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Why and how to choose an online course?

D2C Admin
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Why and how to choose an online course?
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The society is observing a new shift, something happening at a lightning-fast scale but this tectonic shift should no more be bizarre for the gatekeepers of knowledge. The coronavirus pandemic with all its forces and measures is compelling global experimentation with online and remote learning. Well, in a world, where online learning goes next, we are here talking about a more important aspect of it: why and how to choose an online course?

Technology is shaking things up, it is transforming the way society functions. Jobs and skills are taking a new turn much faster than organizations or people can adapt. And to beat the clock, students, professionals, businessmen, and breadwinners are trying their best to update their skills by embracing online learning. The market is coming up with flexible and affordable technology-powered formats, personalizing the online learning for millions out there.

Let’s talk numbers

Do you know that according to a recent report by Research and Markets, the global online education market is projected to witness a CAGR of 9.23% during the period of 2020-2025? Yes! You read it right. It is a booming market and is inclined to reach a total market size of USD 319.167 billion by 2025, increasing from USD 187.877 billion in 2019. 

But why you should go for online courses or learning? Well, as per the Coursera’s Global Skill Index 2020, which is based on sagacious research of 65 million learners on the Coursera platform, including 15 million new learners who have joined since March 2020, India is at 34th position in the Business domain, at 40th position in the Technology domain, and our workforce is expected to increase by 27% to 600 million by 2022, thus becoming the global talent hub for developing technology.

To make it easier for you to comprehend both the facts, it simply means that in the coming years’ people will start embracing online learning in its many forms, and the competition for skilled professionals will soar high. And if you have read this far it’s not because of the words, but because you somewhere understand the importance of online courses in the prevailing scenario. This brings us to the next topic of how to choose an online course.

Do’s and Dont’s: How to choose an online course?

The speed at which students are turning to online courses is mind-boggling. If you are among those eager-beavers who are doing their every bit to match the speed at which online education is evolving, we strongly suggest to hang on! 

What do you think about the courses that you are pursuing? Are they relevant to your skill, to the future market-trends or are you just following your peer’s footsteps? With so many options out there, how do you know which one is right for you? Let’s take a look at the checklist of do’s and dont’s of choosing an online course.

Accreditation and reputation

Is the university offering the course accredited? What is the reputation of the university? How established is the course or the program? These are some of the questions that top the checklist of how to choose an online course. Look at the bigger picture when selecting an online course, because brand recognition is a driving force of attaining a meaningful skill. 

Curriculum quality

Think this way, there is a new course that is not much in demand and is offered by an unknown institution that has no track record with other similar online courses. What would you do? Most probably you may want to consider alternatives. So, it is not just about adding one more course or certification to your resume, the quality of the curriculum is the core of a successful online learning experience. Do not settle for anything less.

Topic and trends

Utilize all your sense when selecting a topic from a pool of options. Prepare a list of topics you want to master that can help you down the lane. Now examine your list in accordance with the market trends, assess what you actually need to excel. One can also look for nontraditional and highly valuable topics, such as Data Science, Robotics, or 3D printing, but only if it interests you. The point is, do not spend a huge chunk of your time, efforts, and money into that one course that does not fit into your big picture. In short, do not blindly follow the crowd.

Cost and certification

In the race of adding more feathers in your cap, do not burn a hole in your pocket. Look out for free online courses, there is no dearth of it! They even provide certificates with a minimal cost depending on the provider, and whether or not you want to be emailed a digital copy for printing. In fact, there are some online courses that offer free certificates, but you need to be on your toes to register for such courses before the deadline. To know about these courses, look out for the links mentioned at the end of the article.

Perks and flexibility

Online learning is not as straightforward as the traditional mode. When choosing an online course one has to explicitly look for the technology used, the clarity of the voice, the tone of the tutor, video quality, and other things on the same line. Certain courses also provide demo videos, which should not be missed while picking an online course. See if the provider gives you the flexibility to access the modules as per your needs and if the span of the course and its timings can be synced with your schedule or not. The idea behind this is to stay away from academic burnout.

Here is an end to the list and we hope by now you know how to choose an online course. All in all, in this multitude of available courses, look out for a self-paced course, with comprehensive content providing all the fundamental skills that are needed to succeed. 

Next, here is the list of best online courses that you must not miss:

Edited by
D2C Admin

Data Science and Machine Learning machine learning Marketing production Supply Chain IIT IIM Coronavirus and COVID-19 MBA MBA Aspirant MBA Aspirants Engineering Arts and Science


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