Enroll for free online programming courses in these top universities and get certified!
With the introduction of new technologies that are anticipated to increase further in the coming future, programming has become one of the significant areas for growth in 2021. Employers all across sectors look for candidates with programming knowledge.
While knowing how to program can help in landing a job at your dream company, it is also unusually creative, highly loved by digital professionals. Knowledge of programming can help individuals interact in a better manner with the latest technologies and keep up with the current developments in their business.
For newcomers in the industry, taking up an online programming course can help understand the basics of this area and build a foundation. For people who already possess some knowledge of the subject, a supplementary study can enhance employment chances, or provide with time and space for experimentation such as programming a robotic arm or constructing the first chatbot.
The market is flooded with such online programming courses, and it's extremely simple to sweep in the sea of these courses. But if you're hoping to learn how to program for your own purposes, it becomes necessary for you to choose the right option. The best way to find out which courses will be most helpful in achieving your specific goals is by finding the right course for the job.
Universities Offering Free Online Programming Courses
New programming courses are published daily to websites, leaving all students perplexed by one issue - which is the best course to pick. Many universities these days are offering free online programming courses that can be an answer to such queries. We have listed a few of them for your help.
1. Harvard University
Harvard University offers classes to help programmers and other professionals with technical backgrounds continue their technical education. Harvard University offers open online courses to members of the public who have developed a specific type of talent or skill. Their site offers a variety of self-directed learning opportunities, including paid and free online courses and modules related to programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, and React. Below mentioned are some of the online programming courses offered by the university.
CS50's Introduction to Computer Science |
CS50's Web Programming with Python and JavaScript |
CS50's Understanding Technology |
CS50's Computer Science for Business Professionals |
CS50's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python |
CS50's AP® Computer Science Principles |
CS50's Mobile App Development with React Native |
CS50's Computer Science for Lawyers |
Deploying TinyML |
Applications of TinyML |
CS50's Introduction to Game Development |
Using Python for Research |
Fundamentals of TinyML |
Quantitative Methods for Biology |
2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
There are a number of online courses offered by different universities. MIT happens to be one of the top universities in the US offering online programming courses, and they happen to be free! Among other things, you can get acquainted with computer science fundamentals, choose to learn about programming for 3D animation or Java, or get an introduction to becoming a game programmer. These are all free online classes you can audit without having to worry about paying anything upfront. But if you want to receive official accreditation of your studies then you'll need to pay for that service. Choose from one of the courses mentioned below and get certified by MIT.
Mobile Application Experiences |
Advanced Software Construction in Java |
Machine Learning with Python: from Linear Models to Deep Learning |
Hacker Tools |
Software Construction in Java |
Mobile Application Experiences Part 1: From a Domain to an App Idea |
Computational Thinking for Modeling and Simulation |
Computation Structures 2: Computer Architecture |
Mobile Application Experiences Part 3: Building Mobile Apps |
6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning |
Also Read: Explained: What is Coding? Know the Code behind it!
3. University of Michigan
The University of Michigan provides students and professionals with a range of educational tools. You may take a large selection of particular courses to enhance your grasp of different topics to get fully online degrees. Below mentioned are a few courses offered by the university over various online platforms.
Introduction to HTML5 |
Internet History, Technology, and Security |
Introduction to CSS3 |
Building Database Applications in PHP |
Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL) |
Building Web Applications in Django |
JSON and Natural Language Processing in PostgreSQL |
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Explained |
Django Features and Libraries |
Database Architecture, Scale, and NoSQL with Elasticsearch |
Database Design and Basic SQL in PostgreSQL |
Web Application Technologies and Django |
Using JavaScript, jQuery, and JSON in Django |
Intermediate PostgreSQL |
Web Application Technologies and Django |
JavaScript, jQuery, and JSON |
Using JavaScript, JQuery, and JSON in Django |
Using Databases with Python |
Interactivity with JavaScript |
Advanced Styling with Responsive Design |
Building Web Applications in PHP |
Intro to AR/VR/MR/XR: Technologies, Applications & Issues |
Django Features and Libraries |
Developing AR/VR/MR/XR Apps with WebXR, Unity & Unreal |
4. University of Illinois
The University of Illinois, a leader in innovative distance and online education, provides all students from around the world with numerous opportunities for humanities education within a variety of online courses. It is dedicated to making the world a better place by helping students acquire skills that give them an edge in today's rapidly changing job market. The University offers an assorted variety of online degree programs, endorsements, and certificates for students around the world to take through their Virtual Campus. The University offers 75+ online degree, certificate, and endorsement programs as well as 800+ online courses over its Virtual Campus that translates into real-world skill development and credentials to help individuals create a successful future for themselves. Some of the courses have been mentioned below.
Cloud Computing Concepts, Part 1 |
Text Retrieval and Search Engines |
Cloud Computing Applications, Part 1: Cloud Systems and Infrastructure |
Cloud Computing Concepts: Part 2 |
Cloud Networking |
Object-Oriented Data Structures in C++ |
Machine Learning for Accounting with Python |
Data Analytics Foundations for Accountancy II |
Ordered Data Structures |
Unordered Data Structures |
“Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you just want to pursue a career in the 21st century, basic computer programming is an essential skill to learn.” – Stephen Hawking
The benefits of learning programming skills extend beyond improving your technical expertise for more personal and professional fulfillment. If you consistently continue to enhance your programming skills, then it will lead you to develop professionally and personally. Furthermore, coding can be beneficial to add on one's resume in various ways. Learning a foreign language is an example of how learning another skill could benefit you both in person and professionally by helping one demonstrate commitment to bettering their communication skills not just with languages but in many other ways.
Even if you are already employed, learning how to code can be an excellent way to enjoy yourself and meet new people who share the same passion for coding regardless of age or background. The benefits of learning programming are not limited to improving your technical skills but includes personal growth.
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