Winning Experience of ABG Stratos 2018 Runner-up

Participating in ABG Stratos 2018 itself was a great feeling. It was really a unique moment for us. The competition itself was lucrative in many ways, the gravity of the brand “Aditya Birla Group” and the great incentives in the form of PPIs that were provided to the winners were big enough reasons to get drawn towards the competition. Eventually, I along with other team members decided to participate.
The first round of the competition went fairly well, as it was a business simulation game, where we had to make decisions as the situation demanded, however, the case study, presented to us in the second round kept us engaged throughout. We prepared for a week or two. The toughest phase was towards the end to just complete and submit.
Working with a team was great as it helps you to understand the force of cohesion which will be very necessary when we are a part of the corporate culture. Being a team difference in opinions are bound to arise. Likewise, we had multiple conflicts and we managed it quite well. Though conflicts are seen in poor light but can become a wonderful tool which can help us in analyzing the problem better.
We made it a point to attend all the team meetings and there was an enormous benefit in the form of greater team bonding, clarity of ideas and proper management was achieved. We all were collectively responsible for the work that we had done. We would brainstorm before working on every slide. This helped us to score over others and become a National Finalist team.
There were altogether of 10 teams in the finale. And in my opinion, all were equally good. Every team had presented their unique ideas. This helped us to understand the different perspective of the same case.
The entire competition was executed to perfection and it had been a unique learning experience for all of us. The feedback that we had received from judges was very constructive.
Aditya Birla Group Stratos 2018 had provided us with multiple learnings. The major being on how to put across a concept in a concise manner. And how to convey the idea in the limited number of slides while keeping the time constraint in the mind.
Participating in Aditya Birla Group Stratos 2018 seems to have opened our horizon and has enhanced our learning on multiple fronts.
Each corporate organized competition is unique in its own way. From structure to judging criteria. Read more about Aditya Birla Group's Stratos 2018 and the organizers Aditya Birla Group. Other competitions organized by Aditya Birla Group; Aditya Birla Group’s HeadstaRt
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