, also has distinct areas of focus when interviewing students. Some stress more on a student’s drive to opt for an MBA instead of other options, while others pay close attention through the questions on the students’ past experience and learnings from the workplace. These MBA interview questions are aimed to help the interviewer have a clear answer as to why an accepted candidate is better suited for the course and college than the other rejected candidates. There are numerous tips that one could follow during an interview. But the key is remembering that everything and anything during an interview can make an impact.

MBA interview questions from top B-Schools around the world

The general questions revolve around the reason for choosing an MBA at this particular B-School, the academic and extra-curricular interests, or even the reason because of which they should take you in. With a range of MBA interview questions, the interview round can make an applicant worry. But to help you ace the interviews coming your way from B-Schools all around the world, here’s a B-School-wise list of frequently asked MBA interview questions that you need to prepare for.

MBA interview questions: Harvard Business School



What are some of the challenges you’ve ever faced? What were your lessons?

Describe an incident at work where you had faced an ethical dilemma?

What subjects/classes interested you the most in college?

What do you think are the current challenges in the industry?

How are you as a supervisor? How do you manage your subordinates remotely?

Describe an unfavorable incident. What were your takeaways?

MBA interview questions: INSEAD

How do you see yourself as a part of the INSEAD community?

How will you enhance the diversity in your class at INSEAD?

What were your international experiences like – personal & professional both?

Describe an incident when you had to work with a person speaking a different language than you.

What is the main challenge your company/industry is facing right now?

MBA interview questions: Duke University (Fuqua)

Describe how you are as a leader? What do you think are the good qualities a leader should have?

Explain your job role as you would explain it to a six-year-old child.

How does your way of communication differ from those at the same level as yours and your seniors in the company?

How do you think that you are fit for an MBA?

Describe an incident when you managed a conflict with your co-workers? What are your lessons?

MBA interview questions: MIT (Sloan)


Describe an incident where you showed your leadership skills.

Describe an incident where you had to deal with conflict within the team or with your seniors?

What do you think are your biggest achievements till date?

Describe a time when you didn’t perform as well as you were expected to? What are your key lessons?

One reason that we should not select you for the program?

MBA interview questions: University of Michigan (Ross)

Describe an incident when you challenged the status quo and brought change

Describe an incident when you faced failure

Describe an experience when you had to push your limits so as to complete some task successfully?

How can you add value to the Sloan class?

Describe a time when you faced conflict within the team. How did you handle the conflict?

MBA interview questions: London Business School

How will you contribute to the class at LBS?

Are you a team player? Describe a time when you worked in a team.

What are the key trends/latest developments in your industry?

What are the key factors that influence businessmen and entrepreneurs in your country?

 MBA interview questions: University of Chicago (Booth)


How will you enhance the diversity here?

How do you think Booth will help you achieve your long-term goals?

How did you bring motivation to a team that was lagging behind?

Describe a challenging situation you faced at work? How did you manage?

How did you come to decide on an MBA from Booth?

 MBA interview questions: Northwestern University (Kellogg)



What is something about you that you would like to say to us, that is not in your application?

What was a piece of advice that has stayed with you throughout?

Describe an incident where the odd were not in your favour.

Describe a time when you showed leadership? How did you manage the team?

MBA interview questions: Yale School of Management


Describe a challenging situation at your workplace. How did you handle such a situation?

What changes do you think you could bring to your company?

Tell me a quote you like and the reason for it.

Describe a time when you had to have a difficult conversation with someone. How did you do so?

Describe a time when you influenced a co-worker/subordinates.

MBA interview questions: University of Virginia (Darden)


How would you contribute to your class at Darden?

What clubs would you like to get involved in at Darden?

Why is diversity important?

Describe when you faced conflict? How did you manage it?

What are some lessons that you learnt from such a situation that you further applied elsewhere?

MBA interview questions: Dartmouth College (Tuck)

Describe a situation that made you uncomfortable.

Describe a time when you received feedback for your work and applied it in the situations.

Describe a time when you had to deliver tough feedback to somebody?

Tell me about an activity that you're passionate about.

MBA interview questions: CEIBS

Since you don’t speak or write Mandarin, you will be considered as a minority in China after your MBA, how will you overcome this?

You don’t have any international experience, how does it affect you?

How will you contribute to your class at CEIBS?

If I wanted to invest in your company, what are the factors I should consider?

Describe a challenging project you were a part of. How did you manage?

MBA interview questions: SDA Bocconi School of Management

Describe a situation that challenged you. What skills did you apply to handle the situation?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses?

One reason that we should not select you?

 MBA interview questions: New York University (Stern)

How do you think Stern will help you achieve your long-term goals?

What are the leadership skills you’ve developed till date?

What is your strategy to get placed at companies of your choice?

Describe an experience of working with a team.

 MBA interview questions: Columbia Business School


How would you contribute to Columbia’s class?

What will make you unique in comparison to other applicants?

Which is your dream company and why?

How will you enhance diversity in a team setting?

Describe a time, either professionally or academically, when you witnessed others behaving unethically. What did you do about it?

MBA interview questions: University of California-Berkeley (Haas)

Describe a time when you acted as the leader and unfavourable events followed?

What is one of the biggest risks you’ve taken?

Describe a time when you were sure of your argument but turned out to be wrong. How did you react?

How has humility worked for you?

To help you with your complete interview preparation, check out these articles:

  1. GD & WAT topics for MBA admissions by IIMs and other top B-Schools
  2. MBA admissions 2021: The perfect guide for choosing an MBA college
  3. Personal interview questions every MBA aspirant should know how to answer
  4. What to write and what not to write in your MBA essay?
  5. Statement of Purpose (SOP): Guidelines for popular MBA specializations
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D2C Admin

MBA MBA Aspirants MBA Resources Interview Interview Preparation


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