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Top 9 myths about getting into Harvard Business School BUSTED that you must check out!

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Top 9 myths about getting into Harvard Business School BUSTED that you must check out!

Getting into Harvard Business School (HBS) is the dream of every B-School aspirant. However, all those who aspire to get into HBS also share a common worry: what if my application is not good enough? The fear of rejection and the uncertainty it brings is enough to make anyone lose sleep. But such anxiety is completely unnecessary. You just need to know your HBS application inside and out to be able to tackle your MBA admissions process with confidence.

Countless Harvard Business School applicants and alums separate themselves from the pack by understanding the myths and misconceptions about the MBA admission process and addressing them up front. Today, we’re going to do a little myth-busting of common misconceptions about the MBA application process. By setting the record straight, we hope to calm the nerves of many worried Harvard Business School aspirants.

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It's impossible for me to get in

Some people are intimidated by the long and rich history of Harvard. The fact that it's such a renowned institution can make even the most confident person feel unsure, and they begin to wonder if their past experience in life isn’t enough to match up with others who might seem so impressive when applying for admission.

HBS alumni say that once students get into the program, they realize how important it is to remember that each and every one of them — no matter what their academic, professional, and personal backgrounds — has something unique to add to the classroom experience.

Will I be screened by a machine?

Here's a myth that's been going around for a while: That Harvard Business School uses a machine to screen applicants. But this isn't true. HBS has no algorithm that pre-screens candidates or minimum scores they have to reach. It is actually very much a human-based university.  Each application is read by two members of the admissions board who strive to do their best to get to know you and build a diverse and interesting class of potential students. 

Once the application is reviewed, an interview is conducted by an admission board member. The interviewer will read the candidate’s application a number of times to prepare for an engaging conversation. 

After the interview is done, everyone can submit a written reflection within 24 hours on the application system. All of that information will be put into your candidate file which will then be used to determine whether or not you get accepted into the program.

Will I fit into the HBS typical profile? 

The third myth to bust is the common misconception that HBS looks for a typical profile. Rather than seeking a homogenous student body, The HBS wants to create a learning environment in which students can come together and discuss differing opinions and perspectives. Different from lectures in a class, HBS relies heavily on case studies - so that students develop the skills, information, and awareness they will need to be successful in the business world. 

Following this method allows them not only to build valuable relationships but also to learn from each other. The School has found that rather than lecturing students on what they should think or believe about particular situations, it's much more valuable to allow them to present their ideas to one another and discuss these issues; because it forces them to rely on themselves and their own perceptions and judgments.

My test scores aren't up to the mark

HBS does not have a minimum requirement for entrance into their undergraduate or graduate program. Typically, the admission team will look at all of your credentials in context including the essay, transcripts, and your work experience to make their decisions on who they want to invite to interview.

Their most recent incoming class had students with all levels of statistics. Your marks are just another data point that makes it easy to understand if you're ready for the program you've applied for. HBS is agnostic when it comes to standardized exams (i.e. one is not preferred over the other)!

My GPA matters a lot! 

HBS will evaluate your academic potential depending on the overall context of your past accomplishments. Many factors play into grade point averages, including course selection and exceptional leadership opportunities. Certain extracurricular activities can provide reasons for lowered GPAs. In many cases, some kind of hardship affects people’s grades in certain semesters of their undergraduate degrees. But the great part is that you can share the context about your grades in the 'Additional Information' section of your HBS application. So, it is better if you worry less about your GPA and focus more on the stronger parts of your application process.

HBS has an extremely competitive atmosphere

There’s a common myth that HBS has an extremely competitive atmosphere. No doubt, there are impressive people at this school who are driven to succeed on an individual level. They’re often focused on rising through the ranks on their own, but that isn’t always the focus of the HBS community. It’s one of the safest, most supportive, friendliest environments ever existed among strangers. Everyone wants everyone to succeed. It doesn't work unless you support each other. Something positive happens when you build something together.

I am not an extrovert - How will I thrive at HBS?

While many people think that the case study method requires everyone to speak up in front of large groups, that's not the case. Instead, you can still participate even if you’re not so comfortable verbally. Being vocal does not necessarily mean that you have to be thorough with words. It can be through your contribution to the HBS community - by helping in making HBS a stronger community — whether that means ensuring students feel safe in classrooms no matter what background they come from or just making sure incoming students have an opportunity to learn and find the resources they need before applying.

How will I grow if the faculty is unapproachable?

Since HBS professors are exceptionally well-accomplished many students expect them to be unapproachable outside of the classroom. However, this isn’t the case at all. Rather, the faculty members devote a ton of time getting to know students and facilitating their progress through their education. They love being around the students, which is evident by the manner in which they host several virtual lunches and outdoor tea sessions. The HBS professors make sure each student starts at an individual place and works with them as they progress in their unique interests.

That’s going to be a tough interview at HBS!

HBS interviews are unique. They are more like conversations, which allows for an opportunity to talk about one's true interests, hobbies, and passions outside of work. Rather than a resume-based interview, questions asked to applicants during the HBS interview and evaluation process are customarily designed based on what was stated in their essays. There is neither any stock, resume-based questions asked nor there are any typical, generic, or problem-solving exercises involved. The interview, therefore, is focused entirely on the applicant; thus making it an essential point for applicants to give thoughtful consideration.

This interview is all about you and there is nothing you have to be nervous about.

Graduating from a top business school like HBS is not just about landing the right job, but establishing a career that will be rewarding and pleasurable. This school is for everyone, and if you are about to apply here, you are making the right choice. After all, you can have all the credentials in the world but succeeding in your career is where admission to Harvard Business School really counts! We are happy to bust some of the most common myths and misconceptions about Harvard MBA admissions and give you the right tips and techniques to build a compelling MBA application. So, go ahead!

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