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DRDO Recruitment 2023: 248 Openings For B.E/B.Tech/M.Sc/M.Tech; Monthly Salary INR 1 Lakh

Defence Research and Development Organisation, Recruitment Assessment Centre (DRDO RAC) invites online applications from graduate engineers and post graduates in science including students who are appearing or have appeared in their final year examination.
DRDO, India’s premier Defense R&D organization employs bright, qualified and competent scientists in Group ‘A’ (Gazetted) technical services. It offers exciting and challenging career opportunities in a broad spectrum of technologies at its laboratories/establishments located across the country.
DRDO RAC Scientist `B`Recruitment 2023
The recruitment is for the posts of scientist `B’ in DRDO, Department of Science and Technology (DST) and Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), and College of Military Engineering (CME).
DRDO RAC Scientist `B`Recruitment 2023: Key Highlights
Post |
Vacancy |
Eligibility Criteria |
Monthly Salary |
Scientist `B’ DRDO |
181 |
B.E/B.Tech & M.Sc with a valid GATE score |
INR 1,00,000 inclusive of all allowances |
Scientist `B’ ADA |
06 |
Scientist `B’ DST |
11 |
Scientist `B’ CME |
06 |
DRDO RAC Scientist `B`Recruitment 2023: Revised Age Limit
Eligible candidates are advised to go through DRDO RAC revised upper age limit which was updated from the previous official advertisement:
Category |
UR |
35 |
33 |
35 |
35 |
38 |
33 |
38 |
38 |
SC/ ST |
40 |
35 |
40 |
40 |
The final selection of the candidates will be purely on the basis of discipline wise category wise merit of aggregate of 80% weightage of marks of GATE score and 20% weightage of marks in Personal Interview.
The last date for submission of online application for DRDO RAC Scientist `B` recruitment must be on or before 31 August 2023.
You are advised to carefully read the official notification of DRDO RAC Scientist `B` recruitment 2023. Click here to read the official notification- DRDO RAC Scientist `B` Recruitment PDF 2023.
After you have read the official notification, your registration and online application can be submitted by clicking here- DRDO RAC Scientist `B` recruitment 2023 Online Application.
DRDO JRF Recruitment 2023 (DEBEL)
Defense Research & Development Organisation, Defense Bioengineering and Electromedical Laboratory (DRDO, DEBEL) engaged in research and development work in Life Support Systems, Biomedical devices, Environmental Protection Systems and Aircrew Protective Systems.
DRDO DEBEL invites applications from young and meritorious Indian nationals with requisite qualifications, who desire to pursue defense-related research as Junior Research Fellows. Selection will be made on the basis of screening and interview.
DRDO JRF Recruitment 2023 (DEBEL): Key Highlights
Post |
Vacancy |
Eligibility Criteria |
Upper Age Limit |
Monthly Stipend |
04 |
28 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications. |
INR 31,000 plus HRA as admissible under the rules |
The upper age limit shall be relaxable to the candidates belonging to SC, ST and OBC as per government of India norms.
The closing date of receipt of online application is August 31, 2023.
Eligible candidates are advised to read carefully the official notification by clicking here- DRDO DEBEL Official Notification PDF.
Eligible candidates must email the valid online application form to
DRDO JRF Recruitment 2023 (NPOL)
Defense Research & Development Organisation, Naval Physical & Oceanographic Laboratory ( DRDO, NPOL) invites Junior Research Fellowships at its Laboratory for candidates possessing requisite qualifications, in the subject/disciplines.
DRDO JRF Recruitment 2023 (NPOL): Key Highlights
Post |
Vacancy |
Eligibility Criteria |
Upper Age Limit |
Monthly Stipend |
04 |
28 years as on the date of walk-in interview for JRF |
INR 31,000 plus HRA as admissible under the rules |
The upper age limit shall be relaxable to the candidates belonging to SC, ST and OBC as per government of India norms.
The date of walk-in interview for the DRDO NPOL is September 09, 2023.
Eligible candidates are advised to read carefully the official notification by clicking here- DRDO NPOL Official Notification.
Prospective candidates for the walk-in interview may e-mail their one-page bio-data to for making necessary administrative arrangements.
All the best applicants!
Suggested reads:
- DRDO Apprenticeship 2023 For B.E/B.Tech/Diploma; INR 9,000 PM Stipend
- JRF Recruitment At DRDO, CIAB & NABI For BE/B.Tech/M.Sc/ME/M.Tech Students
- DRDO (NSTL) Apprenticeship Recruitment 2023: 51 Posts For Engineers
- DRDO (LRDE) Recruitment 2023: Applications Open For Jr Research Fellowship For Engineers
- DRDO Recruitment 2023 (ARDE): 75 Apprentice Vacancies For Engineers