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Don't just manage your time own it with Pomodoro Technique

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Don't just manage your time own it with Pomodoro Technique

Since the lockdown has begun we all have plenty of time and still not enough of it. Days are blending into the nights, any semblance of a routine is out the window and the added burden of uncertainty. All this is a recipe that leads to a dish whose whereabouts are absolutely haywire. This might not be the right time to bring up the numerous online courses that you have signed up for but "cannot find the time" to finish, the DIY projects that are calling out your name, the books with bookmarks jutting out of them. The list can be endless or maybe we could make it end! How to manage your time is a question that baffles most of us. Baffles because we know the answers but somehow lack the motivation to follow it. 

Start with managing the next 5 minutes of your time. Dedicate your time to reading this article, a mere 5 minutes and take things from there.

The beginning of the end of the endless list of to-dos!

Say hello to the Pomodoro Technique. It's creator Francesco Cirillo christened this brilliant time management system as the Pomodoro Technique over his kitchen timer which was in the shape of a Pomodoro aka a tomato! The technique in itself is just as simple and benign as the meaning of its name. 

The methodology it works on is that when there is a huge task or a series of tasks, break it into short time intervals, called Pomodoros, and ensure to have short time breaks in between. This simple technique works because it trains the brain to stay focused for a predetermined time period and over time it also increases concentration.

This magic potion from the 1980's helps you to work with time and manage your time better, as opposed to always racing against the clock. This technique prevents you from frantically reaching out for your phone to check the o'clock and set off in a panic spree as you have realised that you are yet again staring a deadline in the eye. Never again! 

Make the Pomodoro technique actionable

  1.   Select a task to be completed
  2.   Keep the Pomodoro timer set to 25 minutes
  3.   Begin working on the task till the timer goes off and tick mark on a sheet of paper
  4.   Have a short break of 5 minutes
  5.   Repeat the above steps 3 more times, followed with a 15 minutes break

It is to be noted that the 25 minutes that you work on your task should have your laser-focused attention, with no multitasking, phone calls, or any other distraction. The Pomodoro Technique doesn’t promise to be easy in the beginning but repeating the process several times over will gradually show improvement in your ability to getting things done. 

Manage your time well! 

We have shared the secret that has been closely guarded for years now. In the wrong hands it can lead to devastating repercussions like anxiety, haphazardness and laziness that even the brightest Pomodoro cannot break. But in the right hands, it turns into a life-altering tool that will help you scale unimaginable heights simply because you are getting more done. 

The time has come

If you are a B-School student who is looking forward to final placement, a fresher eager to start a new phase of your life, an engineering student who cannot tinker in the lab anymore, or a literature student who needs the familiar smell of a classic first edition, we understand that right now it's not easy for you. take cognizance of 2 things, even the darkest hour is 60 minutes long and the tried and tested Pomodoro Technique. 

The world is your oyster! Get your ducks in order and get ready to slay! 

Well done at managing the 5 minutes. Now the next step to manage the next 25 minutes to explore these reads that will further your cause:

Edited by
D2C Admin

MBA Arts and Science Engineering


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