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Scholarships that every DU aspirant should seek in 2020

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Scholarships that every DU aspirant should seek in 2020

Aspirants who are willing to take admissions into Delhi University can also apply for the range of scholarships that the University provides to its meritorious students. DU offers a plethora of scholarships, both at the graduate (UG) and post-graduate (PG) levels. This is made to benefit the students coming from different sections, including those aspirants who apply under the category of ‘Persons with Benchmark Disabilities.’ The scholarships help the candidates in assisting them financially as well as granting them certain books. The tables below make it clear for anyone who wants to know further regarding the scholarships for DU aspirants.

Scholarships for undergraduate courses

There are various scholarships for DU aspirants that they can apply to once the application lists are out for the academic year 2020-21. The eligibility criteria for a range of scholarships for undergraduate courses are mentioned below. 

Name of the scholarships

Amount in Book Grant

Eligibility Criteria

Courses Included

Dr. V.K.R.V. Rao Endowment Book-Grant

INR 100 per month

Wards of Delhi University Employees

1st year of 3 year degree course

Sh. Prem Prakash Award

INR 3500

Wards of Delhi University Employees

1st year of 3 year degree course

The Delhi University and College Karamchari Union Book-Grant

INR 250 per month

Wards of Delhi University Employees

3 year Degree course

The Delhi State Co-operative Union Book-Grant

INR 50 per month

Sons/Daughters/Brothers (dependant) of non-commissioned Defence Personal (resident of Delhi)

1st  year in U.G.

Pt. Man Mohan Nath Dhar Book-Grant

INR 100 per month

Deserving and Needy Students

1st year U.G./P.G

Sardar Kartar Singh Grover Memorial Book-Grant

INR 350 per month

Student with the highest marks in the 1st Year with 60% of aggregate marks at leat

2nd Year, extendable to 3rd year of BCA/B.Sc (H) Computer Science

Prof. J.C. Luthra & Smt. Kesra Bai Luthra Book-Grant

INR 100 per month

On the basis of merit and require assistance

Physics & Chemistry

Ganga Sant Book-Grant

INR 175 per month

On the basis of Merit and require assistance

3 year B.A. (H) Sanskrit/Mathematics any other (H) course

Puran Chand Khatri Book-Grant

INR 40 per month

Students from Khatri families

1st year of 3 year degree course

Delhi University Women Association Book-Grant

INR 100 per month

Needy and deserving daughters of Jawans

1st year of 3 year degree course

Smt. Kesra Bai Luthra Book-Grant

INR 100 per month

On the basis of merit and require assistance

1st year B.Sc.(H) Botany, Zoology


Satish Batra Memorial


INR 300 per month

On the basis of merit and require assistance

1st year B.A. (H/P) with Urdu

Dr. S.L. Hora and Smt. V. Hora Endowment Book-Grant

INR 100 per month

On the basis of merit and require assistance

1st year/B.Sc. (H) Zoology

Shri Moti Lal Kaul Aima Memorial Book-Grant

INR 150 per month

Blind Students

1st year of 3years Degree course

Shri Ram Lubhaya Book-Grant

INR 100 per month

Blind Students

1st year of 3years Degree course

Vijender Sharmila Chopra Book-Grant

INR 100 per month

Blind Students

1st year of 3years Degree course

Scholarships for postgraduate courses

Similarly, below are the most prestigious scholarships for postgraduate courses. Students can apply for the same, subject to the eligibility criteria.

Name of the scholarships

Eligibility Criteria

No. Of Scholarships


Amount granted

Delhi University & All India Post –Graduate Scholarship

On the basis of the recommendations of Selection Committee appointed by the Academic Council


2/3 Year PG course

INR 400 per month

His Holiness The Pope Scholarship

On the basis of merit and require assistance


1st year of PG course

INR 150 per month

DU Scholarships 2020: Department-Wise

There are scholarships for not only the UG and PG courses, but the various departments of Delhi University also offer their respective scholarships to the eligible candidates. Here's a list: 

Name of scholarships

Eligibility Criteria

Name of the Department


Amount granted

Hamdard Educational Scholarship in Persian

On the basis of merit and require assistance


1st year M.A.

INR 75 per month

Datia Darbar Endowment Scholarship in Economics

On the basis of merit and require assistance


1st year M.A.

INR 125 per month

Post-Graduate Scholarship in Commerce

On the basis of Special Test conducted for the purpose


1st year M.Com

INR 400 per month

Shri Raghubeer S. Honi Scholarship

EWS students recommended by the concerned Selection Committee


LL.B. (Ist year)

INR 1000 per month

Dr. MINR Shobhana Nayar& Prof. D.P. Nayar Scholarship in Music

Economically weaker candidate with highest marks in Class 12 enrolling in the course


B.A. (H) Music

INR 3500 per year

JLIS Scholarship in B.Lib. Science

Student securing 60% marks at least in the 1st Semester Examination of B.Lib. Sc. Course

Library & Info. Science

B. Lib.

INR 260 per month

Nain Sukh Gauba and Dev Huti Gauba Memorial Scholarship

On the basis of merit and require assistance (Female Student only)


LL.B. (1st  year)

INR 500 per month

Dr. Ram Kishore Memorial Scholarship

On merit-cum-means basis


LL.B. (1st  year)

INR 300 per month

C. Rai Barrister of Sialkot Memorial Scholarship

On merit-cum-means basis

Law I/II


INR 250 per month

Manohar Lal Vacher Scholarship

On the basis of merit and require assistance



INR 450 per month

Datta Memorial Scholarship

Merit Basis (Student of B.A (H) English of Delhi University)


Post Graduate

INR 1500 per month

Professor K.A. Nagvi Memorial Scholarship

On the basis of the recommendation of Scholarships Committee


M.A.Part-I, Economics

INR 300 per month

Shanti Sharma Scholarship

On the basis of the recommendation of Scholarships Committee


M.A. Economics

INR 600 per month

Ms. Kaushal Gupta Scholarship

Economically Weaker Student On the basis of the recommendation of Selection Committee

Computer Science


INR 1500 per month

Prof. Gurbaksh Singh Scholarship

On the basis of academic merit and interview with additional consideration of the financial needs of the students


M.Sc. (Bio. Medical)

INR 6000 per year

Veena Dua Memorial Scholarship

On the basis of merit in the Scholarship Test


M.A. Sociology (Part-I)

INR 1200 per month

Professor Balvir & Ranjana Singh Memorial Scholarship

On the basis of the recommendation of Scholarships Committee


M.A. Economics

INR 400 per month

Balmokand Arsh Malsiani Memorial Scholarship

On the basis of merit


M.A. Urdu

INR 135 per month

The XVI All India University Tamil Teachers Conference Scholarship

On the basis of merit in the qualifying exam


M.A. Tamil

INR 150 per month

Bhagwat Swaroop Aggarwal Memorial Scholarship

On the basis of merit in B.Sc (H) Physics from Delhi University


M.Sc. Physics

INR 125 per month

Shri Bodhiswar Rai Scholarship

On merit-cum-means basis


M.A. Economics

INR 3000 per month

Prof. HC Gaur Scholarship

On merit basis to a student from EWS category


M.Sc./ Ph.D. Bio-Medical Sci.

INR 4000 per year

The 55th Indian Mathematical Society Annual Conference Scholarship

On the basis of merit in B.Sc (H) /B.A (H) Mathematics from Delhi University


M.A./M.Sc. Mathematics

INR 250 per month

Smt. Ramti Devi Goel Memorial Scholarship

On the basis of merit in B.Sc (H) Chemistry from Delhi University


M.Sc. Chem. Part-I

INR 200 per month

Dr. Ram Kishore Memorial Scholarship

On merit-cum-means basis

CLC, Law Centre- I/II


INR 250 per month

Shri Shiv Lal Sawhney Scholarship

On the basis of the recommendation of Selection Committee


M.A. Sociology

INR 20,000 per year

Dr. (Ms.) A Nanda Scholarship

On the basis of the recommendation of Dean, Faculty of Education



INR 8000

Syndicate Bank Golden Jubilee Book Grant

On the basis of merit in B.Com (H) from Delhi University


M.Com. (Pre.)

INR 200 per month

Dr. I.P. Mittal Scholarship

On the basis of merit


M.Sc. Chemistry

INR 32,500 per year

Inder Kohli and Anand Koli Memorial Scholarship

On the basis of merit and recommendation of Selection Committee

Faculty of Technology

B.E. 1st year

INR 100 per month

Manmohan Kishan Kaul Scholarship

On the basis of merit and require assistance

Faculty of Technology

B.E. 1st year

INR 100 per month

Sh. Pradeep Gupta Memorial Scholarship

On merit-cum-means basis


M.A. 1st year

INR 400 per month

Prof. A.N. Ram Scholarship

On the basis of merit and require assistance


M.A. 1st year

INR 750 per month

Smt. Rani Kapoor Memorial Scholarship

On the basis of merit and require assistance

Faculty of Technology

B.E. 1st year

INR 300 per month

Smt. Savitri Agnihotri Scholarship

On the basis of merit and require assistance

Faculty of Technology

B.E. 1st year

INR 100 per month

DU Scholarships 2020: Other Scholarships for UG and PG courses

Name of the scholarship

Eligibility criteria

Number of scholarships


Amount granted

South Campus Endowment Scholarship - Category A

On the basis of merit, Students enrolled in South Campus (including affiliated colleges)


1st Year of M.A/


INR 250 per month

South Campus Endowment Scholarship - Category B

Students enrolled in South Campus (including affiliated colleges) with 60% or more in Part I of M.A/



2nd Year of M.A/


INR 250 per month

South Campus Endowment Scholarship - Category C

Merit-cum-means Basis, Students enrolled in South Campus (including affiliated colleges)

6 (3 - Applied Sciences, 3 -Arts & Social Sciences)

UG/PG - Arts/ Applied Sciences/ Social Sciences

INR 250 per month

Rotary Club of Delhi, Chanakyapuri Scholarships

Merit-cum-means Basis, Students enrolled in South Campus (including affiliated colleges)

3 (1 - Applied Sciences, 1 - Arts, 1 - Social Sciences)

PG - Arts/ Applied Sciences/ Social Sciences

INR 1000 per month

It is to be noted that students who wish to apply for any of the above scholarships will first be required to fill out the application forms, which the University shall soon release on its official website.  Only those students shall be eligible to apply for the scholarships who have secured a place for themselves in the  University admissions. 

To know more about other scholarships, you can also see -

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